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Old 04-23-2004, 05:51 AM   #1
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Default New rules in F1 ... for 2008

Max Mosley wants to introduce new rules in F1 for 2008. The changes would be :
- reduce the engine capacity to 2.4 liters and an engine would have a two races duration. They would be V8.
- forbid all electronic aids, traction control etc ..
- return to manual gearbox
- Only one tyre manufacturer and no tyre changes during the race (but refuelling stay)

He also suggest that 4 cars per manufacturer could score points. By this way he wants that manufacturers provide engines to the small teams as he would like 24 cars on the grid.

Not bad suggestions except the tyre regulation
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Old 04-23-2004, 05:55 AM   #2
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2.4??....they better let the team turbo charge it then....

manual gearbox ??
one tyre manufacturer ??

I really think Mosley is trying too hard to slow F1 down
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Old 04-23-2004, 06:00 AM   #3
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I think he's pushing too far to get half what he propose
That's his favorite tactic and there is a meeting between the teams on the 4 of may
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Old 04-23-2004, 06:02 AM   #4
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More details can be found here


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Old 04-23-2004, 06:03 AM   #5
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Sorry guys,

double post ops:
Removed the text as I don't want to repeat myself :roll:

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Old 04-23-2004, 06:08 AM   #6
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thats guy is getting old. he needs to be replaced asap

going to V8 is a no no and the tyre regualtions is absurd. its better to have more variables to determine a race result. if everyone is on same tyres then thats one variable taken away
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Old 04-23-2004, 06:44 AM   #7
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-reduce the engine capacity to 2.4 liters and an engine would have a two races duration. They would be V8.
I dont understand the point of this rule. There would still be teams with different hp output, and it will mainly come down to how much money a team has available. So "smaller" teams will still have a disadvantage! Unless there is a rule that allows "non manufacturer" teams to purchase the same engines for a set fee (1 million per enfgine)! BTW the problem of Formula one is not the engine output, it is the amount of traction that makes the cars so dangerous. BTW a V8, I mean come on, Formula 1 should be exotic. Hell if they reduce the engine capacity, they still should leave them 10 cylinders, or 12. OR even make it something ludacrous like 2.4 litres 16 cylinders

- forbid all electronic aids, traction control etc ..
OK sounds good

- return to manual gearbox
Ok but lets still have them clutch free...

- Only one tyre manufacturer and no tyre changes during the race (but refuelling stay)
I think the one tire company rule, is a good one. Tires are so important and it is beyond a teams control, how good a tire is. So I think it is fair to limit Formula 1 to 1 tire manufacturer. However I think it is absolutely stupid not to allow tire changes. Thats the most exciting part about pitstops, seeing a mechanic screw up...
I am think they should even reduce the pit crew, so that they can only work on 2 tires at a time. So that way the pit stops are even longer, and more crucial.
Finally, they should reduce the tire size by 50%. That ought tor eally reduce grip, and make the cars much more challening to drive

The only thing that they have not considered is the aerodynamics. As far as I know this is the real expensive part about formula 1. Spending time in the wind tunnel and developing a car... They should do something about that, imo.

Now my question is why 2008!!!?! Formula 1 is boring today, and the mere thought that they will take that long to change it... Good grief..... I mean, I know they cannot change it the rules for this season, and the next (cause they already started to invest/plan for next season). But why cant we have the changes for 2006. Formula 1 has its problems now. By 2008 I will have lost all intrest
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Old 04-23-2004, 08:44 AM   #8
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The proposed changes are a step back in time.
More than 30 years ago, when Max Mosley, Bernie Ecclestone and Frank Williams were scraping for money to get their F1 cars on the starting grid, mr Mosley was one of the co-founders of March.
In those days an off the shelf F1 car concept which enabled privateers to buy a competative F1 car and to participate in F1 Grand Prix races. In time the March cars, like the Dinosaurs disappeared.
No need to re-introduce this failed concept once more, if you ask me :fadein:

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Old 04-23-2004, 09:23 AM   #9
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I agree, The cars in F1 may be too fast but it is F1...people love it because there are no regulations that ties their hands together, if people wanted to see races with regulations such as these they would go watch nascar
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Old 04-23-2004, 11:18 AM   #10
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Those new rules are ridiculous, how are we suppose to be at the pinnacle of automotive technology if you keep restricting everything. Although I think if they do enforce these rules, teams will be as fast as they are now by then.
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Old 04-23-2004, 11:33 AM   #11
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they should allow EVERYTHING in F-1! turbo, active suspension, 6-wheels cars...

it would be funny...

dont mind what they do to save the F-1, just save it... it is too boring nowadays
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Old 04-23-2004, 12:53 PM   #12
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These rules are crap! Of course keep in mind that they're still four years out, and in F1, where radical rules changes occur overnight, these rules will change, and it is more than likely that only a few of the rules will actually make it into the 2008 season. And that these announced rules were more of a 'shake-up' to get everyones attention.

Engine Capacity: doesn't really matter to me, as someone mentioned before the V10 is definatly more exotic than a V8. Nevertheless the V8 could see more real-world trickle down to road cars. Not a bad rule, but I'd still rather have a V10 or V12.

Forbid all Driver Aids: I have some isses with this one, as driver aids help with the safety of the cars. But I understand that in removing the aids, they can exhibit the driver's skills better.

Return to Manual Gearbox: This one is terrible, probably the worst rule out there. while I don't mind the manual semi-automatic gear changes that are happening this year, reverting to a traditional manual gearbox/clutch is a major step backwards. Having to reach down and manually shift gears would also decrease the safey because the drivers have to take one hand off of the wheel and shift gears. Moreover this goes compleately against my technical love of F1, what is so special about a manual gear change? Nothing, at least in the 40ms semi-automatic gear changes there is a little bit of a technical wow factor.

One Tyre mfr, one set per race: This is probably second worst rule out there. Competition breeds innovation and increases performance, if Michelin was never in the picture do you think that Bridgestone would have improved their dry tyres to the level they have achieved this season? On the same note with one tyre mfr, there may be more of a limit of providing certain tyres for certain teams, bridgestone already came out and said that they're designing their tyres for ferrari, and that was back in 2001 (IIRC) when Bridgestone was supplying the majority of the grid.

So with these new rules we are going to get slower cars, without driver aids, which happen to be just as safe if not more dangerous as the faster cars of today that have the driver aids.

On another note whith all of the changes being made, how will this effect the rest of the formulae? It seems that the performance of the cars will be brought down to much lower levels to the point where a F3000 driver would wonder why he would want to graduate to F1 where the cars are slower and less advanced?

I think the bottom line is like the mix of technology in F1, and while I like F1 to be on the cutting edge, I realize that there has to be some middle ground between the two in order to exhibit a driver's skill. But what these rules seem to me is basically moving F1 to the technical levels of CART.

Next thing ya know Max and Bernie will be saying they want to start racing on Ovals.
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Old 04-23-2004, 01:30 PM   #13
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Max mosley is crazy...next he'll want all cars to be replaced by go-karts. Sounds like he wants to make a comeback to racing...
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Old 04-23-2004, 01:53 PM   #14
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i cannot understand the need to make formula 1 cars go with lower speeds...i really cannot...i mean the drivers dont think that F1cars should be slower in the last few years there wasn't any fatal accident but there were accident's...
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Old 04-23-2004, 02:12 PM   #15
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The rules sucks, FIA should change the rule to improve mechanical grip and increase drag on aero such that it will slow the car down and create more grip under braking = more passing.
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