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Old 05-08-2008, 03:24 AM   #1
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Default Propper Facts About The New Gtr

Nissan GT-R V-Spec lap times stun observers

The prototype Nissan GT-R V-Spec, wearing the "Victory Specification" designation reserved for the ultra high-performance Nissan GT-R, has been caught lapping the famed Nürburgring at an incredible, if not simply unbelievable, 7:25 per lap. This, according to bystanders trackside. (For comparison, Walter Röhrl lapped the Ring in 7:28 while driving a Porsche Carrera GT in 2004.)
In contrast to the standard Nissan GT-R, that made the run around the 'Ring in 7:38, the GT-R V-Spec has a new front splitter, modified rear spoiler, and different wheels. A more extensive use of carbon fiber has reportedly reduced the weight by upwards of 330 pounds. Of course, Nissan engineers also tweaked the twin-turbo powerplant for another 70 horses... or so.

Now to Clarify this in simple Terms. The post the other guy made was wrong.. WRONG car WRONG times WRONG everything WRONG WRONG WRONG!

The car that did do the 7:28 what ever time is a GTR VSPEC with Obviously ALOT more power (re read the top of the post)

anyways i hope this clears it up for you ladies

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Old 05-08-2008, 05:24 AM   #2
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Nice post, Pok.
I know of a few cars that theoretically could run 7:10 if they lost 330pounds and had their power boosted by 20% or so. I'd also love to know what "different wheels" mean? Are they putting spinners on the playstation now?

No doubt the GT-R is impressive. ..But running on par with the CGT in STOCK form - overweighted and underpowered as a competitor, can be nothing but mythical storytelling
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Old 05-08-2008, 10:43 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by styla21 View Post
I'd also love to know what "different wheels" mean
prob a derivative of the wheels the gt500 car is running, except with more wheel nuts.

nice post pok..but when you think of it, the GT-R is STILL down on power AND weight, but still manages to beat the Carrera GT driven by Rohrl
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Old 05-08-2008, 12:12 PM   #4
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May 8, 2008 5:58:03 AM
Why does everyone have their head up their A$$'s. Of course the Nissan got 7:29. In every picture of the GT-R online, they show the GT-R with a fully functional interior at the Ring's track!!!!! Also all you need to do is Youtube the GT-R vs. the turbo 911 and see that the GT-R beats the 911 everytime by 2 seconds on a 1 minute track. These tests were not conducted by Nissan. Just a Nissan Driver. This means that on a 7-8 minute track the GT-R, theoretically, will beat the 911 in best case senario by 14-16 seconds. The 911 does the lap in 7:40. So the GT-R beating it by 11 seconds becomes very believable!!!!!! I dont know where you people get off with your BS comments when you dont know the facts!! It has short gear ratios and really fast shifting transmission, which means you have instant shifting and you are always in a high reving band in and out of corners which gets you in and out of corners faster than the rest!!!! Plus Nissan always gives a HP rating on the GT-R's lower than actual. The last skyline GT-R stated 278-like to 290 (i forget the number), but when they put it on a dyno it was like 330 stock to wheels!!!! This car is no different. People have ran it on a dyno and they got consistant numbers of a little over 500hp. If you do your homework and not just talk you will see this also. Talk is cheap and Nissan has performed rather than talk. The reason why it is heavy is because of the AWD system it has which will help you with tight corners while the transmission utalized the engin's sweet spot to get you out of the corners. If anything I would expect someone else to get a better time on the Ring because Nissan got 3.5 0-60 and Motor Trend journalists got 3.2!!! Don't even try to say that the journalist's car had more power than the actual car because edmunds tested a customers car and got 3.3!!!
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May 8, 2008 6:02:02 AM
Yea stock GT-R can get a 7:29 on the 'Ring, and i swear pigs fly outta my butt. I dont know where you get off being disrespectful but its aigght i whipe my a$$ with your opinion. I SAID the GT-R did get 7:29 but it wasnt stock. Last point, just because the GT-R got 2 secs faster on one circuit doesnt mean its gonna be faster on every track. YOU do your homework and watch some real racing, rule # 1, different cars are faster on different tracks depending on corner types, straight away lengths, elevation changes, road texture/grip changes. Dont talk about things you clearly dont know about and dont underestimate the 911Turbo. Get some manners. Report Abuse

May 8, 2008 7:10:33 AM
Also the 911 got a head start on a 1 min track and the Gt-R still beat it on the first lap and extended the lead the second lap. Also refering to different tracks. The GT-R will do better on whatever turn because the computer setup. So far I havent seen the 911 beat the nissan at all in any test so a claim of beating it by 11 seconds on a long 10 mile is not too far off as you say. Report Abuse

May 8, 2008 6:41:49 AM
I didn't know pigs flew out of your butt thats interesting. The GT-R beat it on every track so far and will beat it on every track because of the short gear ratios. The only time (THE ONLY TIME!!!!) the 911 will start to beat the GT-R is after 150 mph the 911 will start to gain on it because the GT-R has short geat ratios. The GT-R will get out of corners EVERY TIME faster than the 911 and will accelerate faster on the rest of the track than the 911. Only when a track has parts that are over 150mph sections, the 911 will be able to go faster briefly and only briefly espically since the GT-R has a low drag ratio and 150+ does not last long. I dont care what u wipe your A$$ with, but i take offense to some one who says things that are not justifyed. You have lost respect and any credability because you make statements that are not justified. You cant be that arrogant and believe 100% that it is a boosted car. There is solid evidence in front of you that this car can do it. People have bought this car already in Japan and this car does better than stated. The GT-R is focused on technology and has a computer system that lets the driver get it perfect all the time. Drivers have always stated that they even try to get the GT-R to get it out of control but the cars computer has been getting this car out of mistakes since before 1995 and this car is only getting better. If this car had gear ratios that were the same as the porsche I might believe you, but it doesent. The viper is slower than this car 0-60!!!! Gear Ratios!!!!!! If the viper had the sylines transmission it would be faster.
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