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Old 06-26-2007, 01:50 PM   #1
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Default EU considers ban of supercars

European politicians will be debating whether or not to ban high-powered sports cars from Europe as part of a goal to reduce carbon-dioxide emissions. Members of the EU will meet in Brussels on Tuesday to decide the fate of performance cars in the region, however, Germany won’t be affected by any decision.

Of major concern are some of the quotes coming from politicians, such as these gems from the man who drafted the report on how to reduce vehicle greenhouse gas emissions, British Liberal Democrat Chris Davies. Selling “boys’ toys” that exceed the 130km/h speed limit was “nonsense” and “it’s political and environmental lunacy. People cannot drive at these speeds legally. It is just boys’ toys.”

Under the proposals, Davies, wants to ban any car that travel 25% above the usual EU speed limit of 130km/h by 2013, with the exception of emergency vehicles.

Thankfully, a large contingent of the voters are German - 99 out of 785 in total according to the Financial Times - and the consensus there is that the proposal is ridiculous and would cut emissions by one percent at the most.
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Old 06-26-2007, 02:26 PM   #2
Bizi Jones
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haha...25% over 130 is ~160...so in other words he wants to ban every single car bar the Smart... :roll:
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Old 06-26-2007, 03:53 PM   #3
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Wrong section!! This should be in the jokes section!!

I think they're forgetting something called freedom 8)
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Old 06-26-2007, 05:14 PM   #4
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hmmm, its a bit odd that they would even bother to target super cars considering that they make up only a small fraction of total auto sales throughout Europe and removing them from the market wouldnt make any difference at all in air quality.

I have a much better idea: In the interest of cutting down on air polution every EU politican should be required to take public transportation to all meetings within 200 miles of thier main offices. Limo's or armored Mercs should be completely banned as they are very heavy and contribute to air polution disproportionately when compared to thier non-armored and non-stretched brethren. For any meeting between 200-500 miles they should be required to fill out a request form to rent out a 1990 Honda Civic. In order to even qualify to rent out the Honda Civic they must be carpooling with no fewer then 4 other politicians....making the total vehicle occupancy 5 persons....A special seat belt will be installed in the middle to ensure that the 5th politician is properly belted in of course.

In addition, the Honda Civic must be outfitted with a special GPS device that monitors thier speed/location at all times to ensure that they break no speeding laws during thier journey and that they travel at the most economical RPM for that engine at least 50% of the time. For every minute they travel outside this range, such as when accelerating from a light or to avoid an accident, they will be charged 5 dollars. That 5 dollars will then go into a fund to help poor children get a college education. Additionally, for every 5 seconds of speeding they will be charged a seperate fine and rack up points in thier license making it possible to lose thier license for 10 years or more after 45 seconds of speeding.

In addition, each politician will be fined $10 for every pound he or she is over the predetermined ideal body weight for thier height as this contributed to poor fuel economy and air polution. That $10 will go into a fund for thier gym membership which they will be required to attend daily until they reach thier ideal body weight.

Finally, they will be required to pack a lunch for all trips because stopping at a petrol station wastes gas. For every stop they will be fined $500 which will go towards cancer research.

Nah, nevermind.....I got more: The buildings in which these EU politicians meet must not be air conditoned as air conditioning is one of the most energy intensive and wastefull of all human practices. Therefore, these concerned politicans should do thier part to save air quality and just sweat it out.

For any meeting requiring a flight each EU politican will be required to fill out a form stating the purpose of thier flight and what they intend to accomplish when they get to thier destination. Each of these papers will then be made available to the public on the internet where they will, presumably, be read. Then, ounce the trip is over, the public can E-vote on wether or not the politician should be forced to pay out of his/her own pocket for the trip. Presumably, this vote will be based on wether or not the poitican actually accomplished anything.....but thats entirely up to the voting public. The politicians should have the option, if he or she wishes not to pay out of pocket, to do community service type activities to work off thier waste debt. The ratio will be 1 hour community service for every dollar deemed wasted by the general public. Community service will include such activities as cleaning up trash on the side of the road, helping out at local hospitals, etc......

Nah what am I thinking. Every politician ,as part of thier service to the nation (which is, of course, why they became polticians in the first place), should be required to do 800 hours of environmental cleanup detail per year of actual service...........

THAT, ladies and gentlemen, would do a hella lot more then banning all super cars!!!

Oh yeah, and cant forget this one: Every government building in the EU where politicans spend a significant amount of time should switch to the new water free (and very smelly) urinals that are now found at universities in the US in an affort to cut back on water usage.
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Old 06-26-2007, 05:42 PM   #5
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Our hobby is under attack. This is just the opening barrage. There will be more. I see new taxes as the next shot.
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Old 06-27-2007, 03:28 AM   #6
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It's total fucking loonacy, and why can't we just ban this BMW dolt as he's off his rocker
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Old 06-27-2007, 11:31 AM   #7
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The overzealous politicians who came up with this idea can go fuck themselves. :fist: :fist: :fist:

Originally Posted by obdr
hmmm, its a bit odd that they would even bother to target super cars considering that they make up only a small fraction of total auto sales throughout Europe and removing them from the market wouldnt make any difference at all in air quality.

I have a much better idea: In the interest of cutting down on air polution every EU politican should be required to take public transportation to all meetings within 200 miles of thier main offices. Limo's or armored Mercs should be completely banned as they are very heavy and contribute to air polution disproportionately when compared to thier non-armored and non-stretched brethren. For any meeting between 200-500 miles they should be required to fill out a request form to rent out a 1990 Honda Civic. In order to even qualify to rent out the Honda Civic they must be carpooling with no fewer then 4 other politicians....making the total vehicle occupancy 5 persons....A special seat belt will be installed in the middle to ensure that the 5th politician is properly belted in of course.

In addition, the Honda Civic must be outfitted with a special GPS device that monitors thier speed/location at all times to ensure that they break no speeding laws during thier journey and that they travel at the most economical RPM for that engine at least 50% of the time. For every minute they travel outside this range, such as when accelerating from a light or to avoid an accident, they will be charged 5 dollars. That 5 dollars will then go into a fund to help poor children get a college education. Additionally, for every 5 seconds of speeding they will be charged a seperate fine and rack up points in thier license making it possible to lose thier license for 10 years or more after 45 seconds of speeding.

In addition, each politician will be fined $10 for every pound he or she is over the predetermined ideal body weight for thier height as this contributed to poor fuel economy and air polution. That $10 will go into a fund for thier gym membership which they will be required to attend daily until they reach thier ideal body weight.

Finally, they will be required to pack a lunch for all trips because stopping at a petrol station wastes gas. For every stop they will be fined $500 which will go towards cancer research.

Nah, nevermind.....I got more: The buildings in which these EU politicians meet must not be air conditoned as air conditioning is one of the most energy intensive and wastefull of all human practices. Therefore, these concerned politicans should do thier part to save air quality and just sweat it out.

For any meeting requiring a flight each EU politican will be required to fill out a form stating the purpose of thier flight and what they intend to accomplish when they get to thier destination. Each of these papers will then be made available to the public on the internet where they will, presumably, be read. Then, ounce the trip is over, the public can E-vote on wether or not the politician should be forced to pay out of his/her own pocket for the trip. Presumably, this vote will be based on wether or not the poitican actually accomplished anything.....but thats entirely up to the voting public. The politicians should have the option, if he or she wishes not to pay out of pocket, to do community service type activities to work off thier waste debt. The ratio will be 1 hour community service for every dollar deemed wasted by the general public. Community service will include such activities as cleaning up trash on the side of the road, helping out at local hospitals, etc......

Nah what am I thinking. Every politician ,as part of thier service to the nation (which is, of course, why they became polticians in the first place), should be required to do 800 hours of environmental cleanup detail per year of actual service...........

THAT, ladies and gentlemen, would do a hella lot more then banning all super cars!!!

Oh yeah, and cant forget this one: Every government building in the EU where politicans spend a significant amount of time should switch to the new water free (and very smelly) urinals that are now found at universities in the US in an affort to cut back on water usage.

1992 Toyota Celica GT 5spd, intake.
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Old 06-27-2007, 11:37 AM   #8
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The eu is utter bullshit.
And this sounds to me a bit to much like the nwo.
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Old 07-05-2007, 10:11 PM   #9
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Supercars are so rare that they would contribute little to pollution. I agree Dani, the old cars with poor emissions controls are the problem. There are plenty of cars on the roads here which belch out a carbon monoxide smokescreen.
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