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novass 07-30-2004 01:16 AM

So I destroyed a VW last week...
Well I didnt want too, but shit happens ya know.

Anyway there I was at work and I wasnt doing anything at that moment so I decided to go and pick up a couple cans of spray paint I had color matched earlier that day. I didnt have any gas in my Audi so I decided to take one of the shop vechiles which was a restored VW Work Van.

So im driving along and I come up to a red light and stop. The light turns green and and I start to go. The intersection I was crossing was a huge one, at least 2-3 lanes going both ways. I get almost 75% through the intersection and hear the loud wail of tires dragging across the pavement as the brakes lock up. I look to my right and....BAM!

Some stupid cunt fuck bitch just wasnt paying attention or just being the piece of shit she was and completely blew the red light and nailed me. Keep in mind that this was a huge intersection, so her light had been red for a long ass time. Anyway, she hits me and sends in the front passenger side of the car and the two cars slap together hitting in the rear and she sends me right into oncomming traffic and puts me in the way of a Escalade bearing down on me. Somehow, thankfully, I managed to swerve out of the way and I slowed to a stop, facing the wrong way in the center of the street. As I came to a stop, the engine skyrocketed in rpms because the whole engine fell to the ground and pulled the throttle cable wide open.

Luckily, for me at least, a cop was sitting in the lane right next to the one the girl was in when she ran the light and he had a front row seat seeing the whole event go down. He commended me on being able to avoid hitting anyone else and did what he could to relax me because I was pretty fuckin pissed. He also found my sunglasses which had been ejected from my head and into the intersection, oddly enough, they dont have a scratch on them. But that shows you how hard she hit me, enough to make my glasses fly off my head and into the street.

The bitch had her two kids in the car with her, one way too young to be riding shotgun. The poor childs face was completely red from the airbag and she was crying like there was no tomorrow.

To make matters worse, this bitch doesnt have insurance. I shit you not, she and all the other fuck face rejects are lucky im so damn lazy or i would go off stabbin every moron from here to the moon.

Anyway, thats enough of my rant, here are some pics. Clickable links

T-Bird 07-30-2004 01:22 AM

fuck me! Are you taking the bitch to court? get every last cent to her name! play it like your afraid to go to that intersection again claiming mental anguish etc...

That looked to be in pretty damn good condition without the damage.

novass 07-30-2004 01:25 AM

Ya it was in great condition. A really rare and cool car, thats what pisses me off the most. Everywhere I went in that thing someone would say something about it because you dont see them very often.

Im not sure whats going to happen, its the company vehicle so its their decision, well see what happens.

oscargarza88 07-30-2004 01:34 AM

aww that really sux! and as u said u dont see that car everda and it was in good condition...
but see it the + way it could have been ur audi...

666fast 07-30-2004 02:27 AM

At least no one was seriously hurt, especially the kids.
Sucks that the Van got smashed up, those things are getting quite rare. What kind of car was she driving? It sucks royally that she didn't have insurance, I bet your workplace is well beyond pissed. If I were them, I'd sue her to pay for all the damage she did to the van.

RC45 07-30-2004 02:41 AM

Damn shame about the VW... they restore thos around here? They lay about rotting at the side of road in South Africa.. ;)

TT 07-30-2004 03:05 AM

Yup indeed a shame! Of course it's not to bad since nobody got hurt, but still sucks major balls for the poor VW :(

SilviaEvo 07-30-2004 03:12 AM


fuck me! Are you taking the bitch to court? get every last cent to her name!
i estimate about two cents to her name!
damn those things are soo rare i havnt seen one of those in my lifetime! only seen those vans not the truck

T-Bird 07-30-2004 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by thamar
pics don't work :(

isn't insurance obliged in the us?

it is a law that you have to have it yes but lot's of people don't either because they can't afford it, they don't think they need it, or they are illegal.

gigdy 07-30-2004 02:38 PM


thamar wrote:
pics don't work

isn't insurance obliged in the us?

it is a law that you have to have it yes but lot's of people don't either because they can't afford it, they don't think they need it, or they are illegal.
im pretty sure its a state by state law. in new york you have too but i know in tennesee you dont.

T-Bird 07-30-2004 02:53 PM

here check this site:
In Tennesssee if you don't have Insurance you have to have proof that you can afford not to which is kind of weird. Basically if you don't have insurance you have to have proof of Financial ability/responsibility.
They have all the states there.

She will only be fined $175-$350 if first offense in Texas.
Illinois is supossed to be one of the worse one's out there and has like one of the highest minimal reguirements for insurance, anything with a license plate needs insurance except trailers.

novass 07-30-2004 09:02 PM

@666fast - she was driving a newer Honda Civic.

I dont know what my work is planning on doing. Im just happy that a cop was there and saw the whole thing so I am completely relieved of all responsibility.

SFDMALEX 07-30-2004 09:33 PM

When I started reading this I thought you got fired. Thank God everybody is OK. Ohh and 60% of drivers should not have licences. It amazes me how some people can actually get license.

SilviaEvo 07-30-2004 09:39 PM


Ohh and 60% of drivers should not have licences. It amazes me how some people can actually get license
i know what you mean i dont know how in hell my sister got one her driving scares the shit out of me she clipped a curb yesterday

T-Bird 07-30-2004 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by SilviaEvo

Ohh and 60% of drivers should not have licences. It amazes me how some people can actually get license
i know what you mean i dont know how in hell my sister got one her driving scares the shit out of me she clipped a curb yesterday

hell that's nothing my friends sister took out their fence, the side of her Dad's truck and their mailbox backing out of the driveway without looking at all. :roll:
needless to say one week later she drove into a ditch and called us to come get her car out for her at about 11pm at night and about a half an hour away.
I know she has gotten 1 ticket for turning right on red where prohibited and not signaling or coming to a complete stop! she is horrible :roll:

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