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Old 05-03-2006, 01:49 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by everso
keep on crying. and don't bring up the GM stuff.....i posted it for YOU because you like the Corvette, which unfortunately multiplied to outside sources...wasn't really the fault of either one of us, as we are just car people.
Don't even try weasel out of it.

I graciously took the fall for you - and your true 2-faced unappreciative self showed up after a while.

I could have simply rolled over and given you up weeks before I had GM send their PI's to give me the squeeze.

The truth is you are just not the class-act you make yourself out to be - and this entire exchange proves it.

Originally Posted by everso
i'll just get on with my usual business. i'm not here to provide you with psychological help, i'm here to talk about cars.

seems you've lost the plot. i don't care about having 'the last word' because your comments get worse with every post you make.....rubbish in fact.

so carry on.
Again - your true arsehole nature is beginning to shine through - I have enough back-channel confirmation from others about this.

The real reason the community at JW suffers the fragmenting and brekup it does is because of oppiniates such as yourself.

My comments get worse?

Why? Because they are candid truths you fail to face up to?
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Old 05-03-2006, 02:12 PM   #17
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Both of you are fighting like little girls. I agree that you can be very opinionated at times RC, and that you can be a tad bit oversensitive, but you also do back up a lot of the things you say with facts even though it does make you sound like a fanboy. Everso, I haven't really had any problems with any of the comments you have posted since I found JW, but you are being a bit of an ass right now. Actually, both of you are being asses. Can't we all just get along?
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Old 05-03-2006, 02:17 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by everso
deep breaths. drama queen
Whatever chum.

You might want to look over your sholder for the Securitas folks.

I am just amazed Dan lasted as long as he did - he is a far better person than I.
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Old 05-03-2006, 02:30 PM   #19
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I just read the video thread that initiated this mess and frankly I can see what ticked you off about it, RC. And yes, the comments about American cars with bad handling directed at Z06s, Ford GTs, Vipers and the likes are getting tiresome, even for a die-hard Euro fan like me.

Problem is, you're not exactly unbiased yourself. You like to provoke people with a different taste just as easily. Plus, when you're trying to convince someone, I feel like I've been shouted at for half an hour when I'm done reading it. That's not helping and will also continue to draw in reactions.

Don't leave, though. Most of your views aren't mine, but that doesn't stop me from laughing at your jokes. And despite your debating style, the Z06's antics have certainly won my respect. In other words, we need both sides here.

This is a community which encompasses a lot of different nationalities, tastes, opinions, interpretations of "facts", like in the real world. With a few thousand members you just can't get along with every single one. In that case, and this is not aimed at RC but at everyone, stay a little out of each other's way.
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Old 05-03-2006, 02:35 PM   #20
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^Very good post, agree with what has been said.
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Old 05-03-2006, 02:45 PM   #21
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its always good to see you here, man. you and some of the others are the among the greatest reasons why I have found JW as the community that I belong to.

RC's style has always been that of 'devils advocate' something that nobody else has come close to mirroring here. sometimes it's evoked no responce... and others, all hell broke loose

im 100% sure its not just the corvette bashing that is realing RC out of here; but also the general loathing of the USA. the most knowlegdable people in pollitical though that I've met are immigrants to this country... including our friend Paul. although his accent cought me off guard when we spoke some time back

I definately concider everso another friend of mine, another great enthusiast who i've enjoyed being around immensly

... I'm not sure which of you two innitiated the whole corvette = gay = audi TT thing; and to where it is now; but seriously; name calling and the like just isn't accepted here, and never has been.

I'm not sure people realize how incredible this guy really is; and what a loss we would have without him. Jabba knows that; and in the past, it has always been a bragging point
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Old 05-03-2006, 03:47 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by stradale
I just read the video thread that initiated this mess and frankly I can see what ticked you off about it, RC. And yes, the comments about American cars with bad handling directed at Z06s, Ford GTs, Vipers and the likes are getting tiresome, even for a die-hard Euro fan like me.

Problem is, you're not exactly unbiased yourself. You like to provoke people with a different taste just as easily. Plus, when you're trying to convince someone, I feel like I've been shouted at for half an hour when I'm done reading it. That's not helping and will also continue to draw in reactions.

Don't leave, though. Most of your views aren't mine, but that doesn't stop me from laughing at your jokes. And despite your debating style, the Z06's antics have certainly won my respect. In other words, we need both sides here.

This is a community which encompasses a lot of different nationalities, tastes, opinions, interpretations of "facts", like in the real world. With a few thousand members you just can't get along with every single one. In that case, and this is not aimed at RC but at everyone, stay a little out of each other's way.
Good post.

--> The following is not directed at any specific person but to everyone (including me of course)

In future, my advice to anyone is that if you don't like a particular car or cars from a certain country or a particular sub-forum stay out of it.

Ask yourself the question what do you want out of your time on this community - is to make friends?, spam, make fun of people and their ideas or their interests, or whatever.

I am here in JW to have a good time, relax and chat about F1, cars and since recently photography. Personally, I am not a fan of American Muscle and what I do is stay out of the entire forum. I have no interest in annoying others by posting this car is shit or that car is shit. What is the end game? What do I gain out of trolling?

Jumping in a forum to say that Car X is for hairdressers, or particular group of people are rednecks because they like American cars, or people who like or drive Ferraris are poseurs is really counter-productive and troll-worthy. It may seem funny the first time to you or the first few times perhaps but in long run it makes people form a distinct impression about you that you are biased or like to flame or whatever... It basically fans the flames ... Lets say Person X loves Euro cars and goes into the American forum to bash every car that is posted there. This provokes Person Y who is a fan of American cars to do the same in the European section.

End result: People are pissed and the quality of conversation/discussion deteriorates.

Personally, I used to be a huge poster in the JW F1 forum but of late I have posted very little. If someone asks a question or there is a topic that I know a bit about I reply but otherwise I stay out of it.

Why? Its because I'm finding this Alonso bashing propogated by a few individuals very tiresome. It is similar to the American Muscle forum in that I find the arguments put forward very fact-light and opinion-rich. It may seem very funny at first but then at least to a person like me who likes about 3 or more drivers in F1 - I find it extremely tiresome. It is not worth my valuable time to keep defending and arguing about it - I would find another F1 forum where the discussion is more neutral and informative. :bah:

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Old 05-03-2006, 04:57 PM   #23
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Stradale and Sameerao, great posts, both of you.

There is alot of info around JW that has been buried in spam/troll bait. It amazes me how many simple questions have turned into flat-out arguments and mud-slinging competitions.

How St-Anger and Lakatu have kept Porsche Central clean of this, i will never know. Maybe they deleted shit like that before anyone could ever really see it, or perhaps RC has a much more valid point than i realize about no one tearing a Porche apart for the simple reason that it's a Euro car. I don't know, i don't care.

But i think that the constant American Car bashing may be more than that. Maybe underlying the plastic interior jabs and such, is more of an anti-America motive. Hell, maybe i'm just reading too far into it.

Sameerao has a point though, and in case you decided his post was too long to read, let me sum it up for you:


Nth, i hope you can regin in some kind of order if you decide to take over American Muscle. Good luck buddy!

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Old 05-03-2006, 04:57 PM   #24
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Leave mate? Common...

I was in the same boat as you. Tired off all the useless discussions, including one's with you, but you see I have little hats, as Jabba put it once. "Political Hat" and "Discussion Hat".

That way I dont really hold anything against anyone. I told LotusGT1 to fuck off in a political discussion, but that doesnt mean that I wouldnt drink a beer with his Dutch ass at a strip joint if I meet him one day Dunno how he feels about it though...

Same with you...And same with a few other memebers...Just want to say "fuck you, you, you and you!"....latte crowd comments for x years are annoying aswel

Hence you no longer find me in Vette Vs. World threads, nor do I bother much with any political discussions.

I just stand on the sidelines now and watch people fight...and fuck is that intertaining...

So you should do the same

ANyway if you decide to leave all the best to you, keep in touch via msn though
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Old 05-03-2006, 05:00 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by ZfrkS62
i second that..

Things worth having don't come easy..
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Old 05-03-2006, 05:17 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by ZfrkS62


Nth, i hope you can regin in some kind of order if you decide to take over American Muscle. Good luck buddy!
I'll gladly help out, and make it my goal to make this place where RC, and even US hating slime could enjoy it.
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Old 05-03-2006, 05:25 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Erez
Originally Posted by ZfrkS62
i second that..
you know ? reality aint always nice, and some people don't like the truth, therefore they think its not nice

i guess its more like

If you don't have anything COHERENT to say, shut the fuck up
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Old 05-03-2006, 06:27 PM   #28
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As difficult as it may seem, sometimes you just have to let stuff go. I have been a member of JW since the beginning, but you have never seen me get into a heated debate with anyone during that time. Sometimes you have to let folk go on believing what they do. They believe it for a reason, and a few people on the internet aren’t going to end up changing those imbedded beliefs. Arguing on the internet is pointless. Friendly debates on the internet can be fun. Leave them as just that – friendly debates.

Is there an anti-American sentiment on JW? You bet there is. Will it ever end? Not bloody likely. Do I let it get me down? Of course not. This is one case where America is the minority in the big playing field of the world. The minority will always be looked down upon and that will never change.

I’m tired of seeing respected JW members leave. We are supposed to be a damn family.
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Old 05-03-2006, 06:32 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by bmagni
Originally Posted by Erez
Originally Posted by ZfrkS62
i second that..
you know ? reality aint always nice, and some people don't like the truth, therefore they think its not nice

i guess its more like

If you don't have anything COHERENT to say, shut the fuck up
that too

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Old 05-03-2006, 06:35 PM   #30
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please dont do what Dan did, it will suck to have you not beeing around and its sux not seeing Dan around cause you just like Dan are THE CORE members of JW and you are practically our family. Members as you, Dan, TT, Jabba(and few others) make JW what it is - best place on the net. Period. Without you guys it will be just another forum on the net.

If you do so than we probably cannot do anything agaist it fcourse, I dont know really how someone can just leave JW :bah:

And I agree with everything Stradale have said.

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