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Old 06-16-2005, 08:05 PM   #16
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Join Date: Jan 2004
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Originally Posted by jakaracman
Originally Posted by nthfinity
Originally Posted by ZfrkS62
if i dont start sharing photos on a regular basis, somebody slug me, and PM with absurd comments...

An open invitation to flame? ooh this is my lucky day you have 2 days before the flames begin j/k

hope you have fun with your glitzy top of the line camera
hehe, keep pestering me, i'll be bound to post pictures of my sightings... yeah, i had a hard time choosing that i wanted this camera (the cost really, but i hope to be able to off-set it with earnings from energyrecoverysystems... and still be able to buy a 'vette... hopefully

anyway, as promiced some early test pictures:
please keep in mind, i just clicked some unkown setting for shutter speed/ quality/ ISO etc. and just chose a focus and snapped away... so these first shots will be CRAP even so, i can tell this will be simply amazing quality photos!
Youn need to learn how to use AF, both cars are out of focus ...
mabey you didn't read what i said... "so these first shots will be CRAP"

the second is not out of focus... just not the fucus you wanted it to be, the first... blame that on a hand not as steady as a tripod... and not knowing what buttuns do what; also low light levels requiring longer exposure time.

i'll be the first to say it, but AF sucks balls... conversely, it is the best working one ive yet seen
so put up or shut up :fist:
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