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Old 07-05-2005, 06:03 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by ARMAN
@Overmind - you've seen it? Its good?
Yes, I've seen it and I kinda liked it . If I was to explain my impression of the movie, I would say it was hell of a ride. The picture goes on very fast and you have almost no time to think about what is happening.

Originally Posted by JiggaStyles09
the ending was such garbage, maybe in the book it made more sense and the author had time to explain it. but come on, bacteria killed them, they can travel through lightning bolts but cant handle some bacteria? dont they know anything about the planet they are invading, i mean they were able to observe us for thousands of years right? i am no professional at exploring new planets, but usually when invading a new planet you dont just land a spaceship and get out to test the atmosphere, you do a bit of research about where you are going.
that's what you get by filming an adaptation of a 1898 book, where the aliens were martians and the red weed was a vegetation growing on mars, that's why the Mars is red .

Originally Posted by JiggaStyles09
i didnt remember that being explained. and why again to the shields go down in their "tripod" things when the pilot got sick?
tripods were biomechanical.

Originally Posted by Toronto
they where observing, not testing
everything makes sense just need to get it I guess,
except for the fact the machines where under ground near major cities. how did they know people are going to live there in 1000's of years (well I guess then new water was a life source and peopel would live near water, ironic no?)
well you happen to know that there were some tripods buried under the cities the others might have been elsewhere .

And how about I give you some crazy explanation on the movie? .

US (or whichever other) goverment run into a tripod buried under ground a couple of years before the invasion. It is of course were cept top secret. They analyze it's biomechanical structure and can't really make sense of it , but it DOES look like some fighting machine (a potential threat) and therefore a special biological weapon is developed (trust me we humans do have tens of years of experience in this field). Once the attack has been launched the virus is released, the rest is a (movie) history.
<---- Look into my Eye and shiver.
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