Thread: Nissan GTR News
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Old 05-15-2008, 06:23 PM   #26
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Wrong. Acceleration out of the corner isn't the same as straightline acceleration. The car is turning and accelerating at the same time. Basicly, slow and medium speed corner exit GTR is faster than anything. Cornering + acceleration = GTR’s virtue (i would explain but tired of typing much). And if you're familar with circuit racing you should be aware that generally corner exit is much more important than corner entry...
Uhm... Am I missing something. You said above that the GTR does better on larger circuits and not well on tight short circuits. As I was pointing out the AWD should make it better out of slow and medium speed corners, but you said stat wise it doesnt make it faster on a course made up as such. That's a contradiction which I was pointing out. If your first statement is true then the GTR doesn't do well on corner exit in slow and medium speed corners. A car that does well on slow and medium corners should do better on a tighter course. I also showed you that once it hits the straights it will lag behind and in steady state fast corners it's going to have problems. So where is it ahead again?

Can it get better than this?
Customer car to customer car with drivers who are known for driving both types of cars.. OH and compare it to a gt3 and a z06 instead of the turbo and NSX.
Common Sense- so rare it's a super power.
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