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Old 11-29-2007, 12:35 PM   #11
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Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA/ Bloomington, IN, USA
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After a year with an RX8 and having transportation for myself throughout high school and college, I'm now living so close to work that it takes all of 7-10 minutes to walk there. As a result, I don't really need a car and not having one of my own is allowing me to save quite a lot of money that would otherwise be spent on gas, insurance, and the car itself. Yes, going to get groceries and running errands can be a pain, but Ann Arbor (where I live currently) is a pretty good town to be in for those who have no means of transport other than their own two feet. The public transportation system isn't bad and it's free, and if worse comes to worst, I can get my hands on a car from one of my friends.

I miss going for drives in the countryside, but I can live without them for the time being.
me-- "Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't. Sometimes I feel like the moon is made of cheese"

my Hindibonics-speaking Indian roommate--"Dawgs, do you have any idea how much bacteria that would take?"
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