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Old 11-28-2007, 11:18 AM   #6
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Atlanta
Posts: 2,610

Interesting plan. I'd like to be able to live without a car - but still own one at the same time. Honestly driving can get pretty old, sitting in traffic, paying for wear and tear on the car, etc. I'd love to live somewhere that had everything in walking distance; walk to work, walk to grocery, walk to a movie theatre, things like that. Its nice to get exercise and not feel like you are having to drive unnecessarily (such as suburbs in America where you must drive 5 miles just to get anywhere). All that being said, after the hurricane hit New Orleans I was stuck at school for several months without a car and it sucked. And this was a place where I could easily walk to class and didn't really need a car per se. It was just the fact that I didn't have a car available if I really wanted it that made it suck so much... I guess if there is good public transport and the distances involved are not too great go for it, if you really can't stand it you can always get a car right (or maybe not since its Singapore)?

1992 Toyota Celica GT 5spd, intake.
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