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Old 06-02-2006, 08:54 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by Everlasting
Originally Posted by RC45
Originally Posted by Everlasting
Originally Posted by RC45
Originally Posted by Everlasting
uncool - too "american"
Ok - exactly how esle would you think an "American" (what ever that it???) vehicle should be??
i'm not saying it's a bad thing just saying that i can't imagine this thing on the streets of any other country but the states

the ultimate redneck vehicle

no offence!
are you aware what a "redneck" is?

And you do realize that people pay HUGE amounts of money - more than Ferrari/Lanborghini money to import the Ram SRT-10 into Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany etc etc

And again - please - for our greater eductaion explain what a "redneck" is - and then how the $50,000 RAM SRT-10 is in any way "redneck"?
well it's a tuck

Redneck :arrow:

again i didn't mean to offend anyone i was just saying why in my opinion i think this vehicle is uncool

it's a truck with a viper engine wich is as american as it gets not saying that this in any way a bad thing just that this combo can only work in the states
No ones offended - but again - exactly what about a $50,000 Viper engined pickup truck is "redneck"??

n modern usage, the term redneck predominantly refers to a particular stereotype of individuals living in Appalachia, the Southern United States, the Ozarks, and later the Rocky Mountain States. The word can be used either as a pejorative or as a matter of pride, depending on context.

Usage of the term "Redneck" generally differs from Hick and Hillbilly, because Rednecks reject or resist assimilation into the dominant culture, while Hicks and Hillbillies theoretically are isolated from the dominant culture. In this way, the Redneck is similar to the word Cracker.
I looked all through this definition from Wikibullshitapedia and could find nothing about it...

And again - many folks in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany etc etc pay a LOT of money to import them

I guess what you mean is this car is so cool, people pay EXTRA money to get them into foreign countries

How is that redneck?
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