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Old 05-31-2006, 01:14 AM   #15
Regular User
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Texas
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If you attend this event that is sanctioned by the SCCA and hosted at Gulf Grehound Park, please note that you will waiving ALL rights to hold myself, Jabba, JW, nthfinity, sameerrao (hell even everson), my uncle, his dog, the guy with the rusty Hyundai as well as anyone else, living or dead, responsible for ANYTHING that may happen to you EVER.

This means you azssume ALL liability for your actions - as well as the actions of everyone everywhere in relation to this event or any other event.

By attending you hereby indemnify myself, Jabba, JW, TT and that weird guy that was banned from the site in 2004 as well as ANYONE else if anything happens to you - even if nothing happens to you - this includes but is not limited to passanger rides, video shots, shared hot cups of coffee or ANTHING else.


What ever happens is your fault - completly.

This includes acceptanc eof the "buddy ego" clause, also known as the "brass balls paragraph" that states even if your buddy offers you a ride and he then smashes headlong into a semi you assume all liability and responsiblity for all your actions and indemnify your buddy, his estate, the guys who bottle the beer he was drinking and the car manufacturer as well as the facility where met your demise.
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