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Old 11-23-2005, 05:17 PM   #7
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I agree with Dans comments

The new studio style is a piss poor attempt at mimicking TG, and it fails to work because there is no chemistry/comedy between the presenters.

Tiff's track driving is as amazing as ever, but it is ashame that this only lasts for less than 10mins in a 45min show :roll:

And the team are useless at getting a car to run. If it doesn't work, wait until you can get one that does instead of making a short-arse feature from a broken car - nobody wants to see a Koenigseeg sitting still, whilst somebody tells us the clutch is fucked :roll:

Definitely i would love to see a return to the normal 30min format, or even Tiff being snapped up by TG, and the other presenters placed in a jail for poor presenting skill
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