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Old 09-30-2005, 01:38 PM   #115
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Originally Posted by graywolf624
so thats why RC has to constantly bring up anything and everything when its not even comparable. hes self conscious about the vette and simply trys to make him self feel better about his purchase which is understandable but very very sad.
Yet again this is RC.. Go read the political discussions.. He is always like this, car or not..

No offense meant RC, just pointing out that you discussing the vette doesnt say anything about vette drivers or how they view their cars.
No offense taken - if I was a Linux user and I saw people pointlessly bashing Linux all day - particularly with "I just hate it" bias, I would also offer comment about how Linux favourably compares to other offerings - especially when the other offering is presented not on it's own merit, but as "just being better than Linux because it's not as bad as Linux"

Many people have not even been aware of the true performance, value and ability - even if they still hate and despise it afterwards, at least they are doing so from unjustified bias.. not lack of information
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