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Old 12-13-2003, 07:20 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by jon_s
Right, how about this, might be a bit complex, but hey!

Find a print of a Diablo/Ferrari e.t.c, a nice one! Then (this is where it gets complex!):

Get a definate list of who is going to be involved, then (concentrate lol), the person who bought signs it, and then sends it to another person in the list. Obviously we would sort this list out, as there is no point it going UK->US->UK->Australia->US->UKe.t.c but I think it would be worth the effort. Then there would be a personal touch from everyone who wanted to be involved.

I doubt it would cost too much individually to send a poster around the world. I think it would mean more if it had gone around the world for everyone to contribute!

What do you think?? Obviously only people who really know they will do this should apply, as it would be a shame to lose the poster half way!
I know I wasn't supposed to read this thread but I am so pleased that I did now.

I am truly touched by everyone's kindness and being so incredibly thoughtful.

That is a great idea about signing a poster and you're both right I would absolutely love that.... I wonder as well as sending the original around the world to be signed... if it could also be scanned in....then e-mailed to the first person who could then print it out and add their signature then re-scan it back in and send it onto the next person.

Obviously the quality could suffer depending on the quality of the scanning but it might still be a lot of fun to do.

Thanks again and especially to Anile8er for starting the ball rolling.
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