Thread: GTR Review
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Old 04-05-2005, 08:06 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by mindgam3
Originally Posted by RC45
Originally Posted by mindgam3
Whats your opinion on the general subject though? When you feel the need to indulge in your petrolhead needs.... where do you go; to the computer or to your vette?
Well - truth be told, we like to brag about on street adventures, but you are rarely going past abou 3/10'ths of the cars potential but are often 9/10th's of the drivers potential and more so - really an accident looking for a place to happen.

For all our fascetious ramblins about "running and gunning" on the street, you spend about 1% of the time getting on it, and the other 99% avoiding other traffic, cops and simply driving to outlying areas to have some fun.

So - while there is no substitute for the real thing, the fact that we seldom hve schedules and budgets that allow uas much track playtime as we would like - street driving often leaves me unfulfilled.

Even a blast through the backwoods roads where we sometimes average 100+mph or more over a 10 mile stretches of B road 2 lane "tracks" (very much like small stretches of the Nurburgring) you still feel somethign was missing.

Keeping an eye the other drivers on the run, oncoming traffic, road conditions, surrounding conditions, sounds, smells and on the radar is refreshing and exilirating for sure - but even a "game" like GT4 lets you remove yourself from that reality of consequence and you get a little crazy.

I think thats what these driving simulators do very well.

The guteral feel of the V8 and stomping the gas at 20mph and launching like a scalded cat with turpine-dipped testicles is for sure better with the real thing - but the strain of keeping an eye out for the local constablary often keeps all this hooligan behaviour at a minimum.

I would have to say that games/simulators meet some requirements that real life and modern traffic levels cannot - and that is going balls-the-wall until you wreck - then get a do-over..
Get your arse down to a track day then
That still only accounts for a small percentage of the time - such as this evening after work - I feel like a balst around Le Mans... sure beats trying to put in 10 laps at a race track before dineer..
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