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Old 05-08-2004, 06:10 PM   #33
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I still think it's a piece of crap. I'll be laughing at you when your doors won't even allign properly when closing, and your interior will be falling apart. GM makes shitty cars, and that's a fact. When you buy the M5 or E55 you get alot more than performance; you get luxury and absolute quality. Reliability is also exceptional for BMW and Mercedes...which I cannot say for Cadillac. Another thing: how long will that modified Cadillac last? I'd say not long. How long until your tranny, or something else fails? ///M and AMG do alot more than just drop in a big engine. They also modify the car to reliabily cope with the added power. This means you can drop the clutch in a M5 or E55 or RS Audi plenty of times and redline it through all the gears, and it'll still idle like a swiss watch every single time. Let's not even talk about maintining value.......

In conclusion, you can take your redneck "Caddy" and shove it up your ass. All up in your ass. :fist: :fist:
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