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evoWalo 01-21-2007 12:49 AM

Do you drink?
What's your favorite drink? Started drinking again more regularly a few months ago with a few mates and discovered the joys of Goldschlager (with real gold bits) and Guiness Punch (condensed milk, Guiness draught, nutmeg, cinnamon, unsweetend chocolate). Skyy Vodka's good too. Bailey's too

I'm not out to kill my liver but savor what I've been missing. For a person of my mass I'm a drinking lightweight vs a girl half my mass who downed half a bottle of Cuervo Gold.

gigdy 01-21-2007 01:38 AM

Vodka, straight out of a bottle kept in the freezer.

ae86_16v 01-21-2007 02:05 AM

Patron Silver

Skaala 01-21-2007 05:37 AM

Mostly beer, and import german beer when the $$ is good.
If I do drink drinks, it's just Gin Tonic or Sidecar

novass 01-21-2007 05:52 AM

Jack Daniels Single Barrel Whiskey with ice.

TopGearNL 01-21-2007 06:11 AM

Im on a diet now LOL so haven't had a drop of alcohol for 6 months..

But I drink everything to be honest. I mostly enjoy a nice red wine with meat or a white wine with fish or a salad.

Not surprising since I work in a wine and spirits shop :wink:

gucom 01-21-2007 06:46 AM

hmmm since i'm a health freak (more or less) i hardly ever drink, only on special occasions... i kinda like cocktails although it's been years since i've had one... had my first shot of tequila recently, was pretty nice... beer's ok on a hot summer afternoon/evening, but im not a huge fan... i often like it when wine or beer is used in cooking food :)

evoWalo 01-21-2007 07:51 AM

beer batter's the best with fish fillet. :mrgreen:

Mattk 01-21-2007 07:55 AM

I prefer beer. In fact, if I ever start off a drinking session, it's usually with beer. Due to budgetary constraits, I usually just drink the cheap stuff, i.e. whatever's on tap. The imported stuff is only for when other people are paying. Wine is OK; I prefer white over red, though. I like the odd mixed drink, usually Bundaberg rum with Coke.

ARMAN 01-21-2007 07:57 AM

I will be probably alone but I don't drink and never did 8) don't know what is it to be drunk but from seeing my mates drunk as f@ck almost daily in my school years I think its nothing that worth a try :mrgreen:
Oh and never smoked either :)
Never tried and never had desire to start :bah:

Mattk 01-21-2007 08:01 AM

A little won't hurt... :P But you're not alone. I know numerous people who choose not to drink and that's really their choice. Not drinking is not as bad as getting drunk.

MIHALS 01-21-2007 08:03 AM

I do drink, but not that much. sometimes I go to the pub with my friends and have about 4 beers (about 5 years ago I did 8 and Czech beer is really strong compared to others). mostly I drink wine with my g/f's parents - not to get drunk, but to chat and for good atmosphere :D

Mattk 01-21-2007 08:08 AM

I once went to pub with some friends and they kept buying me beer. At the end I told some girls that I'd walk them to Cicular Quay, but it was probably the other way round, as I stumbled along behind them bitching about my woeful love life. That was probably the closest I was to getting drunk.

TopGearNL 01-21-2007 08:22 AM

I am a good drinker. My grandad and uncles go to the Pub everyday and whenever Im back home I go with them :lol:

I can drink as much as I can and I won't get drunk, I become happy LOL

I was in Spain with a schooltrip and I had 40 glasses of beer, Im not kidding. I was in that Dutch bar from 11 in the morning till 8 in the evening, teachers didn't like it :roll: :P

Only time I was really drunk was when I had alot to drink and had an empty stomach the whole day. I dropped in some bushes with my bicycle on the way home and thought what the heck I might aswell sleep here. I did get up after 10 minutes or so and went home, don't ask how :shock: :lol:

Mattk 01-21-2007 08:36 AM


I did get up after 10 minutes or so and went home, don't ask how
OK, so you weren't entirely drunk.


I was in that Dutch bar from 11 in the morning till 8 in the evening, teachers didn't like it
What? Is this a daytime bar, or something? I hardly ever start drinking before 8pm. :?

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