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corpse_grinder0 10-22-2005 06:55 PM

another friend went down
well it happened again, some of you may remember the last time I went on a group ride, and there was a head on collision between two bikes... well with another saturday off work, I decided to do another group ride, and disaster struck once more. this time there was a bee that was inside the riders helmet, which caused him to loose control and hit the canyon wall. The crash was very horrific, the bike is completely destroyed, but luckily in full gear, the rider came out unharmed. Another lesson to ALWAYS wear your leathers, becuase you never know what may happen.


(at the restraunt we stopped at)

(at the scene of the crash)

ARMAN 10-22-2005 07:06 PM

Fuck the bike important that the guy is OK.

*ARMAN takes another note not to buy a bike*

TransAm 10-22-2005 09:09 PM

Glad to hear that your friend is ok, that's real bad (the bee) and good (the fact he was unharmed) luck all at once!

Arman pretty much summed it up - the bike can be replaced.

Now would this count as a 'not at fault' accident for insurance purposes? :?:

RC45 10-22-2005 10:26 PM

It's not a matter of if, but rather when...

Glad he's ok.

What happened to the ee? Did it sting him?

corpse_grinder0 10-23-2005 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by TransAm
Now would this count as a 'not at fault' accident for insurance purposes? :?:

no idea


Originally Posted by RC45
It's not a matter of if, but rather when...

Glad he's ok.

What happened to the ee? Did it sting him?

I really couldnt tell you what happened to the bee, and I dont remember seeing a sting on his face...

RC45 10-23-2005 01:03 AM


Originally Posted by corpse_grinder0
I really couldnt tell you what happened to the bee, and I dont remember seeing a sting on his face...

Maybe there was no bee, and your skillz skeered him right off the road... ;)

corpse_grinder0 10-23-2005 07:35 AM


Originally Posted by RC45

Originally Posted by corpse_grinder0
I really couldnt tell you what happened to the bee, and I dont remember seeing a sting on his face...

Maybe there was no bee, and your skillz skeered him right off the road... ;)

yeah I was thinking about it, but the person directly behind him said he acted as if there was a bee in his helmet, with how he suddenly went off the road... I honestly think there was a bee.

ZfrkS62 10-23-2005 12:26 PM

i guess if you ride long enough something like this will eventually happen. Hopefully the bee got smashed when he went down :?

glad to hear he was unscathed.

Fleischmann 10-23-2005 01:18 PM

I'm glad your freind is OK, it could have ended much, much worse. Your friend must have been extremelly startled and at those speeds it's never a good thing.

Banchi105 10-23-2005 07:01 PM

Though, I yearn to learn to ride so much, and believe I would thoroughly enjoy -- it is the never ending amounts of sportbikes riders wrecking that really scares me away from it right now.

I don't know if I would be able to have the discresion to make the most wise decisions on a bike.

RC45 10-23-2005 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by Banchi105
I don't know if I would be able to have the discresion to make the most wise decisions on a bike.

You either do - or you die ;)

corpse_grinder0 10-23-2005 09:17 PM

update for you guys.... He got checked out at a hospitol and only suffered a broken finger, and had 10 stitches under his chin. He is in great spirits, and is eager to get back on a bike.

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