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Anonymous 11-14-2005 09:12 PM

2 Great albums I've been listening to lately
Hard-Fi-Stars of CCTV

Gorillaz - Demon Days

Now I was really sceptical about both because they have been hyped alot here, but in both cases it far exceeded my expectations, get hold of both if you can! :D Hard-fi are very "british" but don't let that put you off and as for gorrilaz well mad evil genius IMO any album with a track called "Fire Coming Out Of The Monkey's Head" has to be worth a listen :P

ZfrkS62 11-14-2005 09:23 PM

COnsidering the Gorillaz are the brainchild of the frontman for Blur, i'd expect nothing less :D I don't know why i like them (not to the point of buying their stuff) but i find myself grooving to their songs on the radio :D Maybe it's the idea of a cartoon band :lol:

Anonymous 11-14-2005 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by ZfrkS62
COnsidering the Gorillaz are the brainchild of the frontman for Blur, i'd expect nothing less :D I don't know why i like them (not to the point of buying their stuff) but i find myself grooving to their songs on the radio :D Maybe it's the idea of a cartoon band :lol:

well i never liked them even though I am a huge Blur fan, i was just so surprised how good this album was. Obviously tracks like dare a used on tv alot and I assumed there would be just a few good tracks, but no they are all good and so different!


Originally Posted by everso

Originally Posted by AL123
Hard-Fi-Stars of CCTV

Gorillaz - Demon Days

Now I was really sceptical about both because they have been hyped alot here, but in both cases it far exceeded my expectations, get hold of both if you can! :D Hard-fi are very "british" but don't let that put you off and as for gorrilaz well mad evil genius IMO

Gorillaz are great. both albums have been very cool. Damon Albarn pretty much turns anything he touches into gold. One of my all-time favourite musicians.

I didn't really like Hard-Fi when i heard sounded sort of Kasabian-ish, but a bit lighter....but i do have a few friends who like that album quite a bit.

i've been listening to an album by The Rakes constantly in my's sort of punk-ish/joy division-ish/working class english rock and roll. but it gets me going...and makes me drive faster ;)


I know what you mean about hard fi, alot of stuff coming out of the UK has been a bit samey lately, I despise kaiser chiefs for instance. Although thats mostly because the media kept saying they were the next big thing and well IMO they have one good track :lol:! But really I like Hard-Fi because there is a good mix, several tracks on their I was pleasantly surprised with how different to the rest of their work I had heard to date :D So how big are Gorillaz over there?? most brit stuff never seems to make it big out there :-(

Oh and as for the rakes, have to confess I haven't heard the album, I saw them at glastonbury (on TV sadly :-( ) and I liked what I heard though :D

Anonymous 11-15-2005 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by everso

Originally Posted by AL123

So how big are Gorillaz over there?? most brit stuff never seems to make it big out there :-(

yeah, the british stuff that is "big" over here is crap like coldplay, keane, blah blah blah...just rubbish! LOL.

Gorillaz are pretty big over here though. I think they're the type of music that alot of people from different genres of music can get into. Alot of hip hop, indie, and even pop music people into it. They were also on an Apple commercial here, which pretty much ensures instant success!! even the last Gorillaz album was pretty big here though......not really big, but still big enough.

i'm still amazed that the Arctic Monkeys hit #1 over there in the UK. It was a big deal for the indie community.....debut single going all the way. NICE. only in the UK could that ever happen. here the charts are controlled solely by companies...since "singles" aren't really sold properly like they are over there.

LOL i really like coldplay! though they have never improved on parachutes.

Anyway ever since i ripped the aerial off my car (drunk) I barely here the charts (mostly shit anyway) so i had no idea about that, only really ever listen to the radio in the car or at work (no job anymore) and I haven't bought a single in about 5 years :lol:!

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