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gtx28 08-17-2005 05:09 AM

Took your advice
So I took your collective advice. I have been looking at smaller 500cc bikes. A friend recently took a bike in trade for some work it was a 97 Suzuki

So I went over to his place for a ride. Keep in mind I have the most experience on a dirt bike, only once ridden a street bike, and that was a cruiser, not a power house at all.

Im not sure if it was because I was more used to a dirtbike or what. But I was happy just grinning riding that thing. It was a pleasant suprise it has some go but not enough to scare me. Only had it up to about 110, I was in shorts and a tshirt, on top of it all the bike had no plate so I was concerned about the wrong type of attension. Hense main roads were off limits. One positive note though is I did realize my inexperience, and general lack of skill on the road with this type of bike. My friend billy's drive is dirt and I almost took a spill several times.

So anyhow I was just posting to say thanks for the cautions.

corpse_grinder0 08-17-2005 05:43 AM

110 in shorts and a tshirt?!?!!?!?!? I cant read anymore... someone gag me before I flip out.

gtx28 08-17-2005 05:51 AM

ya i know i know but its not the dumbest thing ive done in a tshirt how about 105' under water @ 52 degree temp in a tshirt that wasnt too smart

I read rc's speech about old and bold dont happen, ya ya ya.

I feel stupid after I do these stunts like scuba diving alone, or diving improperly or driving on public roads alot faster than I should. But the big things I tend to be good with. I dont endanger other divers when im in the water. I dont drive fast where there could be children or pedestrians jumping out. Only been in one accident(the other driver she was drunk and ran a red light) and never gotten a ticket.

I guess the point is, I havent the money for proper leathers etc so when I get started in new hobbies I tend to take more chances than I should. Isnt it odd what we find acceptable. I for instance wont ride at all without a helmet on but I did a stupid stunt like that in only a tshirt.

Edit again: Now that im thinking about it one of my scuba stunts saved someones life so I suppose there not all bad. I did a bounce dive after a long bottom time with almost no surface interval and not all my passengers were up yet a husband and wife couple were still down. The husband started to make a runaway ascent, I grabbed his bc and a rock and held him down till he could release the pressure in his bc and slowly ascend. Had I not done that or risked the bounce dive he would have shot to the surface like a rocket and dcs himself to death.

TransAm 08-17-2005 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by corpse_grinder0
110 in shorts and a tshirt?!?!!?!?!? I cant read anymore... someone gag me before I flip out.

Squidalert!!! :lol:

Seriously dude, it's great to hear you've got a bike but please buy some protective gear, at the very least motorcycle gloves, a DOT-approved helmet, over the ankle boots (any boots will do, like DMs or Timberlands but m/c boots are of course more robust) and wear some kind of jacket and long pants.

That is the very least you need.

I have ridden in shorts and t-shirt and no helmet - but only to the pool and back (0.25 mile at under 30mph)

I would really really reccommend you do the MSF basic course ASAP and also you'll recoup the cost in insurance discounts.

Good luck and stay safe.

corpse_grinder0 08-17-2005 03:58 PM

what you need gtx, is some nice good gear. try getting something extra tight, that shows off your features.. maybe something like this?

I already got the red one, since it matches my bike.

gtx28 08-17-2005 11:05 PM

lol nice ill get the blue one were about the same height and size we will pimp it out. Although its way to small for my jewels. funny stuff

Hey you know i wasnt just in shorts and a tshirt right? I had to borrow a set of sneakers and a helmet. The helmet was a shoei or something like that but the visor was missing so i wore sunglasses with it. But no gloves and only tshirt and shorts on the rest of me. It would have provided little to no help for my skin if i took a serious fall.

corpse_grinder0 08-18-2005 01:26 AM

yeah, I typically ride in minimum, jeans, gloves, jacket, helmet.... and thats going to eat somewhere, or to work, around town, etc..... if im going out of town, or actually going riding (canyons), then I am in my full leathers, boots, etc. Better to sweat than bleed.

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