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ZfrkS62 04-29-2006 07:18 PM

It's Fookin rainin!
One of the funny things about Louisiana is it's rain patterns. Being from Seattle, i'm used to constatant drizzle. Light rain that continues for weeks on end. Here in Louisiana, we get about 67,000 gallons in just a couple of hours and then it's sunny again.

Behind my apartment is a runoff coulee where the storm drains empty into. I think it's about 10 feet deep. About 2 hours ago the water in it was MAYBE an inch deep. Now? see for yourself :wink:

blinkmeat 04-29-2006 08:12 PM

Jeeze - you need to learn how to windsurf

ZfrkS62 04-29-2006 08:22 PM

no kidding. But with the amount of shit that gets washed off the streets that ends up in there, i don' think i wanna.

Daggernite 04-29-2006 11:37 PM

dont be a chicken get windsurfing :P seriously tho, thats a freaking lot of rain. I love it when it rains badly for somereason.

ZfrkS62 04-29-2006 11:40 PM

rain stopped now. the river styx back there is already down to nearly normal.

ZfrkS62 04-30-2006 12:09 AM


Originally Posted by mrmojo77
You have a house by the river, nice :lol: I see the city designers knew what they were doing when planned those runoff coulees. We get very heavy rains only occasionally, but then the city streets are flooding from their lowest points and water bursts out from the sewers.

when i was in phoenix the streets would be flooded in a matter of minutes. Underpasses were completely impossible to get through, unless you had something that could skip across water :lol: the last big deluge we had there it was blowing the covers off the sewers because the pressure had built up so quickly.

SilviaEvo 04-30-2006 01:17 AM

it was raining pretty hard up here today as well but it wasnt that bad just lots of rain and wind

ZfrkS62 04-30-2006 01:28 AM

yeah, phoenix had no irrigation whatsoever. the sewers couldn't hand;e the volume of water that was unleashed during a storm.

ZfrkS62 04-30-2006 06:54 PM

pics of what the coulee's normal water level looks like. Thae water at one point was up to the fourth rung of the ladder.

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