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Nick6 07-13-2006 09:22 PM

"traffic citation" question
I got a "traffic citation" for driving on private property, will this go on my record?

sameerrao 07-13-2006 09:24 PM

Call up the County court --> see the details at the back of the citation for contact info. They will let you know about the details of a fine and whether it will go on your driving record.

Nick6 07-13-2006 09:27 PM

Ok thanks. I see your from Houston too. Have you ever been to Judge Parrot?

Mattk 07-15-2006 08:00 AM

Where I'm from, driving on private property isn't a driving offence. I don't think it's a criminal offence either, so I'll hazard a guess at no.

graywolf624 07-15-2006 08:03 AM


Where I'm from, driving on private property isn't a driving offence. I don't think it's a criminal offence either, so I'll hazard a guess at no.
I dont think you understand. He commited a driving offense on private property.

The answer is it depends. If the owner of the land gave the police the go ahead to ticket then yes. If he didn't then the police have no jurisdiction to ticket.

RC45 07-16-2006 10:59 PM

Sounds like someone was caught doing burnouts in a WalMart parking lot.. :P ;)

coloradosilver 07-16-2006 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by graywolf624

Where I'm from, driving on private property isn't a driving offence. I don't think it's a criminal offence either, so I'll hazard a guess at no.
I dont think you understand. He commited a driving offense on private property.

The answer is it depends. If the owner of the land gave the police the go ahead to ticket then yes. If he didn't then the police have no jurisdiction to ticket. Thats about as wrong as it gets.

The answer is yes! Just beause you were on private property doesn't excuse you from certain things. Stop signs, no citation. Speed limits, no citation. Driving that could be considered dangerous, careless, or reckless is not excused. Its a safety thing.

The trick is this.... If the officer can articulate that you were driving in a careless or reckless maner, then he has full power to give you that citation. My guess is that the ticket was cited as being careless driving.

The owner of the property doesn't come into play unless hw is the one that called the police and wants to press charges for some damage you caused to his property.

An officer cannot write a ticket for a traffic ofence that he did not witness because he needs probable cause to give the ticket in the first place. A witness to bad driving does not constitute probable cause.

Oh to answer your question.... If the ticket came from the city, county, or campus police, then yes it will go on your perminate record.

Mattk 07-23-2006 05:19 AM


He commited a driving offense on private property.
Well, he didn't say that... If he did, then yes, of course it would go on his record.

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