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Anonymous 06-28-2003 07:47 AM

F-1 Challange Links
:D Link to F-1 Challange grab the whole folder named "imsdox-f1" it has everything in it. 655mb :shock:

Only 1 login per IP !!!

VERY IMPORTANT !! use a ftp client that suports resume! A good one thats Free, fast and resumes is Smart FTP

crochico 06-28-2003 10:08 AM

Krazy, how long did you plan on keeping the file loaded on your space? i just have to clear some hard drive space today and i wanted to know how much time i had left.. thanks man :wink:

XyKo 06-28-2003 12:03 PM

Hey Krazy, so the files are okay right? Hope everyone enjoy this game and I'll see you on the Track! Once I get my momo steering wheel. So how's the graphics?

Anonymous 06-28-2003 04:07 PM

:shock: FEKKIN AWESUM!! :shock:

I must admit its pretty dam good! By far the Best F-1 Sim I've ever tried. I'm not a big fan of F-1 Sims, most are so fucking touchy its a joke.
This one is easy to drive (with training wheels on max) I'm sure with the driving aids off its a handful, its going to take alot of tweaking to arrive at a good balance.

The in game graphics on my POS system are slightly above average, it has EA's grainey look to it when driving, but where it really shines is during replays. Its stunning. VCR Style controls loads of views and a fast fwd/rwd and slo mo pause all in full screen. The cars look bad ass as does the dood drivin from some of the differnt views. The grainey look is replaced with a really sharp and clean, visually impressive imagery. Details are quite good, and with all video settings set to max 800x600x16 bit it runs very smooth I'd estimate I get 40 - 60 fps but thats just my car by itself, still for a GeForce 2 64mb video card on a OC'ed Athalon XP eunning 1670mhz with 512mb ddr ram MSI KT3 Ultra2 mobo it runs quite nicely. :D :D :D Anyone seen Superbike 2001 by EA will recognize the replay setup and Superbike has great grafics this game is better yet!!!

I'd say its a 4 1/2 stars out of five star game. :P

It went on line no prob, didnt seem too warpy although I was in a server with 4 peeps and a 27 ping, had to be someone in the Islands I connected to. My ping in Half Life is 50 - 120 to west coast to mid us.
Time will tell but initally seems like EA got the net code right.

Now all I need to do is learn how to drive the frikkin thing !!! I got kicked out of a pratice session already for causin too much havoc :shock: LMAO :D :D

Ill leave it up as long as possible, so far it doesnt seem to be much of a drag, hell I was even racing on line with the ftp and http servers going and went ok so far.....

After a week or so Ill run a game server on the server comp I should be able to host about 15 - 20 people, I can host a 20 player Nascar 2002 game with no warp problem.

I was experimenting a bit earlier by pinging people I know, 160 - 260 to Jabba.... fair, varied alot, to Japan I do better 100 - 170 and west coast 55 - 80 generaly :)

crochico 06-28-2003 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by Krazy Hawaiian

Ill leave it up as long as possible, so far it doesnt seem to be much of a drag, hell I was even racing on line with the ftp and http servers going and went ok so far.....

thanks Krazy.. i just got smartFTP now and the download should be complete in about 10 hours barring any disaster or my sisters (which is more likely of the two) :wink:

Ziploc 06-28-2003 06:48 PM

superbike 2001 rocks!! KH i have the one file warez file :D 200~megs :)

Anonymous 06-28-2003 08:35 PM

its a Great game.... Try EAPOWER for your name.... 30% boost in power! same with STOPPIE and GRIPPY

Shit my cable just cut off, we had a massive rain storm and I lost connection for a minute.... first time off line in about 3 months!

Ziploc 06-28-2003 08:58 PM

lol i expeirienced that when downloading thank godness for resume :P

HoboPie 06-28-2003 10:28 PM

Anyone know where I can get some setups. I am slowly getting the hang of making my own setups, but in F1 2002 I always relied on the ones I downloaded.

Maybe after people start getting used to the game we could start posting some times for a competition or something.

Oh an by the way I play with every aid off except the cluth and it is insane. My experience with F1 2002 leads me to believe that you can eventually get faster without aids than with, but the learning process is painful.

Anonymous 06-28-2003 10:56 PM

Shit ya I gaurantee youll go fasteer without the Training Wheelz :D I aint played a racing game yet that didnt go consideratly faster with the stoodent driver shit turned on.... my complaint with nearly ALL F! games is the learning curve is like a brick wall so frustrating it isnt even fun. When a new F1 game comes out I generally go "YAWN" and go off looking for a new Half Life Mod or play Nascar 2002 Road Courses only.

Now theres a Racing Game that is FUN !! It has terrific graphics (if you have the pc to run it) I gotta say this, There is just something about the rumble of a big V8 rev that bitch up dump the clutch slam second and just smoke the living shit out of the tires laying a pair of wide ass black lines as you scream off that will be there for the rest of the season...
That and once you get it wired you can do SICK slides....Tach buried in the red, tires screaming layin the dArkIeS fRoM HelL Smokin the guy behind out so fuckin bad he cant see shit!!!!

Theres like 4 user made tracks (road of course) that are absolutly BRILLIANT !! Try Bullrun once you get its lay out in memory its the most exacting absolutly rewarding track of any racing game ever.... beating even the "king" GT.... Hell it must be good Black Hole and the ORL run a full length MARATHON on it a 48 hout team event that has a HUGE following.
Bullrun is a hilly kick ass track with zero G rises and drop offs that if your REALLY blazin you will leave the track for a moment. Speaking of which, theres a couple spots where the tracks "walls" dont end..... they curve up into a wall.... if you hit it right you can "fly" your car it seems several thousand feet up the wall and barrel roll over as you finally fall away its a classic to see some one do this....

I tell you Id like to get a NASCAR fun league race going I know how to run one of those servers really well You can also lower the track temp into the frigid range -200 below... makes waaaaay more horsepower!!

Then add a bit of traction and do a massive burn out and get the tires sticky rev er up pop the clutch and do fuckin HUGE wheelies!!! Really good fun! :D

Ziploc 06-28-2003 11:24 PM

for someone witout a wheel that game sucks monkey but ;)

Anonymous 06-28-2003 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by Ziploc
for someone witout a wheel that game sucks monkey but ;)

which game??? Nascar?? Yup it is dam near impossible to drive w/o a wheel but get this.... Ive seen fuckers on a keyboard that were shreading blody murder... its one game where FF is a Huge advantage.

Nemisis8u 06-29-2003 12:09 AM

Thanks KH, Im downloading the resume thing now and will shortly start downloading the game. Thank again <---------insert worship smiley here

Anonymous 06-29-2003 01:23 AM


Originally Posted by Nemisis8u
Thanks KH, Im downloading the resume thing now and will shortly start downloading the game. Thank again <---------insert worship smiley here

Thank "I Wanna Ferarri" he's the one that put it in the server!!! Without him we'd all be SOL Thanks Bro!!

BADMIHAI 06-30-2003 09:08 AM

I just finished copying the game, and I see no friggin .exe file!
All I have is a key generator, a bass.dll imsdox-f1 and this dev-f192 bin file that has 694MB. HELP![/u]

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