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TT 11-08-2005 03:27 PM

After the EF 70-200 F2.8L IS USM, 17-40 F4L reserved
Well, finally I entered the SLR world myself! Actually tomorrow since the battery grip had to come from another store, so I decided I will pick up the whole bundle tomorrow evening, anyway today I paid for

Canon 350D
18-55 mm lens
70-300 mm tele lens
battery grip
polarizer (obviously)

Can't wait to test it out!

No.1 11-08-2005 03:43 PM

Can't wait to see your new pics with this camera too 8)

There was nothing wrong with the Pro1, but the 350D is a dream for me at the moment

If you don't mind me asking, how much did it cost you in total for the whole package? And what are you going to do with the pro1?

mindgam3 11-08-2005 03:51 PM

Nice TT, glad you can eventually join the 350D club ;) Getting used to mine took a little while but after a few weeks u know exactly where everything is and a complex camera turns into your best friend.

Image quality is superb.

I would give you some advice though - save up for some L lenses instead of buying regular/3rd party.

When you stick an L lense on your 350D you WILL notice the difference, and it REALLY makes the 350D alive. You really aren't unleashing this camera's full potential unless you go for high quality L lenses. I suggest the 80-200 F4L, possibly with an 1.4X extender for track stuff and a smaller L zoom lense - possibly the 350D specific L lenses they do for close up work. This is all you will need for at least a few years ;)

Happy snapping

TT 11-08-2005 04:01 PM

Well for now I will stick for some basic lenses, and maybe in 2006 I will pick up a "pro" one ;)

As for the price, all included it costed 2100 CHF ( for conversions)

5vz-fe 11-08-2005 04:04 PM

I am deciding between the 350D and D50 ..... can't wait for ur shots TT, I am sure they will make my decision much easier.

Darkel 11-08-2005 04:05 PM

As I already said, congrats :good:

Mindgam, you're right but the problem is : as soon as you own such a camera you want to be immediately equipped for all circumstances and you don't really care about your future pro-config :D
IMO that's some good stuff to begin with; he'll probably sell a few things on ebay one day and buy himself a killer lens like the one you're talking about :wink:

mindgam3 11-08-2005 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by TT
Well for now I will stick for some basic lenses, and maybe in 2006 I will pick up a "pro" one ;)

As for the price, all included it costed 2100 CHF ( for conversions)

Yeah, thats not too shabby considering what you got.

I haven't go any L's myself yet (can't quite afford it) but i'm always playing around with my dads lenses, and they really make a difference across the whole camera - not just image quality - but focus speed and flexibility etc.

As soon as you can, get one ;)

No.1 11-08-2005 04:09 PM

^^^ Thx for info - is my preferred currency converter :wink:

TT 11-08-2005 05:36 PM

LOL I hope so. I guess I will still need to learn something, so maybe at first I bet carry both cameras with me, just in case :D

dingo 11-08-2005 07:08 PM

Congrats, a nice choice. :D

What made you decide to buy a new camera, any particular reason?

TT 11-08-2005 07:12 PM

Uhm, difficult to explain, I am the kind of guy that can pass in front of a given item at the store 10'000 times without feeling the need to own it, then one day, I am like ZAPPED from the heavens and I KNOW I can't resist.

It happened for my second PS2 (PAL model while I had already an US one). One day I saw an offer at the store. I say to me I don't need it. Came back home, sit down on the sofa and after 10 minutes I was again in my car.. and came back home with it.

And well, this morning I was in town and saw a bundle with 350D, 18-55 and 55-200... no idea why, I flashed... again I tried to be strong. Came back home and first thing I did was fire up the PC to check reviews about that 55-200 which turned out to be quite crap. Instead of beeing happy and stop the frenzy, I went back in town in a specialized little store, talked with the seller for a while and ended up with an offer.. basically for the same price I got the much better 70-300 and amost all the accessories. It was impossible to say no.

MIHALS 11-08-2005 07:56 PM

wow, congrats Matteo!!! I just bought my A200, so my 350D is still waiting somewhere on the drawing sheet :D .... I need to learn use this cam first and then maybe in 2 years I'll go for SLR... at this time, my camera has too many features compared to my 2 Mpix cam and carrying the user manual with me is a daily routine :lol: ....

so, enjoy your new toy, play with it a LOT, so we can see your fantastic pickies and mainly, have fun with it!!! (I know you will :wink: )

TT 11-08-2005 08:03 PM

Oh boy I will :D luckily it shouldn't be too different from my Pro 1 :D just a bit better :)

MIHALS 11-08-2005 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by TT
Oh boy I will :D luckily it shouldn't be too different from my Pro 1 :D just a bit better :)

luckily for you, but unfortunatelly not fo me :D . but everybody has to get through those first days of learnig, so tomorow I'm going to do some hunting 8)

TT 11-08-2005 08:09 PM

Sure! it would be totally wrong to start shooting with an SLR, it's better to go step by step

skituner 11-08-2005 10:03 PM

congrants man i just got the same cam same lenes too dident get the battery grip but im thinking about getting one, how do you like?

ae86_16v 11-08-2005 10:23 PM

TT, I always though you had a Nikon D70. What were you using to shoot before?

The 350D is a great camera, I had the pleasure of using my friend's and it was super nice. What made you choose that over the Nikons?

Reason why I asked is because I am in the same predicament myself. I can't decide between the Canon or the Nikon.

skituner 11-08-2005 11:53 PM

ahhh nikon vs. canon the age old question
i went with canon becaue i already had a 35mm rebel ti with a two lenses and a flash that are compatible with the 350d. i have heard many opionins but its seems like canon is the most popular

MercedeSChink 11-09-2005 12:41 AM

honestly, facing cameras day in and day out, i would recommend the canon 350d/rebel xt...for the same or even cheaper price, you get a better quality, camera in megapixels and also getting more accessories with canon...i've been an avid photography enthusiast because my family is in the camera industry, and ever since i was young, i've had 35mm nikons, but wen digital came along, canon surpassed nikon and became the dominant company in digital cameras...

MartijnGizmo 11-09-2005 03:24 AM

Welcome to the club! :)

Now start saving up for lenses, as you'll become hopelesly addicted. :D I'm selling my Sigma 70-300 APO DG to get a Canon 70-200 F/4 L. 8)

TT 11-09-2005 04:20 AM


Originally Posted by skituner
congrants man i just got the same cam same lenes too dident get the battery grip but im thinking about getting one, how do you like?

Hehe, I will tell you in a couple of days ;)


Originally Posted by ae86_16v
TT, I always though you had a Nikon D70. What were you using to shoot before?

The 350D is a great camera, I had the pleasure of using my friend's and it was super nice. What made you choose that over the Nikons?

Reason why I asked is because I am in the same predicament myself. I can't decide between the Canon or the Nikon.

I was using a Canon Powershot Pro 1, SLR-alike like they Canon says ;)
As for the Nikon vs Canon debate, honestly, for the average user, both the D70 and 350D are good cameras.. it's up to personal preferences. I am a Canon man, always had Canon cameras, so it was natural to go for the 350 :D

MartijnGizmo 11-09-2005 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by mindgam3
Nice TT, glad you can eventually join the 350D club ;) Getting used to mine took a little while but after a few weeks u know exactly where everything is and a complex camera turns into your best friend.

Image quality is superb.

I would give you some advice though - save up for some L lenses instead of buying regular/3rd party.

When you stick an L lense on your 350D you WILL notice the difference, and it REALLY makes the 350D alive. You really aren't unleashing this camera's full potential unless you go for high quality L lenses. I suggest the 80-200 F4L, possibly with an 1.4X extender for track stuff and a smaller L zoom lense - possibly the 350D specific L lenses they do for close up work. This is all you will need for at least a few years ;)

Happy snapping

If you really need the long focal lenght, you're better off with a fast prime (300 or 400mm) than using an extender on a regular base. Allthough the 1.4x is quite okay, you'll still sacrifice a lot of image quality. Other good option is the 100-400 L.

Top-tip for the midrange is the Tamron 28-75 2.8. Very fast for a zoom at F/2.8, optical results are comparable if not better than the Canon 24-70 F/2.8 L. Off course the Canon will focus faster with it's USM, but it's also 4 times as expensive.


Originally Posted by skituner
congrants man i just got the same cam same lenes too dident get the battery grip but im thinking about getting one, how do you like?

Get one, you'll love it. Since I bought mine, I only removed it once, to look up the serial number of my camera. :D

- longer battery-live (I've got 4 batteries, never ran out of them)
- better handling, especially in portrait
- better weight balance with heavier lenses (well, it still looks a bit out of place on the back of, say, a 70-200 2.8 IS) :)

stmoritzer 11-09-2005 10:04 AM

Congrats to your new camera, nice read how you got it :wink:

Well, since you mentioned to take both cameras with you at the beginning, could you take picture of the same object/car with both cameras to show us the differences? -> discussion about the 2 cameras

MercedeSC32/eSCalade 11-09-2005 11:05 AM

personally, since tt will most likely use this camera to take pictures of cars, i'd highly recommend the new 24-105 f/4 IS got a lil bit of wide at the bottom end and wen you can't get close to a car you still got 105mm with a factor of 1.6 on top...although its quite expensive so the next alternative would probably be the 28-135 IS...its a non L series lens so this lens only cost around 650 CDN, so its not that big of an investment...

TT 11-09-2005 11:24 AM

Yes stmoritzer, I will do it for sure ;) sadly not today since I am here with all the material but still waiting for the batteries to charge :D

And thanks for the suggestions on L lenses guys, I will wait for sure 2006 before considering one :)

sentra_dude 11-09-2005 11:44 AM

Congrats TT! I always thought you already had an SLR, silly me. :P

I can't wait to see the comparison shots between your old and new I am thinking about picking up an SLR...eventually. :lol:

Jabba 11-09-2005 11:45 AM

OMFG nearly £1,000...take care you dont drop that beauty TT.

Fleischmann 11-09-2005 12:22 PM

Congrats dude, a perfect 8mipxel SLR. I don't think I have to encourage you to put it into good use :P Can't wait to see comparison shots between the 350 and you previous cam. But be carefull, it cost an awful lot of money :P

TT 11-09-2005 02:53 PM

Ok, did some nighttime testing and I am back with some impressions.

Sadly it wasn't a very wise idea LOL. I was tired, had to piss and it's cold..
So, I picked up a parking lot and shoot a test picture with the Pro 1. That's ISO 50, exposure time 15 sec and F was at 3.2

I then started to test the 350D with its standard 18-55 lense. and after 2 sec I was pissed off already. With the pro 1 I always use the viewfinder, but not when using a tripod, where the rotating LCD is sooooooo practical. I was already suffering from some pain in my back, so it was really sucky to shoot pics.
Also, another negative point is the viewfinder itself. I wear glases and with them I can't see the whole picture when looking through it. I can with the Pro 1. It's a minor problem but have to get used to it.
And finally, I think those low to medium grade lenses are not up to the task of shooting at night. It wasn't easy to focus and actually most pics are un-postable since too blurry.
Last negative point, the aspect ratio of the pics... instead of 1600x1200 you get 1600x1067 and 1024x768 is 1024x683.. WTF! Luckily I always crop my pics, and with 8 MP it's easy to still obtain the proper 4/3 ratio I still prefer :!:

Details actually.
So, the pictures at ISO 100 were blurry, but I could save this one, ISO 400, 5 sec exposure and F7.1

Well, the Pro 1's still looks better, especially colorwise, but I didn't play with the white balance (in any of them), and every camera is different.

For these pics I was at about 15 meters from the car. The Pro 1 was basically shooting at its max focal lenght (the max at which it can still focus since lately at full lenght it can't anymore), and same goes for the 55mm
I then switched to the 90-300mm and took a pic from the same position, at 90mm, so the "wider" field possible. Got this
At 300 I was able to have the wheel filling the picture completely.
I walked backwards untill I was around 50 meters from the car and still impossible to have it completely inside the picture at 300mm. Couldn't try to walk some more since there was a wall LOL. Basically impossible to use the 300mm in town I guess, but it will be precious at events or on track. Even without a stabilizer IMO.

So, first impressions are not as good as you might expect, but well, considering the situation, I was expecting it to be like that. Wanted to wait for tomorrow to come and test in daylight first but impossible to resist.

Anyway, definitely, to shoot at night the Pro 1 is much more practical with it's rotating LCD. Period.

Can't wait to test it tomorrow with daylight because I am sure it will be a blast!

On the positive side, since the 350D uses the same mem cards as the Pro 1, I am not forced to install new software but I just use the Pro 1 to transfer the pics :D

MartijnGizmo 11-09-2005 06:27 PM

Don't forget that dSLR-pictures need more postprocessing on the pc at home. Compact-pictures are more saturated and sharped as the average consumer doesn't want to fiddle with them afterwards.

mindgam3 11-09-2005 06:45 PM

indeed, i usually whack up my saturation and sharpness by default on my 350D.

A tripod is a must to make use of the 350D's long exposure settings in dim light. Getting used to the different focusing modes will also improve composition hugely.

As with all things, practice makes perfect, good luck mate

Happy snapping ;)

MercedeSC32/eSCalade 11-09-2005 06:50 PM

try to master your white balance settings in order to get amazing colors!!!

TT 11-09-2005 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by MartijnGizmo
Don't forget that dSLR-pictures need more postprocessing on the pc at home. Compact-pictures are more saturated and sharped as the average consumer doesn't want to fiddle with them afterwards.

Well, I think I am able to edit a picture ;) this was just a simple test with no white balance fiddling and so on.

sameerrao 11-10-2005 01:39 AM


Originally Posted by TT
Ok, did some nighttime testing and I am back with some impressions.

Sadly it wasn't a very wise idea LOL. I was tired, had to piss and it's cold..
blah... blah ... blah... blah ...blah... blah ...blah... blah ...blah... blah ...blah... blah ...blah... blah ...blah... blah ...blah... blah ...blah... blah ...blah... blah ...blah... blah ...blah... blah ...blah... blah ...blah... blah ...blah... blah ...blah... blah ...blah... blah ...blah... blah ...blah... blah ...blah... blah ...blah... blah ...blah... blah ...blah... blah ...blah... blah ...blah... blah ...blah... blah ...blah... blah ...blah... blah ...blah... blah ...

Most of what you posted went over my head ....

However, I seemed to find the one small detail that everyone seems to have missed. You took a piss and it was cold. So what happened then ... something froze?

TT 11-10-2005 04:22 AM

Nono, I didn't took a piss out in the wild, I wanted to wait the coziness of my home :roll:

stmoritzer 11-10-2005 04:39 AM

Thanks for the first impressions TT.

MartijnGizmo 11-10-2005 08:20 AM

Oh, and forgot to add: the kitlens is quite soft when used wide open, for best results stop it down to F/8..... I just don't use mine. :)

TT 11-10-2005 12:52 PM

Today I did some more testing:

With the 90-300 at 90mm

And 200mm

More like 100mm

200mm, car driving along at 100mm, pretty nice shot for a non-stabilized lense ;)

And 300mm, but pretty quick shutter, so it ended up still ok

Now, Pro 1:

And 350D

55mm, no filter


300mm, pure nightmare.. impossible to have a sharp pic, and I tried alot. Had to raise to ISO 800 so I was able to have a shutter speed of 1/500 and ended up with an almost acceptable result. Bu needed to use Neat Image to reduce grain :bah:

So, basically this lense is ok up to 200mm.. then it becomes pretty tricky to have good pics.

As for the aperture thing, I admit I always am confused because the terms seem to say the opposite as I would think. you mean not to go higher or lower than F8? I guess not higher :D I just never understand how to call it when the value is higher or lower :D so I just talk abou the value, (and of course I know what an high value does vs a low one ;))

mindgam3 11-10-2005 01:47 PM

Nice bit of testing there, glad to see ur experimenting ;) Although the shots of the car (with the 350D) seem a little overexposed in the background?

Not sure if i understand your last paragraph though, why wouldn't you not want to go higher or lower than F8? :?

TT 11-10-2005 02:28 PM

I think the problem is contrast, set a bit too high.
As for the last paragraph, it was in response to the previous post. For sure anyway, higher than F8 becomes hard to handle with no tripod anyway ;)

MartijnGizmo 11-10-2005 08:09 PM

In the F/x number the F stands for Focal Lenght. Let's take the kitlens at 18mm for example:
- at F/3.5 the diaphragm is 18/3.5 = 5.14mm
- at F/8 the diaphragm is 18/8 = 2.25mm

So the larger the F-number, the smaller the diaphragm is.

See for yourself why you should stop it down a little for better results:

Oh, and I'd like to add: you might consider picking up a EF 50 1.8. It's only €80 or so, tacksharp from F/2.8 on and great to play with a small DOF @ F/1.8 to let those details stand out on cars for example.

TT 11-10-2005 08:51 PM

Yes yes, as said, I know what the aperture does, but always thought there is something weird in the way the terms work. Having a "low" aperture means a big number, "wide open" means small number.. just mental confusion :D

I was tempted to buy also a simple lense for details shots, but to be honest, I don't like to take details pics, so why should I bother :D I will end up never using it.

For now the two ones I got will do and next one will be a stabilized one.. probably not an L though :?

MercedeSC32/eSCalade 11-11-2005 12:21 AM

or you should pick up a 35 1.4 ;)

TT 11-11-2005 05:11 AM


I am about to complete my testing, then this topic can die and I will go back at shooting cars..

or maybe birds?

185mm the first, 235 the second. Both pretty sharp (both 1/640 anyway, so difficult to mess up ;)). For sure the constant focusing option is damn good for such task (first pic obviously).

Only car, this plain 993 C4, shot at 170mm, 1/250, F5, obviously no filter.
As expected, you can't use a not stabilized telelense in difficult light conditions with a filter :D

Anyway, I am getting the feel of it finally.. today I could go hunting some more :)

mindgam3 11-11-2005 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by TT
For now the two ones I got will do and next one will be a stabilized one.. probably not an L though :?

If you can afford it, go for the EF 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6 DO IS USM.

Its light, smaller than both the EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM and any L lense although it does proide L quality picture. Very versatile lense that you won't need a big bag for. IS on this lense is immense. Bare in mind the IS on the regula 70-300 is the very first generation IS and is a bit behind, although IMO, still better than most other brand IS.

Here's a pic i quite like that i took from the stands at a recent F1 test after he spun. At 300mm, and on a very dull, overcast day ;) (I'll probably be posting the rest of them later)

TT 11-11-2005 02:55 PM

Yep, that one and the EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM are the ones I am interested in. but the DO one costs something like twice the other one, and begin to be lot of money, so not for now I guess :D

sentra_dude 11-11-2005 03:06 PM

The detail on those birds is just amazing. :D

TT, what is the highest resolution you can shoot with, and what size pictures does that give you?

Wutputt 11-11-2005 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by TT

I am about to complete my testing, then this topic can die and I will go back at shooting cars..

or maybe birds?

So will die and replaced with :P ?

Well congrats with your new camera. And I'm you're progressing with the testing.

SDK2003 11-11-2005 07:56 PM

Congrats on the 350D purchase TT :)
Switching from a Point & Shoot to D-SLR will take time to adjust but you'll get there.

I'll look forward to seeing your future car pics :)

TT 11-11-2005 08:21 PM

swissbirdsightings LOL! Good idea!

SDK, I wouldn't call the Pro 1 a point-and-shoot camera! Yes it's still an amateur camera, but closer to an SLR than to an IXUS IMO. I never used the automated modes but always worked in the "creative" ones. As far as settings go, the Pro 1 and the 350D are very similar.
Of course the 350 waits more, the telelense is long and I indeed need to adjust to it.

For sure I am learning again despite the similarities and it's so stressing to be in town and know I could see a supercar passing by and end up with a fucked up pic :D

Today I got a couple of cars, I think the pictures are ok:

dark day, late at afternoon, ence ISO 200 to have decent speed, F blocked at 4.5 to help ;)
Around 135mm

One of the best shots, 100mm. Focused on a fixed point and not used the constant focusing

And 90mm, easy ;)

This was the only pic I could take at 90mm with the filter.. then the sun went away.

I only need to test indepth the 18-55 in town with filter

And since the first night testing pissed me off, I tried some more:

45mm ISO 200 F6.0

55mm ISO 200 F7.0

90mm ISO100 F4.5

135mm ISO 100 F6.0

These shots are ok, but I got MANY blurry ones. The 300mm lense sure has focusing troubles at night at least. And while on the LCD the result seems ok, it isn't once in the PC. From 200mm on, it seems to focus proprely but doesn't in fact.
Please don't tell me I need to learn how to focus. After some thousands car pics in the last couple of years I think I know how to do it. I tried both the automated method to let the camera pic one or more of the 7 focusing points and also blocked it on the center one.. no reall change, still sometimes good, sometimes bad focusing, and maybe it's just me beeing blind, but can't judge the result from the LCD as I could on the Pro 1 :bah:

More testing needed, I will crack the bastard, but I guess it's not just me.
Tomorrow I will try on the tripod at 200 to 300mm to see if it can focus better with daylight

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