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scumhookleo 02-23-2004 12:55 AM

Corvette Drivers
I've been for several rides in several different Corvettes (most recently an 02 z06), and have been universally unimpressed with the drivers of these cars. I'm always passing them on the street as they putt along doing 5 below the limit.

I thought they drove slow to avoid the cops, but the more I deal with Corvette owners, the more I become convinced that they're a big bunch of weenies who buy their cars to impress their 50 year old mates and make girls young enough to be their daughters look at them.

Of course, maybe I just haven't come across the right Corvette owners...

I'd be interested to hear what everyone else thinks about this...

graywolf624 02-23-2004 01:00 AM

Actually from my own observations the corvettes represent the largest portion of those vehicles that are open tracked. One thing you should note. Obeying the speed limit on the street is not weeny. Especially if you drive a car that calls attention to itself. *see vette.
It is called trying not to get a ticket. Street racing is not courage... it's stupid.

RC45 02-23-2004 01:53 AM

What a troll...

as noted above - obeying traffic laws is not being a pussy - it's surviving to kick you ass the next day - or perhaps give a ride home when your car is impounded cuz you thought running a 15s 1/4 on the street is "bad a$$"....

And for your benefit I will repost this little bit of "how badly we drive" (No - I am not driving either of these cars)

666fast 02-23-2004 03:48 AM

I'm sure that quite a few people buy Corvettes just to have a Corvette. Not everyone who has a Corvette is a hardcore racing junkie. There are plenty of people who beat the tar out of their vettes though.
In the summer months, I see Corvettes on an almost daily basis. But I also see quite a few of them everytime I go to a local track event.

The only thing I think was correct in your post is that you haven't met the right Corvette owner.

BTW, Welcome to JabbasWorld! :D

Garretts_turbo 02-23-2004 11:12 AM

a lot of the vette drivers in my area are pretty cool. none of them are under 40, but no real jerks or egos. no speeding or "under speeding" going on. i find that the stingray corvettes from the 60's are the ones that attract the wankers. a lot of the people that drive classic vettes are real hoity-toity.

scumhookleo 02-23-2004 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by RC45
What a troll...

as noted above - obeying traffic laws is not being a pussy - it's surviving to kick you ass the next day - or perhaps give a ride home when your car is impounded cuz you thought running a 15s 1/4 on the street is "bad a$$"....

Heh heh. A pom took the bait. How satisfying...

Acutally, I can totally understand not doing 40 over the limit when you're driving a cop-magnet. My point was that 'vette drivers (in my experience) tend to drive under the limit, and when faced with a nice corner that they could legally enjoy without slowing down, throw out the anchors and run crying home to mommy (or mummy, depending on what side of the pond you're on).

Personally, I stick with the flow of traffic, which in LA is usually either 15 above, or moving a a fast walk :wink:

I look forward to meeting the right 'vette owner, and enjoying what is one of the best sports cars available (especially when you factor in the price).

RC45 02-23-2004 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by scumhookleo

Originally Posted by RC45
What a troll...

as noted above - obeying traffic laws is not being a pussy - it's surviving to kick you ass the next day - or perhaps give a ride home when your car is impounded cuz you thought running a 15s 1/4 on the street is "bad a$$"....

Heh heh. A pom took the bait. How satisfying...

Acutally, I can totally understand not doing 40 over the limit when you're driving a cop-magnet. My point was that 'vette drivers (in my experience) tend to drive under the limit, and when faced with a nice corner that they could legally enjoy without slowing down, throw out the anchors and run crying home to mommy (or mummy, depending on what side of the pond you're on).

Personally, I stick with the flow of traffic, which in LA is usually either 15 above, or moving a a fast walk :wink:

I look forward to meeting the right 'vette owner, and enjoying what is one of the best sports cars available (especially when you factor in the price).

Yeah - a pom - whatever...

You slung an insult and trolled for a flame - don't try recoil now.... ;)

Consider where you are... the "pose" capital of the known universe.

Everything you have around is fake.

The woman - the chique - the class... and yes the amount of posers, ricers and wannabees is counter per capita.

Besides - I take no offense at your comment - I don't even drive a Corvette (look up hair-dresser mobile in the dictionary - see the picture of the auto- Vette 'Vert for cruising Rodeo Drive) - I drive a Z06 - ;) Big difference.. LOL

scumhookleo 02-23-2004 08:44 PM

I'm starting to really like these forums!!! :D

I'll be seeing my z06 friend tomorrow and I'll pass on your best regards...

coloradosilver 02-23-2004 09:20 PM

The majority of us who buy the car drive it the way it was meant to be driven. Yes, some people do buy corvettes just as a novelty item, but the more you get involved with the Corvette Clubs and Teams that are out there, you will realize that MANY of us who own these cars do drive them, and drive them hard. I usualy obey the speed limit on public roads just for the sake of not getting a ticket. I really don't street race unless it's with a Viper or Cobra or something else thats vaguely worth my time. I just laugh at pretty much anything made in Japan and just let them drive off, unless it's a Supra. But get me on a road track or the 1/4 and I just love to open a can of whoop ass on any other competator.

As far as all Corvette owners being weenies: :fist:

godspeed06 02-23-2004 09:53 PM

what the hell is this guys problem. first of all, no one gives a shit about your very limited observations. second of all, someone driving the speed limit in a fast car is not wrong. they are pretty much showing that they are not posers. they don't have to go fast on public roads because everyone knows they can go fast. people with civics and shit all fly down the road trying to look badass because their cars are not inherently fast like vettes. why are you bashing on corvette owners anyway. there are just as many ferrari and lambo owners that buy them and keep them in the garage. there are way more vettes on the track than ferraris and lambos so i don't see why you should just go after the vettes. its just a shitty thread man. just shitty...

coloradosilver 02-23-2004 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by godspeed06
what the hell is this guys problem. first of all, no one gives a shit about your very limited observations. second of all, someone driving the speed limit in a fast car is not wrong. they are pretty much showing that they are not posers. they don't have to go fast on public roads because everyone knows they can go fast. people with civics and shit all fly down the road trying to look badass because their cars are not inherently fast like vettes. why are you bashing on corvette owners anyway. there are just as many ferrari and lambo owners that buy them and keep them in the garage. there are way more vettes on the track than ferraris and lambos so i don't see why you should just go after the vettes. its just a shitty thread man. just shitty...


SFDMALEX 02-23-2004 10:43 PM

Well being Toronto most Vettes I see are automatic. Put it which ever way you want it, but auto tells me only one thing. Your a lazy as bitch who really does not enjoy driving. I see it in a Merc but in a sports car?

The ones that are not automatic, I always see them cruise down the street in 1st with revs up high, and its usualy some 20year guy who's daddy is rich, and hes on the verge of stalling every stop. Seems that all he wants to do is make a lot of noise. Just like those fagets in Civics.

The only true DRIVERS in Vettes are the Z06 owners. I saw quite a few, and all of them really appreciate the car, and give it some willy on the street.

Again these are limited obsevations, but thats the conclusions I came to.

But that doesnt go for vettes only. There are quite a few exotic owners who are assholes also.

scumhookleo 02-24-2004 12:13 AM

Nicely put SFD.

I'm not saying that you have to thrash the shit out of your precious little 'vette every minute of the day, and I'm certainly not defending Ferrari or Lambo drivers who pootle around at 10 under all day either; my point was simply that if you buy a sports car, drive it like a sports car - otherwise just buy a Camry and get out of the way (or, as the case may be, drive faster).

It's a pretty sad state of affairs when I pass a Corvette around a corner in my Buick, and I've still got plenty in reserve...

By the way, if you don't like my opinions, then you're quite welcome to get stuffed and have a nice day. :wink:

RC45 02-24-2004 12:48 AM


Originally Posted by scumhookleo

By the way, if you don't like my opinions, then you're quite welcome to get stuffed and have a nice day. :wink:

I have better idea.. ;) --- bring your Buick on down to Texas and let's gedidawwn... :D :lol:

scumhookleo 02-24-2004 12:58 AM

Whooo hooo!!! :twisted:

The battle of the blown Buick vs the Texican Vette!! They'll be talking about this epic match for at least 3 minutes after it's over...

By the way, I used to own a RZ250 back in OZ (your TZR sig brought back some memories). Scared myself shitless a number of times. There's nothing like a 2-stroke hitting powerband to bring a tear to the eye (especially if your visor's not down properly).

graywolf624 02-24-2004 01:02 AM


It's a pretty sad state of affairs when I pass a Corvette around a corner in my Buick, and I've still got plenty in reserve...
Your on the street you assclown. Take it to the track where it belongs..

(wonders if this kids parents know that their kid has 0 responsibility .)

**Who for the first time since comming here is truly mad. It's one thing to go, oh cool, street racing. It's another to bash people who do the right thing. I look forward to seeing the picture of your buick in the paper under busted for street racing, suspended license..

nthfinity 02-24-2004 01:11 AM

street racing isnt what it used to be, ever since a few trendy movies came out :(
i grew up near Detroit, and street racing is something close to heart. Woodward Ave. Gratiot Ave. and John R. are some amazing roads to cruise friday, and saturday nights. but as of late, seem to be filled with anything that a kid can affix a wing, and fart can to. ive noticably seen the awesome cars like to talk about there dwindle a bit, but it may be due to over population maybe?
anyway, we used to go to a place like "ramchargers" and see how people can run. rarely did i ever see anybody take it above 80mph as it is quite clear if your beaten and, as there are tons of lights to try a few runs. also, i never wittnessed anybody being careless.
it has always been a great way to meet people who are similarly enthusiastic about cars, as well as a learning field
I never nock going the speed limit, as i do most of the time myself. i vehemently loath recklessness

coloradosilver 02-24-2004 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by SFDMALEX
Well being Toronto most Vettes I see are automatic. Put it which ever way you want it, but auto tells me only one thing. Your a lazy as bitch who really does not enjoy driving. I see it in a Merc but in a sports car?

The ones that are not automatic, I always see them cruise down the street in 1st with revs up high, and its usualy some 20year guy who's daddy is rich, and hes on the verge of stalling every stop. Seems that all he wants to do is make a lot of noise. Just like those fagets in Civics.

The only true DRIVERS in Vettes are the Z06 owners. I saw quite a few, and all of them really appreciate the car, and give it some willy on the street.

Again these are limited obsevations, but thats the conclusions I came to.

But that doesnt go for vettes only. There are quite a few exotic owners who are assholes also.

Your conclusions are wrong :fist:

I don't have a Z06, but I respect my car every bit as much as I would if it were, and with all that I've invested in mine, I wouldn't have it any other way.

scumhookleo 02-24-2004 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by graywolf624

It's a pretty sad state of affairs when I pass a Corvette around a corner in my Buick, and I've still got plenty in reserve...
Your on the street you assclown. Take it to the track where it belongs..

(wonders if this kids parents know that their kid has 0 responsibility .)

"Assclown"??? :lol:

Given the area of the country you're from, I think I'll take that as a compliment...

I'm not sure how to get this point across more clearly than it's already been made, so I'll try to use small words :wink:
I'm not advocating street racing, or any kind of dangerous and/or illegal driving; however it's possible to enjoy your car without endagering other road users and putting your license at risk.

For example, don't sit in the fast lane in your shiny new z06 doing 10 mph slower than the rest of the traffic. Another example - a transition ramp from one freeway to another (very common here in Los Angeles), the limit is 65 and there are no cars in front of you - don't slow down - take the corner at 65 and enjoy your car (and don't hold up the guy in the Buick behind you trying to enjoy his!!!) :wink:

Now you may argue that you take your car out on the track once every few months, therefore there's no need to push it on the street. If that's how you feel, then that's fine - I just happen to think it's a waste of a great sports car to use it in this fashion.

RC45 02-24-2004 11:47 AM

Again - bringidawn....... :)

graywolf624 02-24-2004 03:34 PM

*trying to keep his cool.

First off what does my location in the country have to do with anything?
You don't speed on the roads. It isn't a macho thing. It isn't a protect your car thing. It's called common sense.
Unlike on a race track you never know when you could come around a corner and plow into a broken down car or a pedestrian. As such you drive sensably. You take it to the track. I won't race anyone on the street. You can rev your little buick all you want. Hit the track and you better have a pair of binaculars to pick out my license plate.

It's attitudes like this that cost lives. Perhaps when you grow up you'll be mature. If not I see darwin visiting you really soon. Lord hopes he only takes you and spares the idiots who think it is safe to ride with you.

*trying to keep his cool overwhelmed.

Listen you felching dick weasel.. If you really think you are hot stuff then come to a track.. Hell I'll foot your bill. I'll just make sure to show the vid of you spiniing out at 10 mph and nearly killing yourself to everyone on the internet.

*ahhh Now I feel better:)

coloradosilver 02-24-2004 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by graywolf624
*trying to keep his cool.

First off what does my location in the country have to do with anything?
You don't speed on the roads. It isn't a macho thing. It isn't a protect your car thing. It's called common sense.
Unlike on a race track you never know when you could come around a corner and plow into a broken down car or a pedestrian. As such you drive sensably. You take it to the track. I won't race anyone on the street. You can rev your little buick all you want. Hit the track and you better have a pair of binaculars to pick out my license plate.

It's attitudes like this that cost lives. Perhaps when you grow up you'll be mature. If not I see darwin visiting you really soon. Lord hopes he only takes you and spares the idiots who think it is safe to ride with you.

*trying to keep his cool overwhelmed.

Listen you felching dick weasel.. If you really think you are hot stuff then come to a track.. Hell I'll foot your bill. I'll just make sure to show the vid of you spiniing out at 10 mph and nearly killing yourself to everyone on the internet.

*ahhh Now I feel better:)

Graywolf624-- This guy touching a nerve? I don't he's worth your time continuing this rant. I think he's a bit ignorant to the reality of Corvette drivers. Anyone that thinks hard driving on the public roads is proper isn't someone that I would spend much time taking seriously or conversing with.

jpatino03 02-24-2004 04:35 PM

Felching dick weasel! :D

graywolf624 02-24-2004 04:59 PM


Graywolf624-- This guy touching a nerve?
Very much so. I've watched too many people die in the name of street racing to hear someone give people a hard time for not doing it.

On a side note I think someone slipped me some caffine because I've had a low point of patience most of today.

scumhookleo 02-24-2004 07:23 PM

:shock: Feltching Dick Weasel??? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

I'm going to drop this after this post, because it's obvious that my point is being missed...

I'm not advocating street racing.
I am advocating safely driving at the same general speed as the cars around you, and if the road is clear and dry, the day is cool to mild, you have good visibilty, and your Mom's finished giving you your blow job; then you might want to not slow down to a crawl before every corner.

All I'm saying is that it's ironic that 'vette drivers are often the slowest bastards on the road (Disclaimer: In MY experience & opinion).

RC45 02-24-2004 07:37 PM

I get your point ;)

And may again post my in-car vids of some "spirited" street driving thourhg the woods of East Texas...

...videos I might say I thought were VERY mild mannered - and actually picked up some flack over a while back.... :)

666fast 02-24-2004 08:05 PM

Did you ever find yourself a DSM willing to play a bit RC45?

godspeed06 02-24-2004 08:19 PM

"Given the area of the country you're from, I think I'll take that as a compliment..."

last time i checked his state wasn't run by AHHNold.


All I'm saying is that it's ironic that 'vette drivers are often the slowest bastards on the road (Disclaimer: In MY experience & opinion).
first of all your opinion is worthless, your point is worthless, and this thread you started sucks ass. you aren't contributing you are pissing people off. secondly, you act this way and you are 34 years old. please stop giving me reasons to pity you.

scumhookleo 02-24-2004 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by godspeed06
"Given the area of the country you're from, I think I'll take that as a compliment..."

last time i checked his state wasn't run by AHHNold.


All I'm saying is that it's ironic that 'vette drivers are often the slowest bastards on the road (Disclaimer: In MY experience & opinion).
first of all your opinion is worthless, your point is worthless, and this thread you started sucks ass. you aren't contributing you are pissing people off. secondly, you act this way and you are 34 years old. please stop giving me reasons to pity you.

It's a sad state of affairs when someone from a pigsquealing state like TN can hang shit on someone else (not that I have much in the way of a defense :lol: ).

Pity me; don't pity me - I couldn't care less...

graywolf624 02-24-2004 10:34 PM

And by the way.. What state are you talking about.. My home state of PA, the state where I now live DE, or the state I went to college in GA.


I am advocating safely driving at the same general speed as the cars around you, and if the road is clear and dry, the day is cool to mild, you have good visibilty, and your Mom's finished giving you your blow job; then you might want to not slow down to a crawl before every corner.
I get your point and it is still invalid.. The rate of speed you go around a turn on the street has nothing to do with anything. Your a moron if you think differently. How about you grow up? I mean I know you live in the land of fruits and nuts but that doesn't mean you have to display the intelligence of a lower level primate.

Cornutu 02-24-2004 11:03 PM

Re: Corvette Drivers

Originally Posted by scumhookleo
I've been for several rides in several different Corvettes (most recently an 02 z06), and have been universally unimpressed with the drivers of these cars. I'm always passing them on the street as they putt along doing 5 below the limit.

I thought they drove slow to avoid the cops, but the more I deal with Corvette owners, the more I become convinced that they're a big bunch of weenies who buy their cars to impress their 50 year old mates and make girls young enough to be their daughters look at them.

Of course, maybe I just haven't come across the right Corvette owners...

I'd be interested to hear what everyone else thinks about this...

So your point was?
All Vette owners are pedophile weenies? Uh yea. Whatever that.
You many not realize this but when you are drving a Vette sometimes you get pulled over just cause cops see you and assume you are speeding. You stray a little and do some spirited driving and bamn you get nailed. The rest goes something like Well, yes your honor...
Couple things...
Most of the Vette people I know push their cars when noone is watching. We don't need to show off, it's a Vette. We go 5 under so that you can drool at our car that much longer.
When I'm in my vette I know I can kick your ass, it doesn't matter to me what you think. I am just smiling cause I know and I don't have to show you.

As for that other guy that was complaining about kids in vettes in 1st gear, do you know how great 1st gear feels. It's just instant torque. Secondly, Can you hear that. My radio is off man. That rumble is saying "come get some"

RC45 02-25-2004 02:10 AM


Originally Posted by 666fast
Did you ever find yourself a DSM willing to play a bit RC45?

Nope, never did - the closest was a nice looking awd with boost guages on the A-pillar and taseful bodymods... and all he would do was pace me.

I think he was skeeered... ;)

blah 02-25-2004 02:43 AM

RC-45 knows not to mess with the VTEC Fury. It is the best engine evAR! I smoked many a Vette, be it that they were turning right and i was going straight, doesnt matter a win is a win.

666fast 02-25-2004 05:26 AM


Originally Posted by RC45

Originally Posted by 666fast
Did you ever find yourself a DSM willing to play a bit RC45?

Nope, never did - the closest was a nice looking awd with boost guages on the A-pillar and taseful bodymods... and all he would do was pace me.

I think he was skeeered... ;)

LOL, I wonder what they are afraid of? :?

RC45 02-25-2004 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by 666fast

Originally Posted by RC45

Originally Posted by 666fast
Did you ever find yourself a DSM willing to play a bit RC45?

Nope, never did - the closest was a nice looking awd with boost guages on the A-pillar and taseful bodymods... and all he would do was pace me.

I think he was skeeered... ;)

LOL, I wonder what they are afraid of? :?

Dunno - everything I hear is that DSM's are killa... maybe I just haven't found one that's sp00led up properly.. ;)

sickx 02-25-2004 03:03 PM

Re: Corvette Drivers

Originally Posted by "Cornutu
When I'm in my vette I know I can kick your ass, it doesn't matter to me what you think. I am just smiling cause I know and I don't have to show you.

heh.heh.heh. Hey Cornutu...I actually understand your bent here, and I am rather pro-muscle car (worked in Dearborn 4 years), but I must say it was the "take anything" attitude that allowed me to catch some serious modded domestic V-8 cars off guard in my 1.6L Miata (modded, of course) while I was living in AA. Lotsa fun! :D

Cornutu 02-25-2004 03:08 PM

Re: Corvette Drivers

Originally Posted by sickx

Originally Posted by "Cornutu
When I'm in my vette I know I can kick your ass, it doesn't matter to me what you think. I am just smiling cause I know and I don't have to show you.

heh.heh.heh. Hey Cornutu...I actually understand your bent here, and I am rather pro-muscle car (worked in Dearborn 4 years), but I must say it was the "take anything" attitude that allowed me to catch some serious modded domestic V-8 cars off guard in my 1.6L Miata (modded, of course) while I was living in AA. Lotsa fun! :D

Yes, I realize many cars are faster. A friend has a modded DSM that can crush me. Thanks for understanding my angle :)

sickx 02-25-2004 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by RC45

Originally Posted by 666fast

Originally Posted by RC45

Originally Posted by 666fast
Did you ever find yourself a DSM willing to play a bit RC45?

Nope, never did - the closest was a nice looking awd with boost guages on the A-pillar and taseful bodymods... and all he would do was pace me.

I think he was skeeered... ;)

LOL, I wonder what they are afraid of? :?

Dunno - everything I hear is that DSM's are killa... maybe I just haven't found one that's sp00led up properly.. ;)

duuuuuude.... Isn't Houston legendary for its over-the-top car scene? Surely you have plenty of cars to play with...

godspeed06 02-25-2004 09:51 PM


It's a sad state of affairs when someone from a pigsquealing state like TN can hang shit on someone else (not that I have much in the way of a defense ).
:roll: hahaha... the county i live in was the 9th wealthiest county in the NATION in 1998 and its been growing like a mother fucker since then so we are probably higher by now but i could only find the stats for 1998.

novass 02-26-2004 03:33 PM

I really dont know what the point of this thread is. I live in Los Angeles, I drive the freeways frequently and sometimes 10 mph is the fastest you can go.

Like RC45 said, this is the poser capital of the world with a lot of people buying cars just because they are new or unique or expensive. Surely im not the only one that noticed an insurgence of H2 purchases no less than a week after it was released. This shit happens all the time here with damn near every new car.

Im not sure what your expecting to see happen on a crowded freeway. How can you go fast with a car 5 feet in front of you?

Personally, ive raced many vettes. Just the other day I saw a Z06 light up the rear tires at a light and cycle through 3rd while still accelerating. With so many ricers and morons in this city, you cant blame a man with a fast car for not wanting to race every guy that revs it on him.

RC45 03-04-2004 01:55 AM

This how we handle the slow lane...
6mb file Smokin'!!!

novass 03-04-2004 04:40 AM

Damn your Vette sounds nice RC!

RC45 03-04-2004 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by novass
Damn your Vette sounds nice RC!

Thanks - and that was taken LAST season when the car had muffled Borla Stingers on - this season it has Borla XR-1 straight pipes.

I should take the car out and do another run like that with the new pipes... will convert even the most die-hard import-4-cylinder-turbo fan to V8 fanaticism... ;)

coloradosilver 03-04-2004 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by novass
I really dont know what the point of this thread is. I live in Los Angeles, I drive the freeways frequently and sometimes 10 mph is the fastest you can go.

Like RC45 said, this is the poser capital of the world with a lot of people buying cars just because they are new or unique or expensive. Surely im not the only one that noticed an insurgence of H2 purchases no less than a week after it was released. This shit happens all the time here with damn near every new car.

Im not sure what your expecting to see happen on a crowded freeway. How can you go fast with a car 5 feet in front of you?

Personally, ive raced many vettes. Just the other day I saw a Z06 light up the rear tires at a light and cycle through 3rd while still accelerating. With so many ricers and morons in this city, you cant blame a man with a fast car for not wanting to race every guy that revs it on him.

Thats a problem out where I live too. There are WAY TOO MANY little ricers that everytime they pull up next to me rev their engines. I usualy just laugh and let them tear off (or buzz off by the sound of their car). Every now and them I'll one a thourough ass-whoopin just to keep things in check, but I just don't understand why they would even think they would be even closely matched to race a Corvette, let alone a heavily modified one. Supra's are a different story, but I really don't consider them rice.

RC45 03-04-2004 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by brembo

Originally Posted by RC45
I should take the car out and do another run like that with the new pipes... will convert even the most die-hard import-4-cylinder-turbo fan to V8 fanaticism... ;)

what will it do with me? being a die-hard-5-cylinder-turbo-fan and all, we dont build cars in Norway so it have to be imported too... :shock:

Blow your wad comes to mind... ;)

FoxFour 03-05-2004 11:21 PM

Me and my friend call it "The Corvette Crawl". Around where I live, there have always been Corvette drivers that like to drive in the fast lane 5 to 10 miles an hour under the limit. And I also happen to love Corvettes myself and know of a few owners that appreciate the cars for what they are. And then I now quite a few 'Posers', airbrushed hood, ricer extreme 'bling';etc.

mustang07 03-16-2004 05:50 PM

I'm new so go easy on me, but around here (Northeast Ohio) Corvette drivers just have fun. It doesn't matter whether they are going 5mph above or 5mph below the speed limit. I own a corvette, its not new (1975) but every once in awhile i'll open it up just a little to give it some exercise. All I have to say is a corvette is meant to be respected not street raced. This car should be able to do that going the speed limit, even if its not a precious Z06.

RC45 03-17-2004 01:03 AM


Originally Posted by mustang07
I'm new so go easy on me, but around here (Northeast Ohio) Corvette drivers just have fun. It doesn't matter whether they are going 5mph above or 5mph below the speed limit. I own a corvette, its not new (1975) but every once in awhile i'll open it up just a little to give it some exercise. All I have to say is a corvette is meant to be respected not street raced. This car should be able to do that going the speed limit, even if its not a precious Z06.

Opps... :oops: :oops: :roll: I must have missed that chapter in the owners manual :wink: ... cuz my Z06 is on 42,000 miles and I been beating the snot out of it since day 1... :twisted: :twisted:

Tomerville 03-17-2004 02:19 AM

Pushrods. If you gotta go back tot he pre-historic ages, I say a Viper...I know all of you are gunna start jumping on me now so hate! just an opinion...some of you gotta start R-E-S-P-E-C-T ing that.

graywolf624 03-17-2004 02:38 AM


Pushrods. If you gotta go back to the pre-historic ages
Last time I checked cams weren't a new technology (or really even that much newer). They were first incorporated in cars in 1898. If I'm not mistaken pushrods are newer tech then cams..

Not to mention pushrods do have some advantages over cams..(lower weight and cheaper to make for 2 examples) Just as they have some disadvantages. (cams rev higher, have less parts to break, ect)

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