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RC45 04-30-2008 04:31 AM

GTA4 is here....
...and is pretty amazing.

Excellent game play, excellent environment, very nonlinear...

Oh - and the 2nd car I jacked was a C5 Coquette ;)

Awesome game - I can see this one being a great bit if escapism for a long time.

p.s. - this game is very adult... I don't just mean because it has gratuitous sex and violence, bu tbecause the level of humour and entertainment and storyline are quite adult orientated.

Very much a movie style storyline.

CarlZ 04-30-2008 04:47 AM

do you play it on pc?

RC45 04-30-2008 04:58 AM

No - PS3.

CarlZ 04-30-2008 05:04 AM

pitty, I was just wondering how much money do I need to upgrade my pc so I could play this game...

RC45 04-30-2008 05:20 AM

Probably a lot - these new generation games are best enjoyed on the console I think.

Hehe - the ingame TV channels have really clever shows hehe.

Complete with politcl adds and reality shows and previews and all.

This game is an amazingly deep production - yet delightfully shallow at the same time hehe.

silentm 04-30-2008 09:11 AM

man i wanna play this... on gametrailers there is a really nice review on the game... shame i don't have the small change to afford a PS3 :P

atfin 04-30-2008 11:46 AM

I did test that game last week and it is really the best game i have played in many years.

RC45 04-30-2008 01:48 PM

So - any GTA4 players out there?

I was wondering if anyone else thinks Michelle might be an FBI plant?

stistyle 04-30-2008 02:13 PM

just to clear up some confusion, GTA4 is not available on PC. it is for PS3 and Xbox360 only right now.

As for Michelle, I haven't gotten that far with her (although I did bang her on the second date after getting her drunk) but that sounds like an interesting theory.

MidEngine4Life 04-30-2008 02:47 PM

Does anyone know if the first day sales beat or even came close to Halo 3 first day sales?


Originally Posted by silentm (Post 828398)
man i wanna play this... on gametrailers there is a really nice review on the game... shame i don't have the small change to afford a PS3 :P

You dont have to be able to afford a PS3 ;)

I hear the game on the PS3 60gb is having a lot of freezing problems. Appearently some have been having a few problems on the 360 as well, but not nearly as many, I havnt had one problem with mine.

Last month, the launch of Rockstar Games' Bully on the Xbox 360 was marred by a bevy of crash bugs and other glitches. With this morning's heavily anticipated release of Grand Theft Auto IV for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, Rockstar finds itself dealing with still more troubleshooting trouble, as online forums are buzzing with reports of crashes.
Combing through crash threads on the forums, Sony's official message boards, GameSpot, and the NeoGAF forums, it seems that the issues are affecting PlayStation 3 users more frequently, although gamers with both systems are reporting problems. Reports of crashes on the 60GB version of the PS3 hardware are the most common, and tech support advice like deleting and re-installing the game doesn't appear to address the issue effectively.
As of press time, Rockstar has not responded to requests for comment. A representative with Rockstar parent company Take-Two Interactive declined to comment on the issue.
In any case I havnt had any problems on my 360 and Ive been really enjoying this game. I never played San Andreas so im sure that makes the experience even better for me.


Originally Posted by stistyle (Post 828437)

As for Michelle, I haven't gotten that far with her (although I did bang her on the second date after getting her drunk) but that sounds like an interesting theory.

Every time I take her to a bar Im the only one who gets drunk and she just sounds upset. Maybe Im going to the wrong bar lol. As for the FBI thing thats an interesting idea. Somebody needs bust a cap in that ass and find out what happens ;)

RC45 04-30-2008 03:49 PM

Who killed Ivan and who let him live? I let him live - hoping to cash in on that favour one of these days.

T-Bird 04-30-2008 04:52 PM

I picked the Limited Edition one up at midnight. The game is amazing! I opted for the 360 version
because all my friends got it on that console so I can go online with them and the downloadable content.

zenvar 04-30-2008 09:33 PM

Ok, wow, sounds like you guys are further along than I am...having to much fun seeing how much damage I can do to a car. And yes, Michelle has to be law enforcement of some kind. Favorite car so far is the Sentinel. Reminds me of a BMW for some reason.

Any one else have fun bowling? :)

Mattk 04-30-2008 09:35 PM

C5 Coquette, LOL! I really need a new console so I can play all these games. This one might just give me the impetus.

RC45 04-30-2008 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by zenvar (Post 828480)
Ok, wow, sounds like you guys are further along than I am...having to much fun seeing how much damage I can do to a car. And yes, Michelle has to be law enforcement of some kind. Favorite car so far is the Sentinel. Reminds me of a BMW for some reason.

Any one else have fun bowling? :)

Yeah - the "M3" is pretty cool - Have you boosted a Maybach yet? hehe

Bowling was ok, but I darts is also great fun.

Anyone else watched a lot of TV yet? Some of the satire and humour is fantastic....

Anyway, Vlad just paged me... later.

dutchmasterflex 05-01-2008 08:56 AM

You're still working with Vlad? I ended up letting Ivan live as well hoping to cash in later on..

Have you tried out the multi player? Death match is a little slow with only 1 or 2 other people.. but can imagine how fun it would be to get a big group online.

RC45 05-01-2008 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by dutchmasterflex (Post 828530)
You're still working with Vlad? I ended up letting Ivan live as well hoping to cash in later on..

[nico]Vlad? No way coezin - I poot a fuuking boollet in hiss eye - I gghad no chois, gghe fukked wit my familee ant wass deesreespecting Roman's woomin.

No one fuuks wit Neeko's familee, no one.[/nico]


Originally Posted by dutchmasterflex (Post 828530)
Have you tried out the multi player? Death match is a little slow with only 1 or 2 other people.. but can imagine how fun it would be to get a big group online.

I havent tried multiplayer yet.

fabro_s 05-01-2008 03:00 PM

Graphics are better in PS3 or 360?

Need to make a decision...

ae86_16v 05-01-2008 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by fabro_s (Post 828569)
Graphics are better in PS3 or 360?

Need to make a decision...

Supposedly the 360 offers 720p, where as the PS3 is a lower resolution. But for some reason the PS3 has a bit smoother image.


Originally Posted by MidEngine4Life (Post 828443)

I hear the game on the PS3 60gb is having a lot of freezing problems. Appearently some have been having a few problems on the 360 as well, but not nearly as many, I havnt had one problem with mine.
In any case I havnt had any problems on my 360 and Ive been really enjoying this game. I never played San Andreas so im sure that makes the experience even better for me.

Seems okay on my 60GB PS3.

RC45 05-01-2008 04:06 PM

PS3 is 1080p - I wouldnt risk a XB360 Ring of Death.

Bizi Jones 05-01-2008 04:56 PM

nah the game isn't 1080p...I read somewhere its running at 630p...but that's from a post of a post..

anyways, wicked game, haven't tried online, and barely into the game but like RC said, really well developed game ...

game froze up once in the opening scene, nothing catastrophic, been fine ever since...

anyways, back to gta :D

RC45 05-01-2008 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by Bizi Jones (Post 828588)
nah the game isn't 1080p...I read somewhere its running at 630p...but that's from a post of a post..

anyways, wicked game, haven't tried online, and barely into the game but like RC said, really well developed game ...

game froze up once in the opening scene, nothing catastrophic, been fine ever since...

anyways, back to gta :D

hmm, that's odd, because I am playing it in what appears to be a native (not upscaled) 1080p format on the big Sony TV.

And either way, it looks way beter than I have seen any of my 360 games look - I had to choose and chose the PS3 verison and am very happy ;)

RC45 05-01-2008 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by MidEngine4Life (Post 828443)
Every time I take her to a bar Im the only one who gets drunk and she just sounds upset. Maybe Im going to the wrong bar lol. As for the FBI thing thats an interesting idea. Somebody needs bust a cap in that ass and find out what happens ;)

Well, she has asked if I know the Russian maffia, if I can find drugs for her "cousin" - I am sure she's a narc.. ;)

MidEngine4Life 05-02-2008 01:53 AM

I havnt gone that far yet. shhhhh lol. I took the night off gaming yesterday so I could chat with this girl im trying to get with. Priorities ;)

Daggernite 05-02-2008 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by MidEngine4Life (Post 828679)
I havnt gone that far yet. shhhhh lol. I took the night off gaming yesterday so I could chat with this girl im trying to get with. Priorities ;)

You took a night off GTA4 to talk with a girl?!? are you a geek?:-P

xbeakerx 05-02-2008 09:12 PM

yeah well i just got it and it FROZE up on me!!! i'm mad!!

styla21 05-02-2008 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by xbeakerx (Post 828830)
yeah well i just got it and it FROZE up on me!!! i'm mad!!

Are you playing on PS3 or 360?
.. Curious as i'm trying to decide which way to run. :-)

RC45 05-02-2008 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by styla21 (Post 828834)
Are you playing on PS3 or 360?
.. Curious as i'm trying to decide which way to run. :-)

I am quite satisfied with my 1080p PS3 experience so far :)

No lockups, crashes or hangs - just fun. :)

xbeakerx 05-02-2008 11:27 PM

40gig PS3
i went here to get it to work, kind of a pain in the ass but it works...

RC45 05-02-2008 11:59 PM

Hmm.. those are all generic PS3 fix suggestions - nothing new there.

ae86_16v 05-03-2008 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by Bizi Jones (Post 828588)
nah the game isn't 1080p...I read somewhere its running at 630p...but that's from a post of a post..

anyways, wicked game, haven't tried online, and barely into the game but like RC said, really well developed game ...

game froze up once in the opening scene, nothing catastrophic, been fine ever since...

anyways, back to gta :D

Yeah that's right, 630p. Interesting though, but still they said the PS3 graphics run a bit smoother.

I have the 60GB version of the PS3 and hadn't had it lock up yet.

RC45 05-03-2008 05:32 AM


Originally Posted by ae86_16v (Post 828856)
Yeah that's right, 630p. Interesting though, but still they said the PS3 graphics run a bit smoother.

I have the 60GB version of the PS3 and hadn't had it lock up yet.

Well, its odd that the PS3 allows for native 1080p display - *shrug*

Bizi Jones 05-03-2008 11:47 AM

eh, I think if u force 1080p, uncheck all other options then it'll upscale to 1080p...which according to some looks better

and omg is this city huge or what...I have the hardest time knowing where I am going, NY just opened up and I end up taking cab rides everywhere cause I hate getting lost all the time...

Bizi Jones 05-03-2008 01:36 PM

well the game froze up and won't even load my last mission save...some ppl are saying if u disable internet connection then it should load...:( worthless Rockstar

MidEngine4Life 05-03-2008 01:56 PM

Still no probs on my 360 ;)

RC45 05-03-2008 03:24 PM

**oops, duplicate post**

RC45 05-03-2008 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by MidEngine4Life (Post 828900)
Still no probs on my 360 ;)

And no problems on my PS3 ;)


Originally Posted by Bizi Jones (Post 828899)
well the game froze up and won't even load my last mission save...some ppl are saying if u disable internet connection then it should load...:( worthless Rockstar

I am betting the last "autosave" is corrupt, and/or your harddrive is almost full and the 3GB install is fragmented.

I make a habit of deleting unneeded/wanted stuff from my PS3 harddrive before installing/running these new big games.

The same sort of maintenance you do with PC's.

Perhaps thats why I have not had the issues that others have experienced.

Why not delete unwanted crap, free up some space - then delete the install files for GTA4 and rerun the game.

You might also want to make a habit of saving your game and not only relying on the "autosave'. Then make backups of your save game on a USB stick.

Good luck.

BTW, last night there was a French Connection style mission that has you chasing an elevated train by car - then offing the gangsters as they left the station - tonights highlight was taking down some Strip Club thugs...

They ran out the back and tried to get away in the their blinged out pearl white Escalade EXT on 22"s... but their progress was slowed when I emptied a Mac10 clip into the driver and dragged the passanger out and convinced him it was time to get out of the Titty Club game - right there in broad daylight.

The scene, complete with screaming witnesses running, the New York skyline in the background and a white Escalade half up on the sidewalk, driver slumped over the wheel, windshield all pock marked by gun fire and the passanger door open with the a thug laying in a pool of his own blood really underlined the age restrictions they placed on the game. ;)

Bizi Jones 05-04-2008 10:03 AM

nope, like I said, it seems that by logging out of psn the game loads fine...that's the current fix...until rockstar comes out with some sort of update

its been working fine since :D

RC45 05-04-2008 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by Bizi Jones (Post 828989)
nope, like I said, it seems that by logging out of psn the game loads fine...that's the current fix...until rockstar comes out with some sort of update

its been working fine since :D

I think logging in to PSN is not the real cause, as when the game starts up, it does nto appear to be making any network calls - I mean, it has no reason to.

My vote is on fragmented game install.

I have managed toduplicate this issue and fix now.

I filled up the drive with rubbish, and reinstalled GTA4 and it takes an age to start - or kust locks up.

If I free up space, then install the game, it runs ok.

On my system at least, there appears to be a direct correllation to drive freespace (and probably then also fragmenttation) and the success of loading the game.

**More Discovered Attention to Detail**

Anyway, back to the game - there is clever attention to detail (that I dont recall from the little time I spent on GTA3) that makes it very interesting - one of the first times I jacked a 69 Camaro in downtown, I wanted to do a rolling burnout through Times Square.

So I stood on the brakes, and powerbraked into a great smoeky burnout... and then was admiring the chaos with the arious camera angles - but as I went to leave a nice r=ubber strpe, the tyres burst - hehe

First one then the other - but essentially I had corded the tyres and was now on the rims sparks flying everywhere.

These little touches make the difference I think.

BTW - what are the fraking glowing pigeons for? Just racking up kills?

xbeakerx 05-04-2008 08:33 PM

detail: i got into a wrecked car during a chase and realized that my front left tierod was broken. it was kind of fun trying to out run the cops with it... but i did... very fun!!

Pokiou 05-04-2008 11:04 PM

ok i got the game finally...


OMFG!!!! ITS AMAZING i couldnt belive how detailed the game is.. im playing in 1080p and its fine. but alittle blocky.

Multiplayer is amazingly fun lol But very very slow where i can get to 2 fps... so yea BUT non the less chasing 20 of your mates around in a helicopter is fun :)

Now i let some guy live that was hanging off a roof. And thats about where im upto atm :D

Bizi Jones 05-05-2008 01:02 AM

heh, I guess all that porn on there was not helping the game....evidently :ohmy:

RC45 05-05-2008 05:47 AM


Originally Posted by Bizi Jones (Post 829068)
heh, I guess all that porn on there was not helping the game....evidently :ohmy:

Who needs pr0n on the PS3 when you can get virtual head from $20 street hookers in GTA4? ;)

ae86_16v 05-05-2008 07:07 AM

Damn, the "Three Leaf Clover" job was CRAZY!!!

Bizi Jones 05-05-2008 10:26 PM

any suggestions on how to stop the damn train in the Puerto Rican u need to shoot it in a special way...cause following it is almost impossible...

nm, figured it out

codewizard 05-05-2008 11:01 PM

GTA4+PS3 bundle sales in my store have been better so far than the GT5 Prologue + PS3 Bundle and getting stronger - presales were huge. Pity it's not on PC yet ...

Both of these bundles out sold the Halo bundle @ a walk - we're still trying to flog some of our Halo bundle stock.

codewizard (leaving retail to go back to coding real soon ;-P )

RC45 05-06-2008 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by Bizi Jones (Post 829208)
any suggestions on how to stop the damn train in the Puerto Rican u need to shoot it in a special way...cause following it is almost impossible...

nm, figured it out

I am guessing the French Connection wasn't an iconic movie for you then? ;)

Here's a fuzzy iPhone image of my C5 and Maybach parked outside my stylish digs in daylight, and slightly clearer shot taken in the early evening ;)

chedisme 05-06-2008 11:09 AM

hey anyone know where i can find a list of all the cars with pic of them ive been looking but cant find one any where. at least not the actual cars, just ones speculated to be in the game from the old games.


dutchmasterflex 05-06-2008 11:10 AM

I've started to collect some exotics.. got a Porsche 911/caymen and a 900cc bike parked outside my Central Park East pent house ;)

Has everyone checked their stats? I want to know what everyones "Addiction" levels are. I think I'm still at "getting sketchy"

Bizi Jones 05-06-2008 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by RC45 (Post 829218)
I am guessing the French Connection wasn't an iconic movie for you then? ;)

nah, its just I kept making wrong turns...didn't think I could follow the train, but got in the end...

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