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saadie 03-27-2005 09:18 AM

something like tht ?? ^^

ARMAN 03-27-2005 10:01 AM

When you need it you cant find it of course, i'll try to explain - one that is looking like made of water so you can see thru it and on the other side you see what is written :? you see it no matter what color it is on, dark or light :| Is it understandable? :mrgreen:
I wanna make few to see wich look how there will be copyright "C" sign and ARMAN. Just that.

saadie 03-27-2005 11:28 AM

""" When you need it you cant find it of course """ true true :P
ermm yeah its understandable .... ermm like take a pic from an analog camera .. drop water on it ... no matter the color is light or dark .. it will make a water stain on it ... and wala watermarking is invented .... :|

ok well how is this .... i know the colors are not good :mrgreen:
the logo is a seperate difference layer ....

ARMAN 03-27-2005 11:41 AM

This is the closest example I found

saadie 04-11-2005 05:44 PM

:oops: i though i posed this ages ago :oops: :roll:

stmoritzer 04-19-2005 12:16 PM

For those guys not having Photoshop.

Use the simple PhotoEditor (included in the Microsoft Office package) to improve the quality of your picture within a minute.

Go to Menu - Image -AutoBalance and the 'Brightness', the 'Contrast' and the 'Gamma' is adjusted. You can do it also manually (preferred!).

The 'Gamma' helps a lot to get stronger color ( the color of the car is often covered with a grey shimmer or to bright because of the light ).

Here are 3 samples I modified for nurbrun. (see his post for more pictures of these cars

The left side of the pics is modified/the right side original.

I know, it's not as good as Photoshoped, but still a remarkable difference and easy/quick done.


TT 04-19-2005 04:46 PM

LOL dude, I think I already told you there is no point in hiding the trail lights in front of the Murci :D I had to wait quite a while for a car to pass to shoot this pic with them in it and then you just put a tree there? :P

5vz-fe 04-19-2005 04:49 PM

TT, can't u just fake the trail lights urself using PS in the first place? LOL :mrgreen:

TT 04-19-2005 04:52 PM

First, it isn't as easy you you might think, second, I only believe in "improving" a pic, not modifying it if not in some extreme cases

TT 04-20-2005 04:59 PM

But no, I understand pretty well. The result is actually good for sure.

You are a psycko in your own way and I am in mine ;)

duko 05-23-2005 04:55 PM

Thanks for the tutorial TT :D..
Here's a pic I edited :)

xxleasxx 05-26-2005 08:05 PM

I found that the image>adjustments>shadow/highlight is a very handy tool and have saved many images that were once "too dark" to appretiate

heres a before and after

duko 05-28-2005 03:44 AM

That gives a great effect xxleasxx :)

undien717 09-09-2005 06:29 AM

Thanks for the easy to understand tutorial-

ZfrkS62 12-03-2005 10:12 PM

on the topic of watermarking: There is an option in the Filters menu called digimarc. Is that the same as a watermark and if so how do you create one? I want to make a watermark for my pics since i've got about 125 pics to sort through, edit and post.

(i know it's a dee-dee-dee question)

thanks for all help

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