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dutchmasterflex 05-01-2008 08:56 AM

You're still working with Vlad? I ended up letting Ivan live as well hoping to cash in later on..

Have you tried out the multi player? Death match is a little slow with only 1 or 2 other people.. but can imagine how fun it would be to get a big group online.

RC45 05-01-2008 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by dutchmasterflex (Post 828530)
You're still working with Vlad? I ended up letting Ivan live as well hoping to cash in later on..

[nico]Vlad? No way coezin - I poot a fuuking boollet in hiss eye - I gghad no chois, gghe fukked wit my familee ant wass deesreespecting Roman's woomin.

No one fuuks wit Neeko's familee, no one.[/nico]


Originally Posted by dutchmasterflex (Post 828530)
Have you tried out the multi player? Death match is a little slow with only 1 or 2 other people.. but can imagine how fun it would be to get a big group online.

I havent tried multiplayer yet.

fabro_s 05-01-2008 03:00 PM

Graphics are better in PS3 or 360?

Need to make a decision...

ae86_16v 05-01-2008 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by fabro_s (Post 828569)
Graphics are better in PS3 or 360?

Need to make a decision...

Supposedly the 360 offers 720p, where as the PS3 is a lower resolution. But for some reason the PS3 has a bit smoother image.


Originally Posted by MidEngine4Life (Post 828443)

I hear the game on the PS3 60gb is having a lot of freezing problems. Appearently some have been having a few problems on the 360 as well, but not nearly as many, I havnt had one problem with mine.
In any case I havnt had any problems on my 360 and Ive been really enjoying this game. I never played San Andreas so im sure that makes the experience even better for me.

Seems okay on my 60GB PS3.

RC45 05-01-2008 04:06 PM

PS3 is 1080p - I wouldnt risk a XB360 Ring of Death.

Bizi Jones 05-01-2008 04:56 PM

nah the game isn't 1080p...I read somewhere its running at 630p...but that's from a post of a post..

anyways, wicked game, haven't tried online, and barely into the game but like RC said, really well developed game ...

game froze up once in the opening scene, nothing catastrophic, been fine ever since...

anyways, back to gta :D

RC45 05-01-2008 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by Bizi Jones (Post 828588)
nah the game isn't 1080p...I read somewhere its running at 630p...but that's from a post of a post..

anyways, wicked game, haven't tried online, and barely into the game but like RC said, really well developed game ...

game froze up once in the opening scene, nothing catastrophic, been fine ever since...

anyways, back to gta :D

hmm, that's odd, because I am playing it in what appears to be a native (not upscaled) 1080p format on the big Sony TV.

And either way, it looks way beter than I have seen any of my 360 games look - I had to choose and chose the PS3 verison and am very happy ;)

RC45 05-01-2008 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by MidEngine4Life (Post 828443)
Every time I take her to a bar Im the only one who gets drunk and she just sounds upset. Maybe Im going to the wrong bar lol. As for the FBI thing thats an interesting idea. Somebody needs bust a cap in that ass and find out what happens ;)

Well, she has asked if I know the Russian maffia, if I can find drugs for her "cousin" - I am sure she's a narc.. ;)

MidEngine4Life 05-02-2008 01:53 AM

I havnt gone that far yet. shhhhh lol. I took the night off gaming yesterday so I could chat with this girl im trying to get with. Priorities ;)

Daggernite 05-02-2008 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by MidEngine4Life (Post 828679)
I havnt gone that far yet. shhhhh lol. I took the night off gaming yesterday so I could chat with this girl im trying to get with. Priorities ;)

You took a night off GTA4 to talk with a girl?!? are you a geek?:-P

xbeakerx 05-02-2008 09:12 PM

yeah well i just got it and it FROZE up on me!!! i'm mad!!

styla21 05-02-2008 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by xbeakerx (Post 828830)
yeah well i just got it and it FROZE up on me!!! i'm mad!!

Are you playing on PS3 or 360?
.. Curious as i'm trying to decide which way to run. :-)

RC45 05-02-2008 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by styla21 (Post 828834)
Are you playing on PS3 or 360?
.. Curious as i'm trying to decide which way to run. :-)

I am quite satisfied with my 1080p PS3 experience so far :)

No lockups, crashes or hangs - just fun. :)

xbeakerx 05-02-2008 11:27 PM

40gig PS3
i went here to get it to work, kind of a pain in the ass but it works...

RC45 05-02-2008 11:59 PM

Hmm.. those are all generic PS3 fix suggestions - nothing new there.

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