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Books, Comics And Magazines This is the place to discuss Books, Comics And Magazines that you have read / are reading

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Old 06-03-2005, 10:16 PM   #1
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Default F1 magazines?

a couple years ago there were 2 F1 mags in the US availible at the book stores. However in the past year i have only been able to find the one on the left.

The mag on the right IMO is much more complete in terms of news, and coverage, however all the track breakdowns are metric, which really is my only complaint other than a years subscription would have been 132USD (compared to 7.99USD per issue at the store..do the math)

has anyone else in the US seen the mag on the right recently?? I need to find it again


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Old 06-06-2005, 07:11 AM   #2
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I'm pretty sure the second one closed down a while ago. It was owned by Bernie Ecclestone (if memory serves) however it was losing money. I personally think that F1Racing magazine is an absolute load of crap, and a waste of money. You are probably better off just buying a general motorsport magazine, but I'm not sure what the coverage for F1 is like in the U.S. If you have the magazine MotorsportNews then I would recommend that as they have the very experienced Joe Saward as a writer.
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