Current plans for the car:
- Preventive replacement of conrod and main bearings + major service
- Cleaned out engine bay
- GTR look
- Coilovers (Tein or D2)
- 19" rims
Forgot to mention, that the car has central locking, a/c and electric windows + mirrors. And the best part of it is... it all WORKS! After so many years - you just gotta love the Japs

Oh, and it also has an alarm fitted. And front strut bar. HICAS which also works. Bilstein suspension. The previous owner has also given me blitz blow off, blitz electronic boost controller and greddy turbo timer. And a set of 18" rims. All in all, quite a few additional trinkets...
18" rims left in the picture:
Today I've put it on a ramp for the first time to see whatswhat. There is no rust. Not even on the chassis. Oil sump is dry as pepper. That is very important. It has a few things to sort out, like a cracked steering boot, worn rear brake discs, fmic not mounted properly exc. But what gets my blood boiling, an engine bay which looks ugly like a pig. It doesn't take much, to make an engine bay look clean and nice. Don't know why the previous owner hasn't done anything about that...
Gtr look will look nice with this fmic
Engine bay will get a clean look, and all the hoses replaced with black silicone ones - even for the fmic
As for the interior... I need to repaint the driver side window operating switch, because the plastic has become squiggly - common problem with alfa's actually

I will also buy a gtr central console for three gauges, because current ones don't look nice. And I'll have to replace the shift knob and boot also
But apart from that, the car looks very solid for it's age...
Next update when first parts arrive
