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Old 02-17-2004, 12:40 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by dylan99
you are two dumbheads, hockeyphreak1 and Anile8er. first of all Ferrari can't and won't ever make a 20k sportscar if you think they can you don't know anything of cars or Ferrari. The majority of ppl who buys supercars are not young but old, therefore they have more money too spend. If Ferrari makes a car for 20k it won't be a exclusive carmanufacture. Not all old ppl can drive but not all young ppl can drive either. Women that are driving convertibles are OK for me so maybe you haven't seen a woman driving a convertible that is pretty. If everybody would have a Ferrari when they are 16 or 18 years old the magic would go away and it is better to work for it and then buy a Ferrari that is the dream of the most Ferrari lovers. They see a Ferrari and later when they have money they buy their childdream.
You are a dumbass. I am in no way saying old people shouldn't be driving fast cars. I am saying that old people who own these cars should not be driving them unless they are to make use of the car's abilities. These is a 70+ year old man in south carolina, a construction who bought an enzo and drives it hard. That's what the car is for. Ferrari engineers don't spend thousands of hours engineering high performance so a stock broker can feel young and attract women. If you're not going to make use of a car's performance, don't buy a high performance car. Use you're money to buy a mercedes. But leave the enthusiasts to drive the ''driver's cars.'' I am tired of losing my opportunity to get a hand on the 996 GT3 because some rich bastard who's senile decides to get the car as a luxury coupe to get him from home to work. Its an insult to the people who made it. And to say that a ferrari should not be driven hard because breaking things is expensive? I KNOW OF VERY FEW FERRARI OWNED WHO ARE CAPABALE OF PUNISHING THEIR CARS THAT HARD. if they don't want to use it because they'll break it, they shouldn't have bought it. They took the place of someone who would have done the car justice.
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Old 02-17-2004, 12:48 AM   #17
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I can see why it annoys you having these old men and women driving these exotics. But whats better?

That happening or this?

Thats a hard one ay?

I personaly admit that if I had a Ferrari I would be very cautious about driving it. Wouldnt want to scratch my baby!

But of course.....I'll rev it all the way to the redline with that glorious sound! (think 355 Spider) :roll:

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Old 02-17-2004, 02:07 AM   #18
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I hate women in BMW's to. I work at a Drug store in a Lawyer town, and you can tell the Bimmer driving bitches when they walk in the door. They are loud, never feel like finding things on their own, never want to cut out their own coupons, and always bitch if they bring up the wrong item and the coupon doesn't work.

P.S. To everyone who uses coupons: Cut the fucking this out before you come up the register, or the clerk will hate you... No matter how much he smiles or says otherwise. WE HATE YOU BASTARDS!
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Old 02-17-2004, 01:58 PM   #19
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It isn't the worst scenario case. I've read about an old Norwegian guy who sold his company and retired. He now lives in a castle on the french riviera and has about 54 cars. Yes you've read right 54!! And not just any car. Everyone is exotic. He has about 20-30 Ferraris. If I find the Norwegian magazine (called AUTOFIL), then I'll scan the pics and translate the article. The man is so lucky!
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Old 02-17-2004, 02:01 PM   #20
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The majority of ppl who buys supercars hasn't ever used the full abilities of the their cars. Ppl who have money buys cars for their reasons - beautiful, expensive, impress other ppl, love of cars, etc. - It is not on us to judge that, but I agree with you that they should know how to drive such cars to a certain degree. If I would have one - I love supercars - I would try to drive as hard as possible but i would be very very careful with it. But it goes too far to say if you can't and won't drive the car fast that those ppl shouldn't of bought them. Personally I would like that all owners of supercars would drive their cars really hard all the day but it isn't going to happen and it is unreal to think so and very harsh to supercars that aren't meant to be driven all the day. BTW the 996 GT3 is made to be driven all the day, even the CGT is made to be driven all day. Go to some reviews of the car and the engineers of porsche will tell you so.
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Old 02-17-2004, 03:13 PM   #21
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I dont know how it is in other countries, but here in Czech if someone have a nice car they are ok, not showing off and so. Of course there are some dicks that acts stupit and arogant but they are at ANY age.

If you see an old man/woman in ferrari, it maybe was his/her dream for 30-40 years and came true, maybe he worked hard to make that money and get that car.
Seeing young sexy chick in some hot car?- yes it is sexy, but almost impossible that she MADE that money and actually BOUGHT IT, so that chick is worthless for me and mostly dont have much in the head :rollthere are some exceptions of course)

Teens to more harm to beautiful cars than oldpas 8)

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