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Old 07-01-2004, 08:17 AM   #16
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I agree that you cannot compare F1 and WRC drivers, although i would say it is much harder to compete in F1 than it is in WRC and drivers from both disciplines are amongst the best in the world. Look at Rossi though, he dosent even race cars and he was within a few seconds of Schumachers times at a test session, now thats talent
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Old 07-01-2004, 08:31 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by espen
Well, rumor has it Shumi drove around in an F360 on summer tires, and was seen going very fast and very very sideways on minor roads in mid-winter snow at his cabin in Trysil, Norway this winter. (Trysil is a super wintersports area and is one of the most snow-rich areas in snowy Norway!) So I don't think he's utterly incapable of going sideways
I remember a similar anecdote from, I think, Fritz Kreutzpointner. Before competing in F1 Schumacher raced at Le Mans for Sauber - Mercedes. He and his team mates (Kreutzpointner and Karl Wendlinger) were heading for a physical training facility somewhere in the alps in what I think was a BMW. Schumacher was behind the wheel and put his foot to the floor. They were not driving on an autobahn but on a curvy road through the mountains. The weather was bad, it was snowing quite heavily. That didn't bother Schumi though. He was driving at an incredible pace, overtaking cars all the time and drifting through the corners. Upon arrival at the training facility prior to the workout all three men's heartrates were measured for comparison during the workout. Wendlinger and Kreutzpointner's heartrates were well above what could be expected while Schumi's was normal. And he was the one that had been driving!
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Old 07-02-2004, 08:27 PM   #18
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You cant compare, I read in a magazin that Shumacher stated that he had a lot of respect for WRC drivers he said that in WRC you need to have a lots of concentration and skill.....

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Old 07-03-2004, 01:26 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by fabro_s
You cant compare, I read in a magazin that Shumacher stated that he had a lot of respect for WRC drivers he said that in WRC you need to have a lots of concentration and skill.....
I agree, becoz rally drivers drive at night and just counting on the navigator drifting in to a blind corner at insane speed. In F1, u dive into a corner and brake soooo late that it take stopwatch like timing, also finding the ideal line and setup for the car.....

just to name a some diff.........
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Old 07-03-2004, 02:18 AM   #20
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Fun converstation, but fruitless. i have to agree that you cannot compare these two sports. The driving techniques are so very different and the style of competition is almost a reversal of the other.

I do think it would be interesting to see a brief exhibition swap of cars and drivers. I would love to see the respnses from the different drivers after the test.
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