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Old 07-05-2006, 03:08 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by nickthaskater
Originally Posted by ae86_16v
Originally Posted by nthfinity

if you buy a computer for asthetics, you arent buying it for what its built for. = poofta
Couldn't the same be said about cars? To only uses as transportation from Point A to B?

Or any other tool? Electronics?
Yep, but then he has nothing to bitch about so it's better to ignore that fact.
think about it this way.

you are buying a Alfa because of the way it looks, but you buy a Porsche for the way it drives.

Alfa is to mac as Porsche is to PC.

so, i have just as little/much to bitch about as you
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Old 07-05-2006, 03:44 AM   #32
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There are plenty of people who buy Porsches for the way they look. Typically, people don't go and buy a car that they don't find appealing aesthetically.
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Old 07-05-2006, 04:28 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by nickthaskater
There are plenty of people who buy Porsches for the way they look. Typically, people don't go and buy a car that they don't find appealing aesthetically.
Apart from that bloke in nths sig with the Veyron

This arguement is :bad:

But interesting... so keep it going
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Old 07-05-2006, 04:53 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by nthfinity
Alfa is to mac as Porsche is to PC.
That's so not true...

Show me a PC purpose built for an OS that can manage memory efficiently, while still not losing any ease-of-use, and I'll show you my checkbook.

Originally Posted by SFDMALEX
Besides there is basicly no professional engineering software for macs.
My dad is an electronics engineer and there is not one mac you will at his work. And they run programs that cost 20 000$ a license.
Not just because they arent availible for macs. But because even back in the day, you could wire a device to a serial port on a PC using a store bought book, and write a simple program in just about any language to control or program it.
Take the illegal satelite dish business. You program cards using your serial port.
Shit like this you just cant do on a mac. or not as easily as it is on a pc.
Your statement merely says that you're choosing a PC for this very specific reason. You need something to use for hacking hardware, and because software isn't available for another OS. The other bits that your PC does are basically just "bonus extras".

Isn't that the same for web designers/video editors/SFX/CG guys that prefer working on Macs? Because we cant find a decent PC OS that can manage memory properly for our applications, we need to buy hardware for a very specific reason, everything else we get with the Mac are just "bonus extras".

Now what about those serious gamers types...

Sorry. I just dont think it really is necessary to label a group of people based on their hardware preference. I am for one, definitely not a "poofta" , but I really just can't manage working on a PC anymore.

...and really, sometimes it just doesn't matter how well specced your PC is. Mac's OS can allocate memory far better than Windows since it "sleeps" apps running in the BG, as opposed to Windows, which just piles it one on top of the other. A decent anti-virus alone will eat up a large portion of your memory, throw in a few large graphic programs such as Illustrator CS2, Photoshop, Flash, and Dreamweaver all running at once, and a Windows based PC just crawls.

Only option is to use Linux. But c'mon, the inconvenience of use eats up so much valuable work time that it's just not worth it in the long run.

Originally Posted by RC45
But the problem is that none of the mac-based software has an ability to us the other buttons,

Which, again, is why I have chosen to use all the video and image editing software I do on a WIndows PC (and have done so sine at least 1992... ) and NOT on a Mac.

There has been NOTHING I couldn't do on a MAc that I could not do on a PC cheaper, quicker and simpler. Wink

Mac's are for posing pooftas ... :Wink:
Originally Posted by ellen feiss
mighty mouse isnt a single button mouse. :Wink:
Ah yes. I forgot about the mighty mouse. I need 4 buttons though, so either way, PC or Mac, I still need to buy a special mouse for my work.
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Old 07-05-2006, 07:34 AM   #35
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if POWERRRRRRRR was just so important about cars then why arent everyone using a riced out pocket rocket with a fart pipe that could fit a basketball? They're ccheaper without the pretty bits that ppl go gaga over.

Time was Macs were considered a toy cause of the GUI. But when PCs had GUIs everyone started keeping quiet.

Ppl put down the mouse as unimportant but now people depend on it. Over half a decade ago Macs could do the contextual right click. Thing is though you'd need to get a 3rd-party usb mouse for that to happen until recently.

Macs are more like the Mercedes-Benz S Class. It introduces all the whiz bang technologies that the rest of the car industry will get in 5-10 years time. It took Microsoft over half a decade to make Vista comparable to OS X. A few years after Vista becomes the norm people will wonder how they could've used XP.

Before the iMac all PCs were beige boxes. Sure there were black boxes but these werent the norm. But now though you get PCs all around that features whatever color you want whatever shape you want.

Apple was the first company to ditch the 3.5" floppy. It took Dell about half a decade after to make it an option. Apple was the first to ditch legacy port support. Same story as before Dell ,etc started ditching em just recently.

Apple made the 56k modem optional. Wonder when Dell stop bundling that fossilware.

With all the positives out of the way here are where Macs sucks big time.

I do concede that there are a lot of stupid Mac users. Yes, you read it right there are a lot of know-nothing Mac users that gives credence to what everyone says here. The sad part is they celebrate the fact they're idiots. They like to buy Macs cause of the pretty screeen and the pretty case. They buy it cause some airhead heiress has one and brags about it on her newspaper column. Like most of your readers know wtf a 17" Powerbook is or even care. Those who care are morons. They could care less if the thing's UNIX-based, virus free, stable as a rock and not a security nightmare. They just want the a pretty thign to complement their farking iPod and their other accessories.

A friend of mine wanted to go Mac but no AutoCAD. I wanted to go Mac for the POS but no one has local POS software/support for the Mac even if an iMac is comparable in price to a POS sans the cashbox, printer & customer display. Then again no COM or PARALLEL ports means I'll have a hell of a time looking for USB POS peripherals.

Businesses are cost-effective entitites and Macs are too feature-rich & expensive for your average business need. Not to mention finding someone to maintain a Mac network is much mroe of a headache than looking for someone capable of Linux. Finding enough software alternatives is like counting your fingers. That's that and nothing more.

Macs arent for everyone. People who says it is are dillusional and have been drinking too much Kool-Aid served at Uncle Steve Job's Church of Mac.
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Old 07-05-2006, 08:09 AM   #36
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Aw well,, Macs are popular in the DTP industry for some specific reasons (no, not posing ) and the Macs we had at home years back were excellent machines. But today a PC will be more usefull in 99% of usage needs. So besides for some specific strenghts the Macs have I don't see how the average user would pick one over a cheaper PC. I have to admit though that Macs do look better....
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Old 07-05-2006, 08:23 AM   #37
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If you have the money, who cares? That's like criticizing someone who buys a Veyron instead of an Enzo.
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Old 07-05-2006, 09:35 AM   #38
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I would critizise whoever buys an Veyron over an Enzo

However, we talk about appliances. You're not buying a more expensive vacuum cleaner because it rolls on dubs right ?
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Old 07-05-2006, 09:50 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by LotusGT1
I would critizise whoever buys an Veyron over an Enzo

However, we talk about appliances. You're not buying a more expensive vacuum cleaner because it rolls on dubs right ?
Would you buy a Dyson over a Hoover though?

They both do pretty much the same thing, but the Dyson looks better, and has that new "ball" base to make it easier to move around.

Still, the Hoover is far cheaper, and will still suck up dirt like it should do.

Dyson = Mac, Hoover = PC.

Personally, I would go Dyson. Not for the Looks, but because of the ball. Same reason I would rather go Mac. Because the OS and the hardware work beautifully together, not because it looks beautiful.
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Old 07-05-2006, 09:53 AM   #40
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I don't see how OS X works so much better than XP.
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Old 07-05-2006, 09:56 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by Sir_GT
Originally Posted by LotusGT1
I would critizise whoever buys an Veyron over an Enzo

However, we talk about appliances. You're not buying a more expensive vacuum cleaner because it rolls on dubs right ?
Would you buy a Dyson over a Hoover though?

They both do pretty much the same thing, but the Dyson looks better, and has that new "ball" base to make it easier to move around.

Still, the Hoover is far cheaper, and will still suck up dirt like it should do.

Dyson = Mac, Hoover = PC.

Personally, I would go Dyson. Not for the Looks, but because of the ball. Same reason I would rather go Mac. Because the OS and the hardware work beautifully together, not because it looks beautiful.
Naa...Dysons SUCK but my VAX SUCKS better
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Old 07-05-2006, 10:12 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by Sir_GT
Personally, I would go Dyson. Not for the Looks, but because of the ball. Same reason I would rather go Mac. Because the OS and the hardware work beautifully together, not because it looks beautiful.
What is this obsession with "works beautifully together"?

Have you ever bothered to compare back to back PC vs Mac using actual DTP and Imaging and Video editing software?

Using the same applications (as I have been doing for over a decade now) on the PC instead of the MAc has yielded no better or worse results.

In other words, using the entire Adobe suite on a cheaper but equally powerful PC has not hampered in any way my ability to produce anything.

The equivalent MAc just costs more - thats all.. dos nothing any better. Is no better at memory management, is no better at "not crashing"... in fact, most of the time the output and product spools faster from the PC than the Mac version.

But that aside, I am still waiting after 14 years for someone to show me an example of Adobe Photoshop, Premiere, Fractal painter, Adobe Illustrator, Xerox Ventura (before Coral bought them), Framemaker, Pagemaker or InDesign running better on a Mac than PC.

To date NO ONE has been able to - it is simply because the "style" of the Mac appealed to their poofta selves...


So - here goes out the challenge... demonstrate to me how and why it is better to run any of these "graphics, desktop publishing or video titles" on a Mac vs an equivalently powerful PC?

Lets hear it an see it.

Gauntlet thrown down.

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Old 07-05-2006, 10:32 AM   #43
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For the consumer-end, iLife. I have yet to see a near competent suite that can handle audio, video, dvd, photos and soon the web in a tightly integrated package. you dont need to be trained and learning curve isnt that high to deliver something passable. It comes on every Mac bought for the past few years. Costs $79 everytime it gets updated. If you like how iTunes work then iLife is the extension of it on other media.

Then again if convenience & ease of use doesnt matter then there are a lot of choices on the PC but not very good ones.
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Old 07-05-2006, 11:05 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by ellen feiss
For the consumer-end, iLife. I have yet to see a near competent suite that can handle audio, video, dvd, photos and soon the web in a tightly integrated package. you dont need to be trained and learning curve isnt that high to deliver something passable. It comes on every Mac bought for the past few years. Costs $79 everytime it gets updated. If you like how iTunes work then iLife is the extension of it on other media.

Then again if convenience & ease of use doesnt matter then there are a lot of choices on the PC but not very good ones.
UHm that makes no sense... you just said "consumer end".

All the while people have been arguing "Mac is for Pro Graphics, DTP and video".

So which is it?

Consumer or pro?

So youpay $5000 for builtin software? Yeah - thats clever, ellen... you get a bong with that upgarde?

And why don't you post nekkid pics of yourself..
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Old 07-05-2006, 11:12 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by LotusGT1
I would critizise whoever buys an Veyron over an Enzo

However, we talk about appliances. You're not buying a more expensive vacuum cleaner because it rolls on dubs right ?
what if both were together owned by the same bloke ? lets throw in a CGT for good measure!

well, mabey next year...
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