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Old 09-13-2004, 09:45 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Neutrino
Originally Posted by HeilSvenska
You know what? 308 really didn't deserve its name.

And sub-$100,000 Ferrari is a really bad idea when it has Maserati.

This is why i was careful to specify the number 246 in my post since I'm not a big fan of the 308 Dino either. Of course there was also the 206 Dino which deserved the name easily.

And i was thinking more of a ~110K Ferrari not below 100K. At that price it should be still quite exclusive without stepping too much on Maserati's or F430's turf pricewise.
yes well, mind you, but the 308 WAS the first real V8 engine Ferrari...

We might not like it so much, but you gotta admit we owe a lot to it (360wise)
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Old 09-13-2004, 10:26 PM   #17
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If you ever drove a 308 compared to the other cars of its time, you'd understand, not to mention its lines are still probably the best of any 80's, or for that matter, 90's Ferrari. Also, although it was sub 100,00, its price equvalency taking into consideration inflation and the fall of the dollar means it is equivalent to a 220000 dollar Modena.
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Old 09-13-2004, 10:56 PM   #18
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not to mention its lines are still probably the best of any 80's, or for that matter, 90's Ferrari. Also, although it was sub 100,00, its price equvalency taking into consideration inflation and the fall of the dollar means it is equivalent to a 220000 dollar Modena.
??? We mean 308 DINO, not 308 GT/GTS

And also Modena is $150,000

~110K Ferrari not below 100K. At that price it should be still quite exclusive without stepping too much on Maserati's or F430's turf pricewise.
If you have seen the previous F430 topic, you would see that many people believe that Modena is too whored out, i.e. not exclusive enough
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Old 09-14-2004, 01:15 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by HeilSvenska

If you have seen the previous F430 topic, you would see that many people believe that Modena is too whored out, i.e. not exclusive enough
Ah...I was not aware of that tread, im still a noobie sadly enough

But you do have a very valid point, and i agree it is bit rather common(for a Ferrari). Its about the only fault that i can find with the Modena however. And this is what makes cars like the Noble M12 so apealing to me since they are designed for a purist driver.

But at least good sales for the Modena mean good profits for Ferrari, so they can keep their racing programs and contnue to make great cars without another mutinational car company completelly taking them over and destroying their spirit.
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Old 09-14-2004, 11:14 PM   #20
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the conversation is over
Mclaren, the best car of the world
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Old 09-16-2004, 05:28 AM   #21
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this is bullshit, Ferrari will never make a car like that, in one of my magazines it was either road and track or car and driver or somethin like that, they had a section of what ppl should make, like a new barracuda, and one of the cars was a new Dino, although id love to see what it would be like, I would never want them to actually do it cause thats not what Ferrari is lol 30 grand Ferrari, i think next time u shoulr try adding another 0 to that 30
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Old 09-17-2004, 01:49 PM   #22
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No no and no. Converstation is over.

There is also a marketing factor here too I think, you never want to back down from what buyers expect to pay. Plus the exclusivity needs to remain intact.
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