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Old 03-20-2004, 11:49 AM   #1
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Default scan :F40 vs F50

I hope you will like it even if french (the translation should be under the pics ). The guy that wrote this paper is not really fair but ...

I used an online translater (faster for me) so it could be sometimes difficult to understand :

The combat will be held in neutral ground and the victory will be allotted to the points. They will go from 1 to 10 and will relate to the design, the interior, the engine, comfort, control and the performances. As much to announce it, we will be insincerely.

They were born at 10 years from interval: 1988 for F40 and 1998 for F50. The general design presents some similarities. But one must note that F40 gives an impression of monster more sharpened than F50, at least on paper!

Less clumsy , F40 is of a remarkable fluidity although having little wind tunnel test undergoes contrary to F50, which counts many hours to reach the statute of F1 of the road. They have both a carbon kevlar carrosery with carrying engine for F50. The F50 has a removable roof which lets see a splendid convertible once withdrawn. In the field of the design the palm returns in F40, we agree all!

F40 =10 F50 = 9

If the interior of F50 can be described as comfortable and convivial, that of F40 is that of a racing racing car, stripped of any luxury, it was intended to the sporting and fortunate amateurs mark. An interior Spartan. On certain versions the window winders miss ! To close the door you find a cable, Ferrari dared !
The dashboard present all instruments necessary ! Only concession with modernity, a quite useful air-conditioner! This partiality did not offend us but, of daily use, F40 is tiring and a little comfort would not have changed anything with its heart.
The interior of F50 is similar to that of F1. Perforated aluminium pedals, available in two sizes. The whole is covered with Conolly leather and fabric. The cockpit is designed to measures. The pedals are adjustable according to the legs of the pilot. The F50 has an arch of safety approved... for the race on circuit and of the fasteners for the harnesses. Air-conditioning forms also part of the equipment!

F40 = 9 F50 = 10

The F40 has V8 biturbos and the F50 a V12. Pure pleasure ! Both are placed in central position postpones but F40 has V8 of 3 liters cubic capacity Biturbo IHI borrowed from the 288 GTO, it develops 478 bhp at 7000 rpm for a maximum torque of 58,8 mkg as of 4000 rpm. Nobler engine for F50: V12 of 4,7 liters developing 520 bhp at 8500 rpm and 48 mkg at 6500 rpm. Power-to-weight ratio is better for the F40. Gearbox present differencies, the F40 has a non-synchronized, 5 gear gearbox like on the racing models and 6 gear synchronized gearbox for the younger. Their conception does not have anything in common. One sings, the other howls! Difficult to decide between them, the F40 has a design race, the F50 a splendid and noble V12

F40 = 10 F50 = 10

Driving a Ferrari, whatever it is, is always a special moment. Still more when they are the last two superstars of this millenium. Let us start with F40. Once installed in its bucket (it is initially necessary to span the external support of the cell in carbone) you are well fixed in a bucket vis-a-vis of the wheel! The shoulders of removers will not be at ease because the seat goes up very high and the maintenance prevents a perfect visibility. The V8 emits a metallic sound, very different from the 12 cylinder and seems more ragor. The F40 is rather flexible, flexible and easy to drive through downtown in spite of its direction without assistance and its enormous tires. The push of the engine is continuous, the turbos have a response time to cut you the most resistant hiccup ! By raising the rhythm, everything change! 478 bhp claim a know-how. The car recalls you it as of the first incartade, that it is with acceleration or while raising the foot while entering in a too optimistic way in turn. Immediate sanction: it oversteers and invites you to more modesty. We had problems... of vision. Little accustomed to see the turns arriving so quickly, it is necessary to reconsider the zones of braking, the attack of one turn to the cord and especially, to work the exit while avoiding accelerating too early or too late. You are in a race car and the non-synchronized gearbox, so hard but so precise is there to remember you this fact. I do not believe that it is possible to transcribe accurately which occurs in the spinal one when you start, standing, to be, less than 13 seconds later, at 200 km/h. at this moment there remain to you still 100 km/h under the foot ! Never I saw the needle of a counter so easily reaching 340 km/h... while waiting to take the wheel of F50 of course !
With the F50 you are inboard of a rocket, authorized to be on the road.
Inside, after the F40, is a nirvana ! The interior is worthy of best the GT (it is normal it is best the GT’s). No problem to settle behind the wheel and the seats maintain perfectly, without being imposing.
The V12 with a bewitching sound, despite the catalysts, remains of an extraordinary docility.
The handling of the gearbox is a model, taken from now on the 550 and 360 and still improved. At the wheel all seems easy. it is time to increase the rate/rhythm. This is at this time that you should be humble and vigilant. Ferrari presented its F50 as an F1 of the road. On board, the feelings are immense, incredible. The power is so generous that one presses with reserve the accelerator. F50 erases all that was tiresome with F40. The gearbox is softer, the clutch lighter, the brake “bite” at low speed.
The performances of the F50 are exceptional. It beats its elder in all the registers safe in top speed. Progress in in-gears is incredible: 5"3 from 100 to 140 km/h in 6° against 9" in 5°. The difference is also notable in passage in curves. In the curves tightened or not, where the aerodynamic supports of its body lavish an exceptional adherence, almost worrying ! All the body is abused per such an amount of power, so much of adherence ! One does not come out intact from such a test.

The F50 is a unique object which has only F40 to make him shade. For our part, even if the performances are side of the F50, our choice is made on the F40 for its brutality, its image, that does not have and will probably never have his/her enemy sister. Moreover, it is it which approaches the most idea that one is done of Ferrari, a monster hardly civilized filled with defects which become with the time of single qualities !

F40 = 10 F50 = 9

The pure performances of our two beauties are very largely above the average and all that you can imagine. Their dash speeds are between 324 km/h for the F40 and 325 km/h for the F50, accelerations are slightly with the advantage of F50. The 1000 m standing start is carried out in 21"1 (we had obtained 21"7 with another F50) and "only" 21"5 for F40. They finish to them 1000 m with respectively 270 and 274 km/h ! The 0-100 km/h is unambiguous: 4"5 for the F40 and 3"9 for the F50. Another irrational figure: the 0-200 km/h! Just 12"5 for the F50 and 12"7 for the F40. With my bad faith, it is difficult not to give the victory to the F50 !

F40 = 9 F50 = 9

The last set is completely subjective, since it acts of a personal opinion and for my opinion, I remain on my positions and I chooses the F40. Especially due to its aura. It arrived during the madness of the prices and entered the legend of Ferrari of anthology. The F50 never reached that point and never attracted fires of the slope like the F40! Moreover, in the street, the most looked at it is the F40.

F40 = 10 F50 = 9

Let see ! The totals.

F40 = 58/60 F50 = 57/60

The F40, 10 years older than the F50 is still of topicality and its performances still refer! Last information with the prices: the F40 was worth 1.720.000 F, nowadays its price almost did not move since you will find two specimens to be sold in our columns at 1.350.000 F. The F50 was much more expensive : 2.700.000 F, you will see in our columns an F50 to sell at 2.600.000 F is 100.000 F of economy !
(ps : 10 F = 1£ or almost)
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Old 03-20-2004, 12:25 PM   #2
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Very nice, a comparison between the F40 & F50. Gonna read it in french, to work on my language skills

I think I would prefer the F50... but it's a close match... very close. Next week it could be the other way around
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Old 03-20-2004, 12:57 PM   #3
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since when is the F40 from 1988? and the F50 from 1998???
Last time i checked, the F40 was from 1987 and the F50 from 1995.
And the F50 a GT car with luxurious interior? man the F40's interior must be bad...
Ah well nice to read, thanks for the scan, nice pics also. Somehow i always liked the F50 with that emergency roof
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Old 03-20-2004, 01:02 PM   #4
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I didn't correct the mistakes they made I know that the F40 is from 1987 and the F50 from 1995, i am always surprised to see how the testers are mis-informed !! I thought they would "eat" magazines and books, but it isn't obviously the case for some of them
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Old 03-20-2004, 10:19 PM   #5
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Wow, thanks a lot for the translation into English...I know a little French, but not enough to understand that whole article. Good article, except for the inaccuracies.

Thanks for the scan yg60m.

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