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Old 03-17-2005, 05:24 PM   #1
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Default A Lambo with the rags

Exotic cars at unusual places are the salt in the engine vision soup. On 27 February therefore a family of five team with a completely special mission from Munich started towards the north. Final destination is the place Arvidsjaur highly above, in icy north Sweden. The test vehicles: A Porsche 911 sports club year of construction 1979, a Mitsubishi evolution VIII and - one hardly believes it - a Lamborghini Gallardo. An adventurous venture, over which to report is worthwhile oneself. In the InterNet travel diary the editors rope-freshly tell of their experiences in the high north.

Sunday, 27.02.2005
Finite is it so far - the route goes loosely. Simon travels first alone to north Hessian pouring, in order to take with the life assistance our first test cars in the receipt: A black Porsche 911,3.0 sports club with 188 HP, which humans handicapped by the life assistance at the end of the yearly in favor of one draws by lots. A lot costs - much to only five euro for the chance on a Porsche. If you also always dream about a 911er, find under www.lebenshilfe.de all information for donation action. With the arrival in pouring the first stage is successfully completed. With a good feeling in the head and the Porsche keys in the bag Simon goes to bed.
Old timer tombola and night on high lake

Monday, 28.02.2005
Punctually at 9:00 o'clock the dreikoepfige camera team arrives consisting of EH, novel and Bernie in pouring. Owing to 265 turbo-HP of the Mitsubishi Lancer evolution VIII they completed the distance Nuernberg pouring in record-suspicious two and a half hours. The first turning work begins immediately. The team films some old timers, which are drawn by lots by the life assistance in the coming years. Against noon we rise again into the vehicles, in order not to miss our ferry in Kiel. With Porsche 911 and Evo VIII the travel passes as in the flight and we reaches the port without problems. Over 19:30 put the ferry down of the Stena LINE and we to drive out us the time on board into restaurant, bar, Duty Free Shop and at the innumerable einarmigen bandits. Read Vegas is far, but on the ferries of the Stena LINE one can zocken nearly just as well. In order to spend our travel budget not on the hinfahrt, we rather withdraw ourselves into the comfortable cabs.

Old Sweden in the Volvo museum

Tuesday, 01.03.2005
Hardly waked up and had breakfast, the ferry already put on Goeteborg in the goal port. Now hurry is announced, because when unloading everything must run off smoothly. Fast we drive the cars from the ferry and enter for the first time Swedish soil. After a short city tour, with which that a third of the road users seems to consist in Goeteborg of buggies, goes it is noticeable to us directly into the Volvo museum. The complete history of the Swedish automaker is there issued - an obligation date for each autofool on Sweden route.

A Unikat on centrifuge course

Wednesday, 02.03.2005
In the morning we drive again into the Volvo museum, where one hands us out the keys to a completely special Volvo: 240 turbo with four cylinders, 2.5 litres capacity and 16 valves. A genuine unique piece, which was to be never acquired it in this form available. We feel honoured to be allowed to hunt 250 HP strong sedan over a snow-covered test track in Goeteborg. With summer tires reliably no easy venture, but owing to its check differential frees itself the Volvo after smaller takeoffs easy again from the snow-sore. Like that the egg dance perfect a preparation for the ice runways is in the high north, which we will take in the coming days under our tires. To the turning work we drive approximately 180 kilometers of directions the north, in order to begin in the pictorial Oertchen Mariestad our second night lodging on Swedish soil. Before we want still the night life to become acquainted with, must however to state that in rural Sweden the curbs are highly folded very early. Power however nothing, because after the long day we fall in the hotel Wictoria proper into our beds.

Black bull on white snow

Thursday, 03.03.2005
In the morning we film the objects of interest in Mariestad, and against noon arrives with the Lamborghini Gallardo finally our hot more desired third test car. Franc fetched it two days ago in Ingolstadt and enjoyed the long autobahn trip obviously. One could see when overhauling so many lucky faces in the rear view mirror - which makes sound of the Lamborghini simply addicted rare, and where always it emerges, flippen humans proper out. Whether at the gas station, from the supermarket or on the ferry, with the Gallardo one can hardly save oneself from interlocutors. With a Lambo "friends" to find, is no problem. Also in Mariestad all on the Italian boliden and even the urban press fall themselves come to the visit to the scene of the crime. Against 14 o'clock we can tear away ourselves after a leckeren lunch in the hotel Wictoria finally. Highest time, because before us still 500 kilometers up to the next stage goal Hudiksvall lie. Despite speed limits we reach in time the hotel Hudiksvall. Our sleep rhythm we adapted meanwhile to the Swedish habits and our long work times. Punctually around ten we fall into the feather-soft beds of the hotel Hudik.

Away freely! - 950 HP Marathon on bright ice

Friday, 04.03.20005
Along the Swedish coast we drive well 600 kilometers to the north up to the Camp Ebbenjarka in the proximity of Lulea. Despite speed limits and icy roads the travel is everything else as boring - that altogether 950 HP von Lamborghini, Porsche and Mitsubishi is thanks. In time with dinner in the large Holztipi we arrive in Ebbenjarka and enjoy the rustikalen charm of the beautiful plant. More over the Camp absolutely worth seeing Ebbenjarka experience you under www.ebbenjarka.se. Dearest us on directly beside our pictorial hut lain the test track would immediately fall, but the reason reminds to waiting. The discharge surfaces of the ice runways are large, but we wait for safety's sake on the daylight. With something strong oil - the Swedish name for beer - we oil our throats and let the evening comfortably end.

Show down with the local Heroes

Saturday, 05.03.200
Slide portion in Ebbenjarka: Volvo loaded into co-operation with the General German Automobile Association to driver training and 23 participants came, in order to train their driving ability on snow and ice. We accompany the meeting from the Skidoo and ride along with the camera in some cars. Both we and the "learner-drivers" have a quantity fun. Against noon then the Lokalmatadoren in the ice drifting emerges and shows up, why Scandinavia is considered as birth place to good Rallyefahrer. Okay, contrary to us have those young spikes on their tires, but like them Subaru Impreza, Nissan skyline and Volvo V60 R over the mirror-smooth runway to hunt, is really worth seeing. More to it shortly in Tuning TV. Collected well 1000 HP bring boliden of the Swedish drift artists on the ice. The Driftorgie unfortunately finds a premature end, when the 420 HP-STRONG skyline fills up our cameraman novel including camera with a half ton snow. Novel and Bernie spend the remainder of the evening involuntarily with that foehn and wiping of the objective out.

Hannes, the emergency brake! - Teamwork with driver training

Sunday, 06.03.2005
The camera runs again, when we accompany the learner-drivers of the Volvo training still times on the ice. We concentrate on the most unusual driver duo of the entire group: A nut/mother and her 13-jaehrigen Sohn Hannes, which does not wish itself more ardently, than sitting even term Volant. Although it may take place only on the passenger seat, does not become boring it, because Hannes takes over the operation of the emergency brake, switches for mummy and reaches into critical situations also times stout-heartet in the steering wheel. Owing to Teamwork the two put a conception worth seeing on the ice release the Volvo group the ice runways in the afternoon, in order by dog sleds by the Swedish wilderness kutschieren themselves to leave. We however prefer horse power to the dog strengths and use the opportunity to out-rave us on the frozen over lake and to shoot driving pictures of the Evo VIII. Really sensationally, as the Japanese Rallyederivat leaves itself owing to intelligent differentials in ever larger driftwinkeln over the ice scheuchen. After a fantastischen dinner of Rentierfilets we let the day consisting end in the enormous Sauna of the Camp Ebbenjarka. Between the Saunagaengen we put into a tank with hot water, which is located in the middle in the snow landscape. From there with a strong oil in the hand and a cap on the head as only pieces of clothing the polar lights to regard, is an incomparable experience. On the way back to the hut however caution is required, because the wet feet threaten to freeze with each step at the soil firmly.

An autobreaker saves the day

Monday, 07.03.2005
At the Monday morning we stand for alternation times forwards instead of behind the camera. Some reporters of the Swedish television received the Lamborghini from our unusual route and to want now for their part and its "moved" drivers to film. At the same time we release the rims of the Evo from the eternal ice - with the Driftorgien in each wheel at least three kilogram froze themselves for ice firmly, which must be knocked careful now raus. A small Malheur happens: The only autokey remains lying in the trunk, which is to be opened again only by keys or by means of a flap in the floor space of the driver's seat. Actually no problem, because the doors were not locked. Stupid way locked itself off the Mitsubishi during our work however, and we stand first rather helpless there. Experiences in autocracks do not have we unfortunately. Fortunately can do us differently, which findige director/conductor of the Camps, to help. Its neighbour had in former times contacts to the Russian mafia and knows itself in such things in the best way out. With a long wire and each quantity intuitive feeling is open the door after ten minutes again. One must have luck. Then with the Lamborghini for the first time on the ice nevertheless caution with the right foot is: Who than only strokes the accelerotor pedal more, becomes in the Italian rocket immediately the helpless passenger. Due to the enormous 295er-Winterrreifen and torque in the abundance the Lambo on bright ice makes itself very fast independent. Against noon we leave wehmuetig Ebbenjarka, in order to visit Heiko, a German "emigrant". On its enormous property stands an old hut, which is to be torn off, and Heiko has the correct tool ready: a VOLKSWAGEN Touareg expedition, which outlines the small shed with its hoist playing easily. We record the whole action with the camera. Subsequently, ice fishing rods drive on a frozen over lake - before us surely still nobody made with the Lamborghini. We are not surprisingly the only Lamborghini drivers in the 350-Seelen village Ranea, because Heikos neighbour has a Lamborghini tractor in the garage. A further neighbour sets with the farm work on an old Porsche porsche-Trekker. The Swedish farmers have really style. Against evening we drive to the test driver center Arvidsjaur over small roads to our next stage goal. Despite innumerable warnings we spared luck and to remain on the way of a much which was afraid collision with moose or annuitant. On the roads completely frozen over an evasive maneuver would be safe a genuine gambling.

Kartracing in the Sweden Style

Tuesday, 08.03.2005
Good morning, Arvidsjaur. We with Lamborghini and Evo draw our rounds right after to rising on an nearby test track. Enormous discharge surfaces permit to turn the Lambo also on the ice finally times correctly highly. The ten-cylinder with 5 litres capacity and 500 HP roars itself the soul from the body, which in the small place naturally not remains unnoticed. Immediately spectator at the distance is and even the auto+delicate press comes, in order to admire the black racer with its pirouetten over the ice. It is everywhere the same play. We in the afternoon enter automobile new ground and rave ourselves also "Crosscarts" made available by the Hotell Laponia on a small handling course out. The Crosscarts looks like oversize Darda cars and by 22 HP a strong Zweitakter is beaconed, whose exhaust gases pull to the driver relatively not filtered into the nose. After a few acclimatizing rounds us the ambition packs and more than once must the friendly aids of the hotel our front spoilers from the snow-sore pull. On the way back does not want to suddenly close the door Porsche 911 no more, but by means of a clamping belt we can do it at least zuhalten. In the hotel garage we must determine then that taking of a Porsche door apart is quite simple, an assembling against it substantially longer last. But created after well two hours wir's - the door closes better than ever before. After dinner Bernie and franc explore the night life of Arvidsjaur, but except a parking lot, on which four cars stand closely together and converse the drivers by the opened side windows, much is not the matter. Thus those spend Sweden thus their evenings. Something disappointed we withdraw ourselves to the hotel bar.

Fixed dangers: Schneeschippen at the polar circle

Wednesday, 09.03.2005
On to the polar circle: Today we achieve the northernmost point of our journey. With Lamborghini Gallardo, Porsche 911 and Mitsubishi Lancer evolution VIII we break open early in the morning toward Jokkmokk, in order to meet in the small place Vuollerim Heiko, our Tourguide, again. Like already often before, the Lamborghini provides for attention and pulls views all this on itself. We fulfill a dream to a Berlinerin, which already lives for 45 years in Sweden, by letting them take in the Italian flounder place. "sit once in the Lamborghini and die", reads their impressed comment. After an excellent Snack according to kind of the native rags we make ourselves again on the way to the polar circle. Already after the first curve represents itself a whole herd pay on the narrow side street the hooves. Relatively unbeeindruckt of Lambo, Porsche and Evo, the animals vacate only zoegerlich the road. At all move pay mostly in the slow motion speed, which facilitates an avoiding substantially. From Heikos Touareg expedition we shoot on the way driving pictures with the different cars, until we achieve the desired polar circle in the late afternoon finally. Proudly we posieren with our vehicles before the sign. Then geht's to warming up and cosy crickets into a small protection hut directly beside the polar circle Monument. The impressing is the absolute silence and width of nature. Trees and snow so far the eye hands. One does not hear noise except the quiet noise of the blood in the own ears. Nearly no noise, because suddenly breaks through the sound of permanently revving up wheels the silence. Without sweat no price: Heiko buried itself tried with its Touareg those approximately two hundred meters to the protection hut to drive and promptly hopelessly in the snow. For us one hour tire means freely digs, woods underlaid, pushes, to put back and - again to put remain. The procedure repeats itself five to six times, until we created it with friendly support of two Sweden and their ski Doos finally on the road back. As much about expedition. We enjoy rather exhausted Kaffe and original Nuernberger small sausages, which taste excellent also to our Swedish rescuers. Against 19 o'clock we make ourselves on the way back, because lie up to the Hotell Laponoia still well 250 kilometers on mirror-smooth and from paying populated roads before us. With speed 100 and far broken eyes nozzles we by the night.

Ten kilometers before Arvidsjaur last annuitant stolziert for this day in all soul peace before the Lamborghini, in order to look at itself the black Ungetuem more exactly. Decides sometime the Swedish Paarhufer, which is Italian bull the way to vacate nevertheless and the last obstacle of this eventful daily completed. In the hotel we checken still fast the football results, around us then cord TRACKS into our beds too forgiven. Behind us a hard, but day unforgettable with security lies.
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