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Old 01-06-2004, 09:00 PM   #1
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Default Ferrari Getaway in Paris

Have any of you seen a film called Rendezvous? Its a 9-minute video in a Ferrari that's blasting through Paris early one morning. Its from 1976 and its in black and white but the new version has colour. Parts of the video are hard to see because its dark but the sound is unbelievable. It's a cult classic by Claude Lelouch. It has just been re-mastered and you can buy it on DVD for $29.95US from http://www.spiritlevelfilm.com. I have the video downloaded on my computer and I would like to post it on this site but I can't because I haven't been chosen yet to be a full member. I found the video on Kazaa, but it can be very hard to find. For those of you who haven't seen it, hopefully I can become a full member soon and I can upload it to this site.
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Old 01-06-2004, 10:45 PM   #2
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if u can find someone to host the vid please do, sounds very like a very good video
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Old 01-07-2004, 03:53 AM   #3
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the video is a fake, it's not a ferrari etc.

here the quatation:

It's a french movie (5 minutes) made by claude lelouch called "Pour un rendez-vous"

The car is not a ferrari, it's a little one ...
The sound you ear is a ferrari engine sound:
He used this to recreate some stress ...
cause the guy is late for a date :\
The movie was done early in the morning in paris.
The fun thing is (if i remember right) that they were more than 30 people with cars at every corner to stop any cars that would cause an accident.
Even frame per second is tweaked to make it more impressive

for more info type "claude lelouch pour un rendez-vous" in the google
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Old 01-07-2004, 04:20 AM   #4
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That's the nice thing bout these 'cult' movies. So many different stories wander around the Inet
After some 'googling' I found this one:

someone with the InetAlias: Powertrain replied in a thread on 2002-09-08:


A V-12 Ferrari 275GTB.

Here's the story of this little gem:

"Pour un rendez-vous"

"I'm driving like Trintignant in 'Un homme et une femme', foot to the
floor, speedometer showing 180, taking all the risks, and more, because
I'm not in the rally at Monte-Carlo but in the centre of Paris. Next to
me, my camera man controls the speed of the camera hooked on to the bumper
of the car. We systematically run all the red lights. Streets and avenues
are coming at a terrifying speed. Future spectators will be glued to their
seats, pressing an imaginary brake pedal.

Because it's a movie I'm filming of course. A movie that will last exactly
the lenght of its filming. Nine minutes and thirty seconds. Nine minutes
and thirty seconds of film is what I had left after making 'Si c'était Ã*
refaire', when the equipment was being returned. Feeling sorry for wasting
this precious 300 meter strip of film, I took the opportunity to realize a
project I had wanted to do for a long time: a movie in one take where the
camera would travel through Paris at great speed, its point of view being
that of a guy driving like a madman because he's late for a rendez-vous.

I got this idea on a day when I, who is always punctual, was in the same
situation. Because it was critical that I be there on time, I crossed
Paris at hallucinating speeds, running the lights, using forbidden lanes,
taking mindless risks. Just as I'm doing now. Five hundred and seventy
seconds, not one second more, this is the time I have to go from Porte
Dauphine to Place du Tertre.

With two main technical problems. The first consisted in coordinating the
car trip with the action in the last 10 seconds, when Gunilla, my
companion (who is also the mother of my daughter Sarah) walks towards the
car that will stop in front of her at last. It's the sound of the engine
as I get closer to Place du Tertre that will warn her that it's time to
move into sight. The second problem was the impossibility to ensure the
safety of the whole operation.

I limited the risks by filming this stunt during the month of August, at
five-thirty in the morning, at dawn. Thus traffic was practically nil,
however I could not get the authorization to block the streets. Any
vehicle could then veer in front of me at any time. If this should happen
I pray that I see it and have the reflexes to react in a fraction of a

The most dangerous part of the trip are the wickets to the Louvre. The
exit is totally blind. If a car appears there in front of my hood, a
collision is inevitable. So there, I strategically placed my assistant,
Elie Chouraqui. Using his walkie-talkie he will warn me of any danger.

I'm approaching the wickets to the Louvre. No warning from Chouchou. I
push on.

The rest of the trip is without problem. I slow down at Place du Tertre,
and Gunilla, with perfect timing, comes to meet me.

A quarter of an hour later I find Chouraqui fiddling with his 'talkie'.

- What're you doing?
- It's this piece of garbage! he says, pointing at the device. It conked
out at the beginning of the take!

I shivered thinking of what might have happened."

Quoted from Claude Lelouch biography by Jean-Philippe Chatrier


Don't want to repeat everything as said on this vid in that particular thread here but you can read everythin ghere

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Old 01-07-2004, 05:58 AM   #5
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Levensnevel, in one of the most recent Autovisie magazines there's an article on Rendez-vous. They went to Paris to investigate and came to the conclusion that the car isn't a Ferrari. You can tell by the speed in comparison to other cars and the surroundings in the video and the sound of the engine. First it was believed to be a Ferrari 275 GTB, but that car does about 270 km/h flat out in fifth. That's clearly not the speed you see in the video. Also Ferrari specialists claimed the sound is the sound of a Ferrari, but not the sound of a 275 GTB. They claimed it was a 330 P3 (not entirely sure which 330 P, but I think it was the P3). Bardinon of the Mas du Clos collection has/had such a car and a private track, so the sound could have been recorded there. About the video Autovisie found out by measuring time and distance of different stages that the top speed couldn't have been higher than a little over 120 km/h. They tried driving the same route as shown in the video, but it took them way longer than 9 minutes. They concluded that it might not be as fast as it looks at first glance, but that it takes some serious courage to run the course in 9 minutes.
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Old 01-07-2004, 06:15 AM   #6
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Some more facts from the Autovisie report:

-They think that the car in the video was a Renault Alpine Berlinetta (only the sound from a 330P, used the owners private circuit to match the sound with the actual driving).
-the average speed during the whole original run was only 78,1 km/h.
-driver was F1-testdriver Jean-Louis Shlesser (and probably not Claude Lelouch)
(-Auto visie did their rendevous run in a Chrysler Crossfire.)
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Old 01-07-2004, 06:28 AM   #7
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Thanks McP for the additions. I don't have the article myself, I read it at my parents so I had to recall it from memory.
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Old 01-07-2004, 06:39 AM   #8
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I also have some doubts about its authenticity of the Getaway in Stockholm vids.
In the first video with the 911:
- The police stop (at the begin) is obviously fake, and
- Somewhere in the middle of the video (for 14 sec, starting 5:00 min after the police stop) you can see a lighthouse’s light flashing: it circles way to fast:
I’m sure someone can find the correct circling rate of this lighthouse, and then calculate how fast the 911 was really going. :idea:
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Old 01-07-2004, 08:45 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by McP
I also have some doubts about its authenticity of the Getaway in Stockholm vids.
In the first video with the 911:
- The police stop (at the begin) is obviously fake, and
- Somewhere in the middle of the video (for 14 sec, starting 5:00 min after the police stop) you can see a lighthouse’s light flashing: it circles way to fast:
I’m sure someone can find the correct circling rate of this lighthouse, and then calculate how fast the 911 was really going. :idea:
in the first GiS police is definitely staged , however in the next 3 sequels I doubt so... the lighthouse speed was discussed in other forum, but there was nobody from Stockholm, so it was pretty much pointless..
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Old 01-08-2004, 12:45 PM   #10
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I saw that video (getaway in paris) that a classic.

I think they also show it on TOP GEAR.
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