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Old 03-01-2007, 01:35 AM   #8
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Thanks first of all -- This paper is about fascism in Italy ... So the Russian's played a huge role... yadda yadda ... I've never written an essay such as this before and to be honest I'm lost and almost out of time ops: Here's what I've got to go on ... Any help would be awesome of you


Over the course of the term students will be assigned and undertake to write ONE (1) essay paper worth 25% of the course grade. The essay should be about 3 typed-pages (1,000 words), excluding title page and list of bibliographic sources, and it must properly styled and formatted. The due date is THURSDAY MARCH 1ST. Below is a list of THREE (3) suggested topics from which students must choose only ONE (1). Although specific details will be outlined and explained in class during tutorial sessions, it is sufficient enough to state here that the focus of the essay assignment, in addition to developing a specific historical topic, is to address specific methodological problems in the field of historical research and writing. There is an expectation that students will begin to develop a sophisticated appreciation of how the character of historical sources and the working methods of historians shape historical knowledge. Also, and in regard specifically to some of the films that will be screened in the class, students will be expected to do far more than rely on a simple ‘retelling’ of the story and its plot should they choose to analyze or make reference to a film in their essays. A fundamental methodological assumption made by the course is that some film can provide an important subject for the historian seeking to understand and explain the past. Each student, therefore, will be expected to explore and provide well-researched personalized answers to such questions as: Is there a political, social, economic or cultural link between a given film and the historical evidence that has emerged from the course lectures, readings and discussions? What is the significance of the pictorial and spoken language of a given film? Does the film genres — newsreel, documentary, feature and/or cultural film — significantly alter the ideological message and/or the historical integrity of the medium? Finally, are the general terms and assumptions required for understanding the ‘past’ and traditionally accepted by historians a necessary and unalterable methodological framework for filmmakers of historical drama? Students are advised to note that the essay assignment is due in class. Late submissions will be penalized at the rate of 5% per day. Extensions will be granted only on medical grounds or in the case of exceptional circumstances, and in these cases only with the appropriate supporting documentation. If students know in advance of circumstances that will prevent them from meeting the due date, they must consult the course director ‘before’ rather than ‘after’ the deadline. All essay assignments will be assessed, graded and returned in class to each student by the course director at the first class meeting following the submission date.


The only bibliographic sources that students will be permitted to employ in the preparation of their term papers are the required course texts:

T.C.W. Blanning, (ed.) Oxford Illustrated History of Modern Europe (Oxford, 2001)

P.M.H. Bell, Twentieth Century Europe (Oxford, 2006)


1. Describe the rise of Fascism in Europe in the immediate post World War I period within the context of the “roots” of the past.

2. Select ONE (1) of the articles collected in the edited text by T.C.W. Blanning and write a “methodological historical review.”

6. Select ONE (1) of the films or documentaries screened in the course and discuss its merits and contributions to history as a “cinematic historical document.”
Each of the following five core criteria is based on a grading scheme ranging between 0 - 4 points.

Advancement of a clear, analytical, and comprehensive thesis /4
Presentation and defence of a personal methodological approach /4
Appreciation for the methodological approaches employed by selected sources /4
Analysis of subject matter within the context of relevant historical themes /4
Ability to employ the conceptual language of historical analysis /4


Overall ability to effectively communicate research findings and knowledge through written work

An exceptional ability to write clearly, persuasively, and eloquently — 5 points
An excellent ability to write clearly and persuasively— 4 points
A good ability to write clearly — 3 points
A sufficiently competent ability to write adequately — 2 points
Difficulty writing adequately — 1 point
Inability to write — 0 points


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