Thread: Casino Royale
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Old 12-21-2006, 03:05 AM   #44
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Well, I kind of like that they're trying to change the very idea of what a Bond movie is supposed to be. I mean. Casino Royale was the first Ian Fleming book, so in a sense, Casino Royale should be what all Bond movies should have been in the first place.

Besides, some existing Bond movies were jokes, especially Die Another Day. I didn't think I was watching a Bond movie during that, honestly, but felt more like watching another Austin Powers movie. Halle Berry? Come on. Least attractive Bond girl ever. The other one was the fattest one ever too.

Anyways. It was a very good movie and a good Bond movie too. It's kind of sad that people would go to see a Bond movie for silly gadgets and farcical plots. Hopefully new ones can change that.
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