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Old 11-28-2006, 09:58 PM   #13
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The accident apparently took place last Saturday during a party. Both the car's owner and the driver at the time of the accident were in attendance. The owner let the other driver, a prominent businessman, take the Carrera GT out for a spin. As you might imagine, it was a spirited drive, as the Carrera GT is an obscenely powerful piece of machinery.

That kind of power commands a great deal of respect, and accidents can and do happen even with seasoned, trained drivers behind the wheel. In this case, it appears that the car proved to be more than this person bargained for, and it hit the utility pole at what appears to have been a significant rate of speed, based on how far into the bodywork it's lodged.
The driver thankfully escaped with a broken foot. It could have been worse. It could have been tragic. This is an aspect that's easily lost on us as we try to think up snarky and witty things to say about the photos. Somebody could have been killed -- the driver, a pedestrian, another motorist. Miraculously, the only injury suffered was minor.

Oh yeah. And the car appears to be totaled, much to the chagrin of Porschephiles. But here's the part you aren't reading anywhere else: the man who wrecked the car made good. As we mentioned, he happened to be a very big businessman, and we now know that he's also a standup guy. He bought the car's owner another Carrera GT the next day. With lower mileage on the odometer to boot.
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