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Old 10-09-2005, 08:03 AM   #107
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Originally Posted by Wutputt
The story behind my nickname:

Wutputt is a descended of the Russian word 'wutprutski' which itself is a junction of two ancient Russian words 'wutrsj' and 'prutski'. Prutski is the word that was used to indicate the harem of mistresses of the Tsar. In those days a Tsar power was reflected in the number of mistresses he had. And Wurtsj actually means godlike. So if we join those two words together we get a word to define the divine beauty of the mistresses. So what about the double 't' at the end of my nickname? In ancient Russian doubling a consonant indicates a multiple. In short, Wutputt means a giant harem of divine beautiful mistresses
mummy.....I'm confused.

Couldn't you have just said your surname was Wutputt or something?
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