Thread: Nissan GT-R
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Old 06-19-2008, 02:08 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by HeilSvenska View Post
Fast doesn't always equal cool. It may be fast, but it's still ugly as sin, and too big.
Yes, a car may be fast, but ugly and so not cool. This car looks very nice for me. And size... Well, smaller than VW Veyron.

However, what I don't get is why people vote the also ugly VW Veyron to be cool, and this not. Veyron's key feature is performance - hello, this got lots more of it. And this is a car that will actually be raced, not just decorated in gold and driven by a rich dude's trophy wife at 40mph. Veyron is bling - Skyline and GT-R are true sports cars.

This car isn't hardcore like Caterham, but at least it has that *thing* that will keep non-drivers out of it. And it doesn't have that bling that makes it look like a piece of jewelry.
So why do people vote Veyron as cool and GT-R not? I think the reason is simple: lots of awes from the popular press on the Veyron, and much less on GT-R. Much less from popular sources.

It's neither of those, and despite it not being a race car, the GT-R was bred specifically to go fast around Nurburgring.
It was built for handling. All European manufacturers test it around Nurburgring - it's just a good indication. Nissan really did it this time.

Although I wonder how would it compare to a Skyline R34 beefed up to 480hp.
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