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Old 12-13-2008, 09:59 AM   #303
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haha ok i'll take that advice

i don't really know why i'm going to write down the following words as the movies aren't new and are considered classics. but what the hell

Citizen Kane - hmmm this is a tough one, it's the first very old movie i have ever seen so i probably can't really judge about the quality of the movie. but i really liked the characters alot and the plot was really good even though i was sometimes a bit confused because there was just too much going on in too short time intervals.

giving it a solid 8.5/10

Apocalypse Now! - Saigon ....... shit.

pretty good movie, it made me sick to my stomach while i was enjoying my lunch. i guess i chose the wrong time to watch it but i like how it shows an ugly war and how it fucks with the soldiers minds. but in my oppinion the ending was kind of weird and didn't really do it for me. it left to may questions open...

"Some say that the outline of his left nipple is exactly the same shape as the Nürburgring, and that if you give him a really important job to do, he'll skive off and play croquet... all we know is, he's called the Stig."

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