Thread: New Miura
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Old 01-05-2006, 07:22 AM   #44
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Return to the future!

In Lamborghini they speak about "return to the future" in order to define this concept car and the cinematographic citation us seems decidedly azzettaca, why that one that we propose you other is not that a rivisitazione in modern key of the mythical Miura, than just in these months it completes its first 40 years.

Between passed and future
Designed from Marcello Gandini, the Miura - considered in absolute as one of the beautifulr automobiles of the world - in fact is introduced for before the time to the public to the Hall of Geneva of the 1966 from Ferruccio Lamborghini and Nuccio Bertone.
Hour Lamborghini has decided of omaggiare what it is in all probability the more famous model of the own history and at the same time sondare in land in forecast of an ulterior widening of the own range. Yes, why according to the official official notice "the eventual putting in production has not been still decided", that it means however that to Sant' Agate there are seriously thinking...

E' always she
The line of the car remains in fact that one of extraordinary purity of the model originates them. Indeed, in this case De' Silva it seems it are concentrated above all on the improvement of superficial and sull’the elimination of the details superfluous, so as to to evidence of pulizia of the shapes and the proportion of the volumes.
And the aesthetic one has gone of equal step with the aerodynamic efficiency, from the moment that the CX - not declared for the moment - and the aerodynamic deportanza is of absolute relief for one sport stradale.In this way, a true one and own icona of the design it resumes life. "In last the two years of my professional life - Walter de Silva’ has said Director of the Design of the Brand Group Audios and, from the slid month of December, also Responsible of the Design of the House of From Bologna’Sant Agate - I have often caress the dream to redesign the Miura. Hour that I have taken in hand directly the Style of the Lamborghini, and thanks also all’enthusiasm of the President of Automobiles Lamborghini, Stephan Winkelmann, this dream has become truth ".

The "Lamborghini Miura Concept" will be exposed on the stand of the House of the Taurus to the next Motor Show di Detroit.

Between nostalgia and creativity
End here the official facts and declarations, but what to think about this Miura Concept? Ce we are asked it in writing, while we published in preview - pardoned the immodestia, but sure times wants to us... - this article. The aesthetic judgment cannot that positive being, why its lines are indeed beautifulst and also the comparison with not ago originates it them sure to disfigure the job of De' Silva.
The doubts, however, are born just observing the new and the old Miura, why this concept - to seeming of who it writes - is indeed too much similar to the mythical sportswoman of years Sixty. Like for Ford GT, therefore, the excellence of the aesthetic result does not cancel the impression "already seen". Here, for the Miura of the 2000 we would have preferred a car more originates them, than it was limited to cite the creation of Gandini in order to arrive to a formal result more staff. Sure, if this Miura enters in production is a capolavoro entusiasmante, but from Lamborghini and De' Silva - it always accustoms to you from breaking off the outlines - there would be waits for something to you of various.
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