Thread: New Veyron Test
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Old 12-24-2006, 12:21 AM   #14
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I'll spank a Veyron on my bike every single race until about 150 when aerodynamics start to really come into play.
Well, I guess if your statement is indeed accurate, it will still have its way with you for its next 100mph, until its rev limiter kicks in.

Like I said before, even if you are capable of pulling sub 10s (on demand) on your nifty bike, its only a matter of when, not if, the Veyron will blow your spokes off. Since its doing 140mph+ at the 1/4, you would be pretty depressed by the end of the standing km (I know this isn't a 'metric' often used by Americans).

I have never understood why people are so negative about the Veyron. It's not like VW Group made it out to be anything other than what it is: The most capable GT car of this era. I don't think any semi-intelligent individual would claim that it was intended to compete with an Elise, or even a Mac F1, for that matter. It just happens to accelerate faster and have a higher top speed than any other engineered production car to date. For the record, I believe it also accomplishes the highest recorded deceleration rate of >1.6g, above 375 km/h (just in case you were interested).
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