Thread: Playstation 3
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Old 05-19-2005, 07:57 PM   #41
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...and I thought I was done...

Originally Posted by 666fast
All you've shown me are games which the Xbox shares with one or more consoles
Just a few posts ago, you called them exclusive, as you can see, they no longer are.
Tekken still seems like it. Only Sega (VF) and SquareEnix (FF) seem to have "spread their risks".

compatible with the PSP, which is like an ultimate iPod in it's own right
The PSP will be able to connect with the Xbox 360 as well.
Eh? PSP is Sony's handheld. PlayStation Portable. I don't think Microsoft even wants it to be compatible. Lol.

Why would the Japanese pay for the Xbox 360 version (AND an Xbox 360) of a game they've been playing for pretty much over a year?
Because they like to collect things. Ever notice how there were a billion different PS2 consoles in Japan, but nowhere else? Then there is the graphical advantage, while how a game looks isn't most important to me, to some it's very important.
Don't be daft. FFVII was also re-sold on the PC after a while. Seems to me that Microsoft has reached a deal of receiving Sony's titles after they've served their purpose for the PlayStation franchise. Sort of like how people buy used underwear at a car boot sale.

Besides, Xbox 360 is only just getting FFXI... that game has been out for the PS2 for quite some time now.
And if it's a success, you don't think the Xbox will see future versions of the game?
Errr...see above.

Even if you talk about hardware peripherals... PS3 gets the bluetooth controllers right out of the box
and the Xbox 360 gets wireless controllers right out of the box. It's also known that Peripherals don't sell too well.
When I was talking about peripherals, I meant the non-processing related hardware bits such as controllers, et al. Xbox 360 allows for (IIRC) 4 wireless controllers out of the box. PS3 allows for 7 bluetooth controllers out of the box.

I'm still interested in the PS3, but I don't think it'll slaughter the Xbox in sales this time around. There is also the issue of online gaming, Xbox Live proves it's very much in demand. As far as I know, Sony seems to have no plan whatsoever.
I'll hold my tongue on overall sales as well. I don't think the Xbox will do well in Japan, but it would be interesting to see what approach Microsoft will take with regards to their main market, the USA.

I too would like to know what changes Sony is making with regards to online play. I know for a fact that the PS3 was designed with online play in mind (combined processing power and all that, which they mentioned over a year ago), and that FFXI did well in Japan. How Sony will integrate their approach to online gaming with regards to the American and European markets will be the most interesting bit if you ask me.
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