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Old 06-02-2007, 12:27 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by tforth
What's this crap about transmissions being able to reliably deal with more than a doubling of power/torque?? I guess the more appropriate question id for how long? Have any of you taken any science courses at all, never mind mechanical engineering?

Car systems and components are designed for their intended application loads, with a safety factor, the magnitude of which is usually directly related to your understanding of the problem/design at hand. Even given that certain engineers may not be as knowledgeable as others, I'm pretty confident that the bean counters would not allow that much 'fat' in the designs. Don't kid yourself, extra robustness costs money. If you've worked with any of the 'big' three you'll know that they are the last to spend it!!

Lastly, as I have gone in to great detail in the past explaining, evo has stated irrequivacably that the Veyron is the fastest car in the 'twisties'. This is when they compared it to none other than an enzo (modified), CGT, Zonda S (modified)...

Mechanics specials are not comparable to an engineered car. If you have ever worked in the automotive industry and taken something (especially new technology) from concept to volume production, you would understand this.

Sorry, but it is most definitely the Veyron's time to shine ;->
What I was getting at is this...

15 years on, there is only one group of people even willing to "advertise" (even though they dont) that will even touch the Bugatti EB110's... and Bugatti of today most definately wont.... what about the Bugatti of 10 years from now, 20 years from now, and 30 years from now? The small block is the stable of availability that the Veyron simply cannot even hope to think it had a chance at being similar.

If you've ever taken a business course, you'd know that such niche firms change hands like Larry King changes wives, and you'd be kidding yourself if you thought that when Niche firms change hands, that all corperate liabilitys do as well.
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