Thread: triplets
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Old 12-18-2003, 06:32 PM   #1
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Default triplets

This lady is pregnant with triplets. Two girls, one boy. One day she walks in a bank and a robbery is going on. She is shot three times in the stomach and is immediately rushed to the hospital. The doctor says everything should be fine, but trying to remove the bullets could kill the babies. The babies are born a few months later very healthy.
16 years later.
The mother is reading a book and her daughter runs in crying. She tells her mother she was urinating and a bullet came out. Her mother explains to her what happened 16 years ago. The daughter is a bit traumatized but is fine. Then a few moments later the second daughter comes in crying. The mother explains to her what happened 16 years ago as well. The second daughter is a bit shocked but is also OK. Then her son comes in crying. The mother than says, "Let me guess, you were urinating and a bullet came out." In tears he said, "NO! I was jacking off and I shot the dog!"
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