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Old 09-12-2009, 07:43 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Mattk View Post
Read what came before. You can't simply shoot anybody who simply wanders onto your front lawn. Stepping onto someone's porch by itself is not even trespass. Not that the law relates only to defence. Your home may be your castle, but it isn't your personal free-fire zone.
Actually, you can "simply shoot" anybody that wanders onto your front lawn - really , you can. The important thing would be to kill the person - as dead men tell no lies.

If you are not welcome and you are a threat to me (my interpretation of threat) I can and will shoot you and will be justified and protected in my actions.

I know it is hard for your liberal kumbaya mind to comprehend self-preservation, but it is real and protected activity and does wonders to reduce crime.

In fact, if you so much as put your arm through my car window your face will be introduced to hollow point slugs at 2300fps... as I am legally entitled to be in that space, it is my domain and castle, you are unwelcome and trespassing and therefore a threat and may, I mean, will be neutralized.

Aren't guns wonderful to have around
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